Friday, September 28, 2007

Baby shower #2--thanks Amy & mom!

My sister and mom found the cutest girliest place in Alpine to throw me a family/friends shower. It's called Dear Lizzie's Boutique & Bistro and we had alot of fun!

Momma, Amy and very prego me!

Me and German's Aunt Norma

Cheryl Colyar (the wife of my old bishop from Wyview) along with daughter-in-law Kristi Colyar. 

  They are making babies out of playdough. Fun game!

Me and Tania from my mission in Argentina, this is the only side shot taken of me at 31 weeks.

Me and Aunt Janice

Isn't this place so cute??? Aunt Jan, my cousin Kristy with her daughter Aleah

This is Alexis, Renee, Vanessa and her cute little boy--Friends from an old ward I lived in during high school. They're actually the sisters and mom of an old boyfriend, and I miss hanging out with them.

German's cousin David just married this great girl in June, so I guess that makes her my cousin-in-law Julie.

Beautiful Lexi!

Me and the only other male in the place (he showed up later to take pics--he's so sweet)

My mom, me and my sister--thanks again for everything!

Go visit Dear Lizzie's Boutique!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thank you Liz and Kiersta...

 Saturday, my friends threw me a beautiful baby shower and it was so fun seeing old friends from Wyview. I miss living in such a great community around so many amazing people. Thanks again for everything!

The decorations were beautiful--Liz and Kiersta are so talented!

The pink and brown refreshments were amazing!

The awesome party planners in brown shirts--such cutie girls!

LOOK AT THIS TABLE!!! With bottled root beer to drink...

Cheesecake w/ fresh raspberries on top...

home-made sugar cookies w/ pink frosting...

cream puffs w/ chocolate icing...

and an insanely rich chocolate layered cake!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Thank you Wyview friends!

The eats and decoration!!! So awesome!

Thank you Jamie for the great baby supplies--Aysa is adorable!

My girls are going to be super cute in these jogging outfits--thanks Melissa!

Thanks Amber for the skirt overall outfits, so cute!

Thanks Tiffini for the princess PJ's. Helen is a doll, I love her dimples!

Thanks Amanda for essential baby supplies and cutest card!

Thank you so much Liz & Betsy for inviting us to your beautiful home and for the clothesline of cute pink baby clothes. I also love the books!

Thanks Kiersta for the PJ's and nesting boxes and also for the beautiful decor--you are so talented!

Thanks Lilla for the soft pink blankets and sockies!

Thanks Lynna for the classical music and lullabies, my girls already love it!

I love these girls so much! THANK YOU LIZ AND KIERSTA!!!