This blog chronicles the balancing act that is my life, as I juggle my different roles and my strong desire to live optimally.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Upsy Daisy and the carpenter. What would you do?

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Mr X versus Mrs X...The conclusion

same sleeve, but here the other arm is sleeveless
Saturday, December 25, 2010
only a great fool would not be grateful!

Saturday, December 18, 2010
See what coil has caused oh! Mrs X versus Mr X....
While most of my experiences have been pleasant, there have been some not-so-pleasant ones…. I should do a post about those sometime soon, you’ll laugh ehn!! Anyway, I had an interesting experience today and I’ll like to know what your thoughts are.
I have a client, let’s call her Mrs X. She lives in London and even though I’ve been making clothes for her for about 3 years, I saw her in person for the first time early this year and we just clicked. She’s special because she’s in her 50s. I don’t know her exact age, that’s just my guess.
So what’s so special about making clothes for 50 something year old woman?? Well, first she’s set. As in, she’s got a really great figure…I want to be like her when I grow up J, the only thing coming between me and this goal is my love for all things delicious… I know there’s hope for me anytime I see Oprah sha, cause if she has access ( for free) to all the best of the best cutting edge fat ‘eliminating’ technology which I would have to pay for and I’m still slimmer than her, there’s hope for me… That’s not the point of this post at all… forgive my rambling….
As I was saying, I’m usually excited to find someone in Mrs X’s age range who likes my work because most of my clients are younger than her. What I like the most about her is that she’s the kind of person that doesn’t need to tell you she’s a believer before you know. She just has a sweet spirit and she’s an encourager…I know all this from speaking to her on the phone three or four times and seeing her only once, no twice, if you count yesterday.
I got to meet Mr X yesterday. By the time he had finished explaining how Isaac reaped when he sowed in the land, only because he was in the right location, most of my fears about the relocating were out the window…ok ok back to the point of this post
Her sister had dropped off her fabric earlier and she came to pick her outfit up yesterday. I wanted to make her something that would be age appropriate, while showing her curves, so I went for a classic silhouette. However, I didn’t want to be boring, so I tried the coil effect on the ruffles. I have seen people do this coil thing over the years, but it was my first time and I loved the final result. The coil is what defines the ruffles and makes them stand out....

She loved it! It was different from anything else I had done for her and she was pleased….
Mr X wasn’t. He liked the style, but he thought the whole coil thing was too much so he asked me (nicely) to remove it….
Remove????!!! ME NO THINK SO!!! Me I liked the thing (a lot) and then I thought about the hours my girls spent getting the coil done right. I had really given them a hard time, making them undo and redo till it was neat enough for me…I was in ‘wicked witch’ mode yesterday meeeehn! You see, I can be very difficult to work with especially when I know someone is trying to take the easy way out..I digress, again..
I smiled sweetly and pointed out to him that his wife liked it
His point was that since his wife was dressing up for him to admire her, he’s really in fact my client and so his preference should be the deciding factor. He wanted her to keep it simple because she’s a simple person and that’s one of the things he loves about her. My coil was over the top. Valid point!
Her point was that since she was the one going to wear it and it made her happy, he should let her wear it. Even though her usual style was simple, she liked it because it was different. Valid point!
What do you think? Whose wishes should I obey? Please let me know what you think and why, so we can all learn.
I’ll let you know what eventually happened in my next post J
PS I found it remarkable that they each made their points and explained to each other their reasons. They could have turned it into a shouting match with Mr X insisting ‘I’m the man! You must obey’, but he didn’t. She could also have insisted ‘I like it and that’s all that matters’, but she didn’t … Important lesson there for me.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Halima, my newest bride

The first step was to create the toile. The toile is the mock up of the dress made out of calico. We do this to ensure that the dress fits right and any alterations can be made before we cut up the actual fabric.

Next up was draping...

Many hours of sewing and stitching..... here we are

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
more dresses

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Favorite dresses part 2
We can always find something to be thankful for if we look hard enough. I’m grateful for the opportunity to do what I love. I don’t take it for granted.
Here are some more dresses I love… Enjoy.
Here is Nkem in one of my earlier patchwork experiments in 07
Mrs Biodun-Kuti. 06..still fresh...

This 2 piece was also 07. We were going for lots of drama with the skirt and she loved it

I’m not sure if it’s because of the fabric, but I love this dress a lot.

The next four are aso-ebi. What I like about aso-ebi is how you can make a person stand out when there are so many people wearing the same fabric.
With Funbi‘s dress, I incorporated the aso-oke...me likey..

For Dunni, we used taffeta. And she did stand out

I was looking at Moradeke’s wedding pics on FB and I was thinking, hmm… fine girl, I like the fit of this dress… and then I saw it was Ayo wearing Gbemisoke. J

Here’s Ayo again, this time I was the photographer. See the difference between a pro and a… ermm...not so pro photog ;)

Here’s Adenike of Ewar makeovers rocking the ‘Ewar dress’ I named this dress after her because I designed the dress from scratch for her

She looked so good in it, I made one for myself (and a couple more for her)... This was me at the City people awards in 09

Here’s Nike again in a top we made with the leftover fabric from the 1st Ewar dress. She has a way of making my work look good.

Same dress, different fabric

Here Funmi shows that with the right shoes and accessories (plus the right dose of swag which she adds), you can turn a ‘simple’ dress into something stunning