Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday twin tidbit

Well, since I've been sick the girls have been watching more TV than I'd like to admit. German found this show on PBS and the girls LOVE it. All we have to do when they are acting cranky is say 'SUPERWHY' and their faces light up and then they run to the TV. They love dancing to this theme song and are completely content and quiet for 30 whole minutes.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday twin tidbit

Last week I missed posting because I was throwing up everyday and feeling yuck all day long. I have not felt like doing anything, but I think I am finally starting to get over this. Yesterday I actually cleaned and cooked a little bit.

The girls are napping and I am sitting here now listening to President Obama's inaugural speech. I must admit, I can't help but be charmed by this man. I honestly look forward to seeing him prove himself in office and I have hope in his abilities and character. It may seem silly, but I tend to focus alot on the personal life of our political leaders--at least on what I read and how their personal lives appear. Most importantly, I tend to scrutinize the wife because we all know that every great man must have an even greater wife! My all time favorite first ladies are Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush. I do really like Laura Bush, as well, and I am already in love with Michelle Obama. She seems to be a caring mother and devoted wife, not to mention her intelligence, strength and beauty. I look forward to witnessing what the future unfolds.

Anyway, the girls are really getting good at riding their zebra horsey Christmas present from my sister. Lucy really likes to do the "bucking bronco" style, while Audrey is still pretty mellow. She likes to give her giant stuffed animal friends a ride, although I think she just uses them as padding for when she falls off. Here they are in action.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Tuesday twin tidbit

Sorry I missed last Tuesday, but I have not been feeling well and figured Monday's post was good enough. Poor Audrey has been sick this past week, but today she is feeling much better demonstrated by her playfulness. It started with a low fever on New Year's Eve, but on Friday her temperature got up to 102, so we took her to the pediatrician's office. The nurse practitioner found nothing wrong with her and after way too much poking and prodding told us she "thought that maybe" it was an ear infection just starting, but she wasn't sure. She ended up prescribing amoxicillin and we left the office quite frustrated not knowing exactly what was wrong. Finally, her fever went away on Sunday and we thought she was all better, but then yesterday afternoon she broke out in a rash/hives all over her neck, chest and back. German took her to the Urgent Care last night and told the doctor everything that had happened. He checked her ears and said they were fine and to stop the amoxicillin, he diagnosed it as roseola. It was comforting to finally know what she had and today she seems completely better. We're so glad she is no longer sick, but I am going to miss how lovey and cuddly she was with German and me. She constantly wanted to be held (mostly by dad) and would snuggle up on our lap or she'd just walk up and hug our legs. And it was soo cute to see Lucy's concerned face when her little sister cried. She is such a great big sister and is always bringing Audrey her blankie or sharing toys with her. Audrey does not share as well and really doesn't seem to give Lucy the time of day.
(sick girls love to cuddle)

Another cute tidbit about Lucy this week was I had to run into the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach and I didn't have time to close the bathroom door all the way. Poor Lucy pushed the door open and saw her sick mommy on her knees. I looked over quickly and saw the fear and shock in her eyes, she looked so worried. It was cute and sad at the same time. In between heaves I tried to reassure her by telling her I was ok and to go play (and to stay away from me). Hopefully, she wasn't too traumatized--I've got to make sure I close the door all the way next time.

Earlier last week we got to see our awesome friends the Shelleys who are home visiting family for the holidays and I got to snug on their cute little almost 6 month old Porter. He is just too cute (and so is Liz)! Babies are so much fun...