Saturday, October 27, 2007

No babies yet...

I started my leave from work two weeks ago and it's great staying home, but time is going by sooo slow. I don't go out much, I've been able to nap alot and even cooked a few meals to put in the freezer. My doctor now thinks it will probably be another week or two, which I have to remind myself is better for them. The girls are too cozy in there and are measuring about 6 pounds each. Luckily, I've been feeling pretty good--no contractions (that I feel), no back pain, my swelling has actually improved, and although my cervix has slightly thinned out, there is no dilation. My waist measures 48 inches and I just move really slow and go to the bathroom alot. So, since I'm not too miserable I don't mind waiting another two weeks if necessary. Besides, people keep reminding me that they are easier to take care of inside my belly than out. I've had to stop watching The Baby Story show because it makes me overly anxious and excited to meet our girls! I wouldn't mind bringing them home soon...tah tah for now! With Love, OBM (One Big Mama)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Recent prego pics at 32 weeks

The girls are doing great and my doctor thinks we will be having Halloween babies. We are enjoying our last few days of the quiet life w/o any kiddos.