Sunday, April 25, 2010

I receive email.

To: Angry Professor
From: Ben Connu
Re: My project

I've been working on something very important (to me) lately. It involves a reapplication of my modeling technique to an old problem. An interesting (to me) complication has arisen and, although our work is very similar and I have held yours in barely-concealed contempt for years, and although I have refused to cite you even though you published my ideas before I even started college, I realized that the procedures you described at a recent conference might actually be useful in working around this complication. Could you send me all your code?

Ben Connu

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A secret message to my fellow soccer mom.

If you are unwilling to sacrifice for your children then you should not have had three of them.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

We had an awesome weekend.

Ellesiouville has amazing weekend activities for families. Yesterday, the Angry Kid and I dissected a cow's eye. Unfortunately, I didn't get a good picture of the completely disassembled eye, but I swear the damn thing came apart like a jigsaw puzzle.

Off to the right of the picture you can see a big lump of sclera with the cornea on the top. In the very front, looking sort of black and slick, is the iris, which came away from the sclera like the peel of an orange. Behind that, the dome-like thing is the lens, sitting on top of a glob of vitreous humor. In the back, in front of the scissors, is the back half of the eyeball. The dirty brown thing hanging over the sclera is the retina, and the pearly blue lining is the tapetum.

It was utterly beautiful. I want to get more of these things from the Chinese market and do it every week.