Showing posts with label too big. Show all posts
Showing posts with label too big. Show all posts

July 17, 2010

"Breaking up the Banks" becoming Mainstream?

A member of the Federal Reserve Bank, Richard Fisher, has said

A truly effective restructuring of our regulatory regime will have to neutralize what I consider to be the greatest threat to our financial system's stability -- the so-called too-big-to-fail [banks].

So, if anyone ever poo poos the intent to "break up the banks," inform them that a president of the Dallas, Texas Federal Reserve proposes doing just that. Referring to a more desirable international agreement to limit bank size, Fisher goes as far as to say

If we have to do this unilaterally, we should.

For Your Convenience:Sources:

Jim Hightower, Progressive Populist, May 1, 2010.


March 29, 2009

Too Big to Fail....

... Too Big to Exist*.

There's a simple solution to the "too-big-to-fail" problem: Break up those huge financial institutions.

Now is the time to act, when the failing financial corporations should be dissected into parts that support main street, and the speculative parts should be allowed to fail.

START, by Signing the petition to Congress:

Then, take to the streets:

On Saturday April 11, A New Way Forward will lead protests all across the country to demand these changes. Find one near you:

And if you're in New York City on Friday April 3, join the National March on Wall Street:

* If an entity needs to be too big to fail, then it should be tightly chartered and regulated like a utility.
