My daughter and I took a trip into the Potomac Valley by train. The trips starts out in Romney, West Virginia, and winds its way through the trough, or valley between the mountains, while following the Potomac River. It was absolutely beautiful! And the river held a great secret. . . . there are eagles there, nesting, flying, fishing, just beautiful creatures. We passed historic ruins and homes that were built in the 1800s that were still standing and being lived in. But the scenery was breathtaking.
The eagles were up early and flying up and down the river, thrilling all of us who had a chance to see them. I was able to catch some great pictures. The photos above are pictures of an eagle's nest perched near the top of a pine tree. The dead tree with two eagles were the nesting pair. They love to sit in the dead trees because they get a full view of the river valley.
We passed farms, cows, campers enjoying the river with their friends and families. At times, we saw the moon in the middle of the afternoon. For some odd reason, this seemed to be the "thing" to do as the train passed the folks on the shore.

My daughter Tracy and the conductor on the Potomac Eagle. I asked him to punch a B into my ticket. But he couldn't do it. Oh, well, I guess it wasn't the Polar Express after all.
Here are some beautiful views of the river valley: