Thursday, October 22, 2009

Spaghetti fun and other random pics

I need to do a post about Audrey and Sage when I have more time, but for now here are some recent pics of all the monkeys.

This baby is getting so big and I love her so stinkin' much...thanks for the outfit Shaunna!

More fun at the Bailey's

We all love daddy-o!

Did I mention how much a love this beautiful girl??? She is such a sweetie and I am so glad she came to our family!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

LUCY FLOR! (this is what she hears when she's in trouble)

Some of you may have already seen this picture on German's facebook page, but I have to post it on here because I LOVE IT!!! Lucy is only a minute older than Audrey, but she is already proving to have traits of the oldest child. She is such a loving little girl! She is keenly aware of other people's feelings and loves to help out. I was emptying the dishwasher the other day and she was watching me pull out the silverware, I then looked down to see her smiling face hand me a clean spoon. It took longer to finish, but it was nice to not have to lean down over and over again. She pulled out everything one by one and handed it to me, while I put stuff away.

She always has to know where Audrey is and when she can't see her she'll look up at me and ask "Where's Audy?" Yesterday she asked me where Audrey was and I said "I don't know" to which she replied, "Oh, you don know..." and she went to look for her. She has a love/hate relationship with Sage--she also asks me "where's da baby?" One minute she'll be saying "oh baby oh baby" while smothering her with kisses then the next she'll try to step on her. She loves to dance and laugh. She is also sneaky and knows when she is being naughty. She'll hit me or pull on the blinds or do something then she'll just give me this look like "Yeah, that's right! What are you going to do about it?" It drives me nuts and is so cute at the same time. She is also mastering the art of a fake smile, it cracks me up, someday I'll get a picture of it.

Today Audrey was freaking out because she wanted to take a bath, but she had to finish eating first (and I was bathing Sage). I was saying (in a quiet loving manner-haha) "no Audrey", "calm down Audrey", "finish eating your food Audrey." Which of course just made her scream even louder and have more of a fit--then out of the blue Lucy looks over at her and says "no Audrey no!" and Lucy went right back to eating her food. It was hilarious! I love my Lucyloo!

It is amazing how everyday she seems to learn how to say new words. Here are a few that I can think of right now...mommy, daddy, Audy, baby, purple, pink, bu (blue), outside, agua, shoes, elmo, dog, bear, meow, fish, eye, nose, toes, bath, no, pees (please), night night, bee (blankie), where's da ____?, color, Cars (her fav movie), dough, comer (eat), snack, bite, poon, muua (kiss)...