One of the presents that Hannah got for her birthday was a bunch of books in a series called "Rainbow Magic." We got one from the library a while ago and she seemed to really like it, so I ordered a bunch for her birthday. They are easy chapter books about fairies (obviously written with little girls in mind!). There is a set about the "rainbow color fairies" and a set about "weather fairies" and one about "pet keeper fairies," and so on.
From what I could gather about the series, they are all written by Daisy Meadows, which sounded too cute and coincidental to me to be a real name and sure enough, one Web site reports that it is actually a pseudonym used by four different authors for the series. Also, the series seems to have originated in the UK, so many of the books are not available in the US yet.
As I was looking at what books to order for Hannah, I found a complete set of all seven of the "rainbow color fairies" (pictured above) and I decided to get a few of the "weather fairies" books too (the one she got from the library was a weather fairy). All of the books have a title like "Goldie the Sunshine Fairy" or "Ruby the Red Fairy."
It turns out that one of the weather books is "Hayley the Rain Fairy." I thought it was fun that they spelled Hayley the same as our Hayley, so of course I had to get that book too.
Then as I was looking at a list I found of all the other titles, I saw a "Hannah the Happy Ever After Fairy" book. The search was on! After much searching, I deduced that this book was only released in the UK and not available in the US. Bummer! However, I did find an eBay listing originating from the UK for this book.
This lady had also listed several of the other Rainbow Magic books that she had bought for her daughter (but then her daughter wasn't interested in fairies and such). So, I stepped a little out of my "frugal" nature and bid on four of her books, knowing that the international shipping wouldn't be cheap. I did end up winning all four auctions, getting the Hannah book, plus three of the pet keeper fairy books that also aren't available in the US right now. I think I spent as much on the shipping as I did on the books, but hopefully she will enjoy them. And, I figure, with two more girls who will be readers someday, it can't hurt to have a lot of fairy books in the house!
So that brings me to this afternoon. Hannah decided to read one of her new books after dinner ("Katie the Kitten Fairy") and Hayley, our book-lover, decided to join her. Hayley has been carrying Hannah's fairy books all over the house. Hannah was in the dining room and I peeked in to see Hayley sitting right next to her, "reading" another of the fairy books out loud while Hannah read to herself. The books do have several pictures in them and she was telling quite a story. Such an imagination! I tried to do a quick video clip, but I know the sound didn't come through very well. So turn up your volume and maybe you can hear some of her fairy story!
I love listening to Hayley read her stories! It is especially interesting to hear her "read" a story we get from the library before we have read it together. It is purely what she gets from the pictures. Sometimes she will ask me what the name of the book is, and then she might use the character's name in her story. After we read a book together, she always wants to take it with her to read again by herself and usually, the story seems to change to be more in line with what we actually read. I hope she continues her love of books as she gets older.