Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday twin tidbit

Last year my mission companion friend, Robyn came to visit me with her son Apollo and yesterday she came again with her new addition, Annie born in February. She and I are leading almost parallel lives, she had her baby boy through the invitro process and when he was only 10 months old she found out they had gotten pregnant on their own. At least the girls were a little older when we found out. Last year Apollo had fun checking out the girls for the first time, click here to see pics, we decided he liked Lucy best. Well yesterday, their relationship blossomed even more.
(cute baby Annie)

Fun at Southtowne Mall children's play area

Dad gets his upper and lower body workout!
He is SOOO much fun!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday twin tidbit

Today is a picture fest post. Daddy was out of town for a couple of days, so mommy decided to take alot of pictures to capture what he missed.

The girls have been bottle free for a few weeks now and their nighttime routine includes their leche, their blankies and a 20-30 minute show or movie. (I love this time of day!)

We went to visit my cousin Julie and her cute little boy Evan in Springville. Jules is like a sister to me, so he's cousin Evan to us. The weather was so nice!

They even got to take a bath together!

Here are the happy girls this morning waiting at the airport, so excited for daddy to come home.

We went to The Gateway for some free Ben & Jerry's ice cream--only to find out that free scoops are only offered from 12pm-8pm. It was only 10:30 and I was so sad...(and mad)!

The girls LOVED the 'agua'!

New summer outfits!

Handsome daddy with his girls! We are soooo glad he's home!

On the left is me today at 27 weeks and on the right is me with the girls at 24 weeks. I couldn't find a picture of me at 27 weeks with the twins, but at only 24 weeks I was 2 inches bigger around and 15 more pounds than I am now.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday twin tidbit

The girls went to nursery for the first time this Easter Sunday and did pretty well. Audrey did great, but after the first class I went to peek through the window and saw Lucy having a breakdown, so I took her out for a bit to calm her down. It was probably harder for me than it was for them. I missed seeing them in their cute new dresses--that is until we were chasing them around during sacrament meeting. I was exhausted by the time we got home!

We didn't do any traditional Easter things with the girls. We enjoyed the tulips outside and took some pictures in their new dresses. Oh, and I did let them eat some jelly beans, but that's about it. German tried to tell them a little bit about Christ's death and resurrection. I hope someday they will truly comprehend the significance of why we celebrate Easter and what a blessing it is to know Christ lives!

They are getting so big and I love their kisses! I've been talking to the the girls about the "peanut" in my belly for a awhile now and if I say "give peanut a kiss" they'll come lift my shirt and kiss my belly and say "muah." Although, they also like to kiss dad's and nana's peanut as well. ;)

Audrey's new favorite word is "yeAAAAH!" Anything she is excited about gets a "yeAAAAAH!" Audrey do you want a snack? "yeAAAAH!" or do you want to go outside? "yeAAAAH!" Or if she gets the shape in the box or finds her blankie or opens a drawer by herself she'll shout out "yeAAAAH!" She kind of has a low voice and it always makes me laugh.

Lucy likes to mock mom's "no." It's her favorite word to say. I'm not sure she knows exactly what it means because she only says it after I've said it. She also likes to imitate mom after I do a grunt/growl thing. It's what I do when I'm frustrated to keep from yelling, it's wierd. I didn't realize I did it so much until Lucy started doing it. Sometimes she'll even growl before I get a chance to when I've caught her being naughty. Isn't she just so funny?

I sure love our girls!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009