Noche de Reyes
"Unos magos de oriente se presentaron en Jerusalén preguntando: ¿dónde está el que ha nacido, el rey de los judíos? porque hemos visto su estrella en el oriente y venimos a adorarlo. (...) Entraron en la casa y vieron al niño con María, su madre; se pusieron de rodillas y lo adoraron; abrieron sus tesoros y le ofrecieron regalos: oro, incienso y mirra".
"Some east magicians showed up in Jerusalem asking: where is it the one that has been born, the king of the Jews? because we have seen their star in the east and we come to adore him. (...) They entered in the house and they did the boy with María, their mother; they put on of knees and they adored him; they opened their treasures and they offered him gifts: I pray, incense and myrrh."
Tradicones de Cataluña
Cabalgata de Reyes desde mi balcón.
Kings' cavalcade from my balcony.
Roscon de Reyes de regalo para Mamá y Papá.
Reina por un dia.
It reigns for one day.
Hmm! Roscón de Reyes para celebrar.
Kings' Roscón to celebrate Yummy!
Regalo de reyes por haber sido buena gata.
Kings' gift to have been good cat.
Feliz Fiesta de Reyes!
Happy party of kings magicians!