Friday, March 14, 2008


So I know this is a hot-topic-not trying to ruffle any feathers-but I have a lot on my mind and need an outlet to sort it all out. Recently I was looking up pictures of 20 week old babies, just curious to see what my baby looked like. I found a lot more than I bargained for. I was taken to a whole bunch of anti-abortion sites and what I saw on some of these sites was astounding to me. I try really hard to be open-minded and tolerant. I have thus far refused to register as either a democrat OR a republican and I have always tried to educate myself on the candidates and vote for who I believe to be the best person for the job. I believe that both parties have good and bad attributes to them and I truthfully feel that our country would be better served if we could take all of the positives from both parties and incorporate them into how the country is run. Anyways, back to abortion. Have any of you ever heard of partial birth abortion? I had heard the term but have never really researched it until now. Wow. To think that this sort of thing is still going on in this country appalls me. I realize that women have rights, I am a woman and I take those rights very seriously and I don't want someone telling me what I can and cannot do, but what about the rights of my 21 week old fetus who is a living, breathing and very much-ALIVE human being? This little baby inside of me can hear, see, move, has a very real and pronounced heart beat, can feel pain and reacts to the sound of mine and Neal's voices. Does it not have any rights? So as I was absorbed in these various web sites, it came to my attention that several of the candidates running for the presidency, actually voted AGAINST outlawing partial birth abortion. What? Whether one is a democrat or a republican or an independent or a member of the green party or WHATEVER, isn't there a basic sense of humanity and decency that should be followed? Obviously you know my view point on this subject. I'd like to hear yours.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yup, It's a Gatherum!

We had our 21 week ultrasound yesterday. As soon as we got there, we let the technician know that we didn't want to find out the sex of the baby. She was surprised and said that once every 5 or 6 months she'll get a couple who doesn't want to find out what they are having. She put the wand on my stomach and the baby was on it's stomach with it's little arms up by it's face. It was so cute and appeared to be sleeping. We saw it sucking the air and it was love at first sight for me and Neal-it's amazing to me that at 21 weeks gestation, there is a fully formed baby inside of me-crazy, anyways, the baby woke up and started head butting my bladder, which was extremely full because you have to drink 36 oz before the ultrasound, it was funny to see in action what I had been feeling! The tech kept trying to get the baby to move over so she could get the measurements, she would prod it and try to move it and that little stubborn child would just scoot away from the wand and stayed right on it's tummy! Neal and I were laughing, because if there is one word that describes the four of us, it would most definitely be stubborn! For about 30 seconds the baby flopped over and the tech was able to get some of the measurements, but then it was right back over onto the tummy. This time however, the baby put it's arms under it's stomach, started sucking and fell back asleep. The tech told us that even if we had wanted to find out the sex, she would have had a hard time telling because this baby would not BUDGE! Neal and I decided it was an omen and just reaffirmed that we definitely want to be surprised in the delivery room, I think Gatherum baby #3 wants it that way as well!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Random Ramblings...

So yesterday my kids had dentist appointments. I loaded them up and we made the trek to see our good friend Dr. Vargo. Both of my kids were awesome, let them do the cleaning, x-rays, fluoride, the whole nine yards-no cavities which is also a plus. As we were leaving, Boe somehow managed to run straight into the corner of the big, HEAVY glass door, resulting in a gash above his eyebrow. I didn't even notice it at first, Boe falls and runs into things CONSTANTLY-the child is just klutzy! But then all of a sudden he started screaming that there was "Lot's of BLOOD" and that he "Hates Bleeding." I looked back and sure enough, there was blood running down his face. After we all calmed down I could see that it wasn't very long, but it was still a good size gash. I made the executive decision to watch it and see if I needed to take him in. Keep in mind that this child has had 5 sets of stitches and he's only 3!

After averting crisis, we made our way over to McDonalds so the kids could cash in on my bribe to them that if they were good, we could go out to lunch. We walked into the restaurant and first thing Boe rammed his head into the counter. (I think I need to get his eyes checked :) Then as I was taking the food back to the booth, he grabbed his drink and blue powerade spilled ALL over the floor, him and me-nice. We finally made it to our seats, sat down and within 30 seconds, Gage dumped his entire lunch onto the floor. At this point, I really just wanted to go home and crawl back into bed. Let' s just call the day a loss and start over eh?

After finishing lunch without any other major disasters, we made our way into the restroom to wash faces and hands. Boe was really tired so I was holding him, balancing my purse (which is huge) and trying to direct Gage in his hand washing. There was the NICEST lady in the bathroom with us. She had a bag of 3 cookies that she set on top of the hand dryer. As Gage went to use it, he bumped it and the cookies went flying onto the nasty McDonalds bathroom floor. I felt awful and was blubbering and apologizing left and right. I told her I'd go get her some more. She grabbed my arm and told me that she'd been where I was and understood and to have a great day, and left. I was so grateful that she was so kind. Just a simple gesture, but it made my whole day. She could have been mad about her ruined cookies, she could have said that I was the most disorganized, harried and un-put-together mom on the planet (which I am) she could have asked me WHY in the WORLD I was continuing to multiply and replenish the earth :) instead she was kind and I am thankful for that. A simple story but it made a difference to me. Thank heaven's for nice people in the McDonald's restroom!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Two Years...

It's been two years since my little brother passed away. I think about him everyday and miss him, but I am grateful that he is at peace and no longer in pain. For those who don't know his story, you can click here to learn more about Nathaniel. I know he is happy and that things are as they should be, but I sure miss him on this day-I love you Nathaniel.