Thursday, February 28, 2008

Goodbye Utah county...

So, we're moving in 9 days. I won't go into details, but the owners need to sell. My family moved to Orem when I was ten years old. I've lived in Utah county for almost 20 years of my life, minus three years (mission & living in San Diego post-mission). We're not going far, but I hear Salt Lake county is a whole other world. We are really looking forward to the change and especially excited to move into a duplex right next door to our BYU friends Ryan & Kiersta. Kiersta is such an amazing friend and mom and German can't wait to watch soccer games with Ryan. It will be nice having a backyard and living on ground level (w/o people above or below us). Anyone know where we can get alot of boxes fast?

Here's the view I get of the girls after nursing, they are always happiest with a full tummy.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday twin tidbit (much more than a tidbit today)

I love nursing! It's been a four month struggle, but so worth it. Here's my long tale...I always wanted to breastfeed, but I'd heard of its difficulties and if I couldn't, I couldn't. Although, I was determined to try my darndest! I read everything I could find, took a breastfeeding class, and purchased this twin nursing pillow. Then the girls were born. The lactation nurse visited me just hours after, advised me to use the hospital pump at least three times a day and assured me I'd be able to nurse my twins. I was exhausted, but did as I was told. I rejoiced after a successful feeding and cried when the girls were having a hard time latching on.

After four days the girls had lost over 10% of their birthweight, so the doctor recommended supplementing formula. I was discouraged, but kept pumping. We rented a hospital pump for month and I pumped after every feeding. I couldn't get them both to latch at the same time, so I'd just nurse one baby, then the other, then pump. With diaper changing, this process usually took about an hour and a half, so I was getting maybe an hour of sleep before the next cycle. After a couple weeks I was still supplementing formula and was only producing 1 or 2 ounces total of breastmilk (newborns need about 2-3 ounces each per feeding). I wanted to give up, but kept trying. I called the lactation consultant every other day, sometimes pumped before and after each feeding, purchased a liquid herbal fenugreek mix called 'more milk plus' (tasted very disgusting bytheway) and still not enough.

It came time to return the rented hospital pump and I thought of giving up again, but the girls were finally latching on so well. I decided to purchase my own double electric pump and by six weeks I was a walking zombie. I needed more sleep! I gave them whatever breastmilk I had pumped in a bottle along with formula and only nursed once or twice a day. I got the girls on the same schedule and I was sleeping 4-5 hours at night. Luckily, the girls were still latching on and by eight weeks I could finally use my twin nursing pillow and nurse them at the same time for a couple feedings per day. My milk supply had increased, but so had their appetite. I was producing about 15-20 ounces per day, but they were consuming about 50-60 ounces total per day.

Finally, around 12 weeks the girls were sleeping 9-10 hours at night and I was starting to feel normal again. I began tandem nursing at every feeding, offering a bottle and then I would pump. Slowly, I noticed they were consuming less and less formula per day. I now only supplement about 10-15 ounces of formula per day, although sometimes I think they don't really need it. I offer it more out of worry because I want to make sure they are full.

So, that's my long tale. Some might ask if it was worth it and for me I have to emphatically say YES! I enjoy nursing for so many reasons. First of all, having my hands free to read a book or use the computer or talk on the phone makes the time fly by. But mostly I enjoy the closeness the three of us are able to experience. I love to play with their hair or have them grab onto my finger. Sometimes, I'll look down to see one or both staring up at me; they'll flash me a goofy grin, then get back to business. And I love when they are just staring at each other. Lately, Lucy will pat or grab onto Audrey's hand for awhile. It's so cute. That is why I heart nursing!

Anyone out there ever use a nursing necklace? Audrey's been getting more and more distracted and pinching me a bit. I really like this one, but I want to know if they've worked for anyone else before I buy one. Thanks for all your comments...isn't blogging fun?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Tagged by Kiersta

What's fun...
1-Right now I love trying to get my girls to smile, babble or laugh!
2-Going on a nature drive and/or hike with German
4-Watching Everybody Loves Raymond with German
5-Pretty much anything with German
5-Cooking and eating FRENCH TOAST--yum yum
6-Talking on the phone with friends
8-Reading a REALLY good unpredictable book (hate when I can figure out what will happen next)
9-Going out to eat
10-Getting my hair done or a pedicure
11-Taking pictures
12-Finding a great deal on something
...and that's all I can think of right now, but it doesn't take a whole lot for me to have fun!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday twin tidbit

I haven't posted since the girls were born, so I told Sara I'd write something this Tuesday. The girls have been talking up a storm lately. Yesterday we noticed that they're much more likely to loosen up the tongue if they're right next to each other. It's as if they feed off one another. Lucy gathers up energy and starts cooing and Audrey follows shortly thereafter with her "gurgling." They can go up to ten minutes at times all while Sara and I watch them, laughing at times, trying to keep them going. They're a joy to watch! Here they are chatting it up in Audrey's crib.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

We Love Raymond

Just been watching Everybody Loves Raymond episodes lately (German and I have all 9 seasons) and it's just sooo stinkin' funny. We watch them over and over again and still laugh hysterically. Anyone else out there fans? If so, what's your favorite clip? Here's a funny one for you to enjoy...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday twin tidbit

German's grandpa (Abuelo) and aunt Norma came over to visit us on Sunday. Abuelo is holding Lucy & Tia Norma has Audrey. Tia brought over some of her yummy empanadas and gnocchis. We love her cooking! We chatted and baby watched for a few hours. It was great to see Abuelo talking & playing with the girls. We hope he sticks around awhile longer, at least until the girls get old enough to have memories of him. He's 88 years old and has a prosthetic leg; I know just walking around is painful and very difficult for him. Yet, he still wanted to get down on the floor and play with the girls. He is such a sweet old man! Here are some pics of the girls with their great grandpa...te amamos visabuelo Oscar!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Daily Routine

*this is my typical daily routine, but most days it varies--plus or minus 30 mins or so.

7:00am feed girls, change diapers, then some playtime
8:30am down for naptime, mommy eats breakfast, checks email & blog, etc...
10:00am feed girls, then some playtime
12:00pm change diapers, down for naptime, mommy eats lunch, takes shower
1:00pm feed girls, then some playtime
2:30pm down for naptime, mommy prepares dinner, household chores or maybe takes a nap :)
4:30pm feed girls, change diapers
5:30pm daddy comes home! playtime w/ dad or bathtime
6:30pm mommy & daddy eat dinner
7:00pm girls last feeding
8:00pm change diapers, hugs & kisses, bedtime for girls...mommy & daddy hangout, chat about the day whatever
10:00pm pray, read & lights out

I was wondering what kind of routine everyone has, since I'm new at this and all. So, here's my schedule and I tag Lori Q, Hannah C, Jenny M, Ashley L, Justina S, Brittany F, Shaunna L, Darlene R, Wendy F, Karen B, Lindsey P...well actually I'm interested in anyone who wants to share. Also, does anyone have more playtime activity ideas for newborns? We read books, do tummytime, play w/ mobiles & toys or just chitchat. Let me know what you enjoy doing! THANKS...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Tuesday twin tidbit

The girls are three months old this week and we can't believe how much they've grown. We love staying home and cuddling with our precious little LuLu & ReeRee. Happy Three Months!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Saturday we celebrated our 6th year anniversary by going out to lunch and having a blast at the U23D IMAX film. German said it was "Even Better than the Real Thing." Thanks again to aunt Amy, uncle Spencer and cousins Dayton and Ellie for watching the girls. Lucy and Audrey told us they enjoyed every minute of it.