Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Babies first Christmas

This is also our first family picture. I've finally got the girls on the same schedule, which means I am getting a little more sleep. Actually since Christmas Eve the girls have started to let me sleep 4-5 hours straight at night! It's amazing what an hour more of sleep can do for your sanity--def a great Christmas gift from our girls! We love them sooo much.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bath Time!

You can probably guess from the pictures who enjoys bath time and who doesn't. Lucy is usually fussy right up to the point when we dump her in the warm water, after which she is happy as a lark. Audrey on the other hand, has grown to dislike the whole process (must have gotten that from me - I hated bathing until just a few months ago...ok, I was more like 9). I remember wetting my hair and pretending to have showered completely so my mom would leave me alone.

It's funny how parents indulge in trying to figure out who passed on a certain gene - big ears, big nose, blue eyes, brown eyes. I'm just as guilty of it. I catch myself saying "those are grandpa's ears," or "she's got my crooked toe."

Why do we do it? Parents have a hidden fear that their kids will not be "cute" and somehow that will mean a life filled with misery and heartache for them or something bizarre like that. Sure we all want cute kids, but if we give their looks a disproportionate amount of attention we may one day regret the finished product: a child bound by depression and low self-confidence, who probably struggles from some sort of eating disorder.

I can't tell you how many times people have asked me what color their eyes are. That's a simple enough question except that sometimes, I know that the person asking thinks that darker eyes are in some way inferior to light eyes. I have green eyes but I love the way my wife's soft brown eyes glow in the sun. They complement her freckles and auburn hair dramatically. Had it been any other way I may never have been struck the way I was when I first saw her. (Brownie points for me!)

Enough hot air for one night. I'll end by commenting on these two pics, and I choose my words carefully: I love the way Lucy's gentleness is captured by this picture. The way she looks into your eyes can be so subtle but completely penetrating it's impossible not to be stirred. Audrey's spirit is vibrant and capable of expressing a wide range of emotion. Thankfully for us, her "grumpier" moments tend to be the exception, but even then I love absorbing her little tantrums. I love my three girls!

Monday, December 17, 2007

German--husband and father

Daddy loves his girls!

I wanted to dedicate this post to my amazing husband...he just had foot surgery on Friday and he still spent the whole weekend hopping around on one foot trying to do things for me and the girls. He's been so helpful, patient, loving and supportive during the whole pregnancy and even more so these last 6 weeks. I love how he runs in from work to kiss all three of his girls and tells me he'll take over so I can sleep. I love him even more now than ever and our girls are so lucky to have him to call dad!

 Kisses for Lu

Feeding Ree
Naptime with dad...

Funny faces with Lulu

I think he's in love!

Daddy holds the girls at the hospital, so mommy can sleep.

Kisses from dad in the hospital just two hours before the girls were born (I can't believe I was sooo big, it's nice not being prego anymore)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Happy 4 weeks Lucy & Audrey!

The girls are growing soo fast. They weigh about 8 1/2 pounds and love to play with
mom and dad! We are loving every minute and getting used to functioning well on little sleep--although we can't wait until they start sleeping through the night.

Thanks Aunt Amy for the adorable onsies!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Girls first photo shoot

Thanks Nana Gail for the outfits.

Lucy was sleepy, but Audrey was rocking out on her air guitar!


Sister bonding time!

Look at those yummy toes...

The girls let us know they've had enough!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sleeping babies

We've been swaddling the girls when they sleep, but they seem to hate having their arms confined and always manage to break loose. So we are now letting them have things their way, they have us wrapped around their fingers! (probably the first of many things we give into them about--we really are going to have a hard time saying no to these angels someday)

Mommy decided to fix their hair for the camera...

Lucy & Audrey's precious hands and fingers
Hooray Hooray for sleeptime!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Precious girlies!

Lucy and Audrey are one week old today. Mommy's working hard to fatten up the two little turkey's in time for thanksgiving. They've lost about 10% of their weight since birth so mom has become a 24-hour buffet - food on demand!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Can't get enough of 'em!

Got through the first night with the girls - the burping, feeding, diaper-changing marathon has begun! While we are both exhausted we can't get over the fact that our girls are home and our adventures in parenting have begun. No doubt there will be much more trying times as fatigue sets in and we become pooped. We'll definetly rely more on all you guys (friends and family) who are farther along than us to remind us of the joys and worthwhileness (is that a word?).

Day 5 and their personalities are already coming through! Audrey tends to be more independent and less needy. Most of the time she can soothe herself back to sleep and does not put up much of a fuss. I am positive it is due in no small part to her difficult first hours of life when she fought to get the fluid out of her lungs to be able to breath. When she's awake she's extremely perceptive of her surroundings. Her big eyes wander all about as she reacts to objects, sounds and daddy's long nose and big ears. I can't get enough of the tender look on her face when she sleeps. It brings back tears as I am reminded of Audrey's first critical hours as the doctors worked on her while I talked to her and she held my finger.

Lucy loves to be held. Usually she can fall asleep only if she's right next to mommy or in daddy's arms. She is a little more territorial and hasn't yet gotten used to the idea of having Audrey in her crib next to her. Her beautiful cheeks and dark hair are precious. We love them so much!
Audrey is on the left and seems to be having a great dream, apparently when she wakes up she realizes that dream isn't real. They are so fun to watch...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Our girls are home!!!

We've been home for a couple hours now. It's all really beginning to sink in. While the weight of having two new-borns at home for the first time is naturally overwhelming, it's nice to know there will be no more iv's, or heel pricks, at least for now. A big thank you goes out to all friends and family for your help and support. We love you all!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The girls are here!

Lucy is one minute older and weighed 6 lbs 12 oz--19 1/2 inches. Audrey weighed 6 lbs 14 oz--19 inches. THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!! More pics to come later...

Monday, November 05, 2007

C-section tomorrow

Soooo, that last post was me showing German how to make a new post under his name. He'll be doing the next post of our girls while I am still in the hospital. We have scheduled a c-section tomorrow morning. WE CAN'T WAIT! The doctor recommended it because I am not dilated at all, so if she were to induce me it could result in a VERY long labor, plus having both by c-section would avoid having one vaginally and the other by c-section. We don't want a double whammy. I spent today at home napping and reading the Twilight series (soooo good). It's surreal...I will meet our daughters soon! WOW! Thanks for all your well wishes and love. Love, OBM

FYI--We live right off the freeway in PG, so anyone who wants to visit next week (or help out...wink wink) is welcome.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

No babies yet...

I started my leave from work two weeks ago and it's great staying home, but time is going by sooo slow. I don't go out much, I've been able to nap alot and even cooked a few meals to put in the freezer. My doctor now thinks it will probably be another week or two, which I have to remind myself is better for them. The girls are too cozy in there and are measuring about 6 pounds each. Luckily, I've been feeling pretty good--no contractions (that I feel), no back pain, my swelling has actually improved, and although my cervix has slightly thinned out, there is no dilation. My waist measures 48 inches and I just move really slow and go to the bathroom alot. So, since I'm not too miserable I don't mind waiting another two weeks if necessary. Besides, people keep reminding me that they are easier to take care of inside my belly than out. I've had to stop watching The Baby Story show because it makes me overly anxious and excited to meet our girls! I wouldn't mind bringing them home soon...tah tah for now! With Love, OBM (One Big Mama)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Recent prego pics at 32 weeks

The girls are doing great and my doctor thinks we will be having Halloween babies. We are enjoying our last few days of the quiet life w/o any kiddos.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Baby shower #2--thanks Amy & mom!

My sister and mom found the cutest girliest place in Alpine to throw me a family/friends shower. It's called Dear Lizzie's Boutique & Bistro and we had alot of fun!

Momma, Amy and very prego me!

Me and German's Aunt Norma

Cheryl Colyar (the wife of my old bishop from Wyview) along with daughter-in-law Kristi Colyar. 

  They are making babies out of playdough. Fun game!

Me and Tania from my mission in Argentina, this is the only side shot taken of me at 31 weeks.

Me and Aunt Janice

Isn't this place so cute??? Aunt Jan, my cousin Kristy with her daughter Aleah

This is Alexis, Renee, Vanessa and her cute little boy--Friends from an old ward I lived in during high school. They're actually the sisters and mom of an old boyfriend, and I miss hanging out with them.

German's cousin David just married this great girl in June, so I guess that makes her my cousin-in-law Julie.

Beautiful Lexi!

Me and the only other male in the place (he showed up later to take pics--he's so sweet)

My mom, me and my sister--thanks again for everything!

Go visit Dear Lizzie's Boutique!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thank you Liz and Kiersta...

 Saturday, my friends threw me a beautiful baby shower and it was so fun seeing old friends from Wyview. I miss living in such a great community around so many amazing people. Thanks again for everything!

The decorations were beautiful--Liz and Kiersta are so talented!

The pink and brown refreshments were amazing!

The awesome party planners in brown shirts--such cutie girls!

LOOK AT THIS TABLE!!! With bottled root beer to drink...

Cheesecake w/ fresh raspberries on top...

home-made sugar cookies w/ pink frosting...

cream puffs w/ chocolate icing...

and an insanely rich chocolate layered cake!