Monday, April 19, 2010

Empanada girls

Oh how we love empanadas in this house.
Homemade dough with a little bit of wheat flour...yum.
Chicken, onions, olives and spices...yum yum!

Only ONE bite dad.
Thank you Smitten Kitchen for a lovely recipe.

Soon Sage will be able to join in the yummy eating fun. Although, she is all sorts of yummy cuteness all by herself. It's hard for me not to eat her up everyday. Gosh, I love this baby.

Happy Birthday me! (so this was over a month ago, but oh well.)

German bought cake and decorations.

Kai and Ian enjoying some cake!
Shaunna and Kiersta...I mean Brinlee and Faryn

Thanks for stopping by to visit with the kiddos!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Happy Birthday daddy!

waffles for breakfast

cheesecake for dinner
~We sure love dad~