Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday twin tidbit

It's so fun to be a cowgirl!

I finally got a video of Audrey's cautious little steps.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Just FYI about my health blog

I've decided to start highlighting some great all natural/organic foods that I have been trying lately and post about it on my health blog. If anyone is interested in that kind of stuff, then head on over!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday twin tidbit

An interesting tidbit for you all is that I have four friends pregnant with twins right now. Two are friends from BYU (most of you know them), one from high school and one is actually a girl I used to babysit. Crazy, huh? I am putting this very unflattering pic of myself taken this time last year because I just can't believe how freakin' huge I was and I am feeling all of their pain (two are due any day now)! I really don't miss that last part of being prego at all! HANG IN THERE GIRLS!

We all have stuffy noses here and it is no fun. The girls HATE the snot-suctioner thingy and snot is getting everywhere (clothes, couch, hair, etc). Audrey can take a bunch of steps, but she is much more cautious than Lucy. I've been wanting to get a short video clip of her, but it hasn't happened yet. Oh, and they are starting to figure out how to open cupboards and drawers, I am not too excited about that! We have more baby-proofing to do...

My mom came over tonight to take care of the girls and put them to bed so we could go to the temple. THANKS MOM!!! We even spent a half hour at Barnes & Noble afterwards. It's nice to get to be with just German sometimes. We need to do it more often! Again, it's late and I'm off to bed.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday twin tidbit

Wow, the day is almost over and I'm pooped. The girls were both pretty cranky and needy today. Poor little Audrey is getting a couple of her molars and I think Lucy may be starting to get hers as well.

German stayed with the girls while I went to meet my friend Ally for dinner. She's due in Feb with her first baby girl--her belly is growing and she looks so cute, I wish I had taken my camera with me. (Hey Ally, post some new belly pics!!!) I was even able to feel her baby girl moving around. It is always great to get away and go out with friends once in awhile. And Ally was nice enough to let me talk her ear off almost the whole time. See you next month Ally!

Below are just a couple of silly pics German took of the girls last week. Sunglasses and pajamas in October...what fun! Ok, I'm off to bed.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday I'm in love...

I'm in love with canning! Today I went to do dry-pack canning here at the Murray Cannery for my first time. It was so much fun and I really felt the Spirit there. I canned red wheat, white beans, dried apples & oats. I purchased a few already packed cans of pinto beans, rice, white flour and black beans. Also, a lady there recommended I try the refried beans, so I bought a few cans. I am so glad I did--you just add it to boiling water and it is delicious. I used a bit more water to make a smoother consistency for the girls. They loved them and it has alot of fiber. We now have about six months of food storage, and it gives German and me so much peace of mind. I am also excited to make some homemade wheat bread, but first I need to buy a wheat grinder. Anyone have a recommendation as to which one I should buy?

"We encourage members world-wide to prepare for adversity in life by having a basic supply of food and water and some money in savings." Click here for more info.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tuesday twin tidbit

The bottom drawer in the kitchen is filled with colorful 'toys' to keep the girls entertained while I am cooking. A few days ago, Audrey decided to see if she could fit inside and of course, Lucy followed her. They had a grand ol' time. Then yesterday Audrey emptied the basket for the gazzillionth time and decided to climb inside to play. She loved it! Lucy tried to follow her, but the basket proved to be too small.
So, I took Audrey out to give Lucy a turn. I left the room for a minute and came back to find that Audrey had no problems climbing in on top of Lucy. They only lasted a minute, Lucy wasn't a fan of being squished.

Silly girls...bytheway, Audrey took her first few steps yesterday! Lucy loves walking all over the house. I think she is gloating about being able to walk before Audrey. They are so fun to watch!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Friday I'm in love...

I really love running! It shocks me sometimes because I've always completely hated it, especially in junior high when we were forced to do those stupid fun runs. I am doing a free 5K up at the Hill AFB next Saturday (German is very excited to show the girls all the neat planes). There is also a one mile race for kids and all you have to do is bring canned food. I can't wait to take the girls to some of the fun little races in a few years. I also signed up for the Winter Sun 10K down in Moab on Dec 6th and I convinced German to do it with me. I am hoping I can train enough to at least keep up with him for a little while. Last week he decided to see how fast he could run a mile, just for fun. He hasn't been exercising very much lately at all, but he finished in 6:40. I really wish I was as naturally athletic as him. Gosh, I love him, too!