Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Normalcy Bias is rampant in the world October 2021


At what point does reality hit us?

When do I need to assume that what I assume is "normal" will never be available again?

Since March 2020 Spring Break, until now October 2021, our lives have been chipped away little by little by authorities that supposedly were elected to lead us to safety and "life as normal" again. NOT SO!! 

When the time for preparations comes, the time to prepare is gone!
This quote has been part of my "normal" since probably Y2K. What a year that was... Fear controlled so many. I had prepared way more that I should have, and then POOF.. it was NOTHING. Then 
9/11 happened! Everyone got all "back to Jesus"... and then Poof... we got comfortable in knowing that things were getting back to "normal" and we just had to adjust to a little tighter restrictions because we understood that we had vulnerabilities. 
We got back to being self sufficient and doing what we do. We got "back to normal". 
Then... 2019... yes!!! I believe this 
"plan-demic" has been in the making for way longer than the year and a half we've "seen" it... but sometimes I wonder "whose blueprints are we living?" 
Thank goodness I KNOW the ONE WHO MAKES the plans!!

He will NEVER fail us, and HE will never lie to me! He says... "I've already told you so that you will not be caught unaware"!
My dad's last words... that I believe were spoken to him as he took the hands of Jesus on the other side... were..
"Everything's gonna be alright!"
I believe Jesus told dad that and he simply repeated those words so that the ones standing around his bed heard too. 
I believe "everything's gonna be alright!!" I believe that because I know Who holds my future and that of my family and loved ones! He does everything right! 
What is "normal"?  What is "real"? 
What is sure?
Jesus Christ Who is my rock, my Redeemer and my Salvation. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Can we pray amiss?

Do NOT say "it is God" when it might not line up with His Word, His Way or His TRUTH!! It could just be your way, your will and your idea of truth. Make sure that you have ask, sought and knocked on those doors completely before attributing "will"!!

When Emma was a tiny little one and we were about to go to Scottish Rite for Idiopathic Infantile Scoliosis, Sam was in town to speak. Troy and I, with Elly and Will's permission had asked him to pray over Emma... his response to me was... "let me pray into this and I'll let you know"... he then came back and said... "God has not told me not to pray for this outcome so yes, I absolutely would love to pray healing of Emma's spine."
At first I thought... that was a strange response... shouldn't we always pray when asked? Perhaps it was not just to pray, but the prayer for something specific?? I still think about this.
Emma's spine is perfect and probably straighter than anyone who never dealt with this. God is responsible for this healing I totally believe. 

I often wonder what "praying amiss" means. Can prayer ever be wrong? 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH... These are unprecedented days where there is no roadmap!

 I wonder each day... 

HOW in the world did we get to this place?

Lord could this be the day You come back?

How can You allow things to continue like this?

and yet...

I know that I know that I know... 

Today, August 4, 2021, I have a series of texts, emails and podcasts that are telling me to "get your house in order"! Do it now! Fema will be having a "test" of the emergency broadcast systems nationwide (Aug. 11)

that will intentionally knock out power and communications to test our nations readiness. 

Good grief!! The word "test" is something I've begun to hate hearing! The pcrtests for the c-disease is now supposed to be faulty as well as the dubious disease itself. How many varieties can there be? How many lies can be foisted on us? How do we know what, where, when, or who to trust? 

I do know that I've become so very dependent on Holy Spirit to filter my eyes and ears and tell me Truth in spite of all that rushes to make me believe it's viewpoint, talking point or agenda! Enough is enough!!! I've had enough! I want to stand in faith on an unshakeable rock and the TRUTH that is uncompromised and incomparable!

The divisions these days run like deep chasms in families and in every other system that used to be united and synergistic. NO MORE! The CrRcTh has taken center stage and education systems seem to be in the bandwagon to embrace its Marxist philosophy wholeheartedly. I'm so sad! Hitler was a proponent and look at that brutal, and merciless regime. How in the world are we here? If you had asked me 5, even 3 years ago if I believed our nation would look like this I'd have said NO WAY! Not "one nation under God"... but perhaps we are now not under THE GOD OF CREATION, but under the sway of the prince of the powers of the air.?? I look for explanations; I research all I can (from a very few sources outside of mainstream); I pray; I ask; I seek.... I know the Word says, Ask and you will receive,  Seek and you will find, Knock and the door will be opened... 

Matthew 7:7

God help us! Jesus is the answer to these days (as He has ever been!!) 

I think to myself... Lord what is coming??

Your Word has said You tell us before things happen so we are not unprepared. I know that this is a truth because it has happened so very often in this family. Our consistent prayer is "Lord show us the traps or potholes before we step into them so we can walk securely as Your children in these days". 


What do I think will be coming in these next days?

1) another lockdown (hopefully Abbott will not let this happen in Texas)

2) Guns taken or attempts at gun legislation in disregard to our 2nd amendment rights... again hopeful that this will not happen in Texas

3) Mask mandates are already in effect in the blue states but not in Texas or Florida

4) restricted gathering (maybe even monitored)

5) travel restrictions (right now American and Spirit airlines are cancelling flights right and left)

6) price of groceries will continue to skyrocket

7) drought and crazy weather patterns will get worse (doesn't the Word say this??)

8) the dollar will continue to be devalued (right now probably lost 1/2 it's value)

9) gas prices are only going up and up.. making travel and lockdown even more prohibited

10) the drought is causing things in West and Northwest to be plowed under or not producing... again groceries are doubling in cost (a loaf of bread a days wages??? see revelation)

11) I believe there may be something done to prohibit an election of 2022! the ones in power are NOT wanting to relinquish... GOD HELP US!!!

12) Education is giving in to CRT and school boards are beginning to see people rebel against this socialistic travesty! God give parents wisdom and courage for their children.

13) UIL will have some kind of response and it will require true courage and bravery for parents to respond with wisdom from above. LORD bless us with Holy Spirit guidance over our children!! 



He will NEVER let go of His own, and we KNOW HIS voice! 

Monday, September 2, 2019

2nd Amendment rights... Dove season... Midland Odessa

YES.. there is definitely something wrong... something different! When we moved to the country over 20 years ago, we saw a parking lot with several old pickup trucks, most with gun racks in the back windows. The shotguns for shooting snakes or dove (dove season starts today) were visible in many of those windows. Farmers and ranchers most all had guns handy and visible. When I was in the halls or classrooms of the schools, I NEVER heard an altercation include... "I'm gonna shoot you."... most were more like... "let's handle this after school" and it was with some kind of wrestling or ugly word stuff...most were nipped in the bud by coaches who got wind of the possibility! NEVER were guns even considered for anything other than varmints or hunting season. The only shootings I remember were like the crazy man in the UT bell tower.. or that crazy Manson man... not like today.
Today I am in earshot of a family of responsible gun owners who are laughing together and shooting clays with shotguns getting ready to enjoy dove season and hoping for bacon jalapeƱo wrapped birds on the grill. I love it that our 2nd amendment rights are there for reasons other than what most people are believing these days. Not for hunting, but for our protection... (remember why it was originally put into our CONSTITUTION??? if you don't know... I'd suggest you research it!)
I'm not really sure what has changed but I do know that guns are not the problem! Something has changed in people!!!
This is not a political post... it is just an observation post.
The recent Midland-Odessa shooting is pretty close to home, and it breaks my heart. There are broken people in this world, and it is not just the ones holding the weapons. It is also the ones USING this tragedy for their own personal agendas.
There is definitely something NOT RIGHT, something that changed!
It is NOT the guns!
It is the people!
God help us!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

God is coming... God is COMING... GOD IS HERE!!


How do you know when someone is SO HAPPY to be with you?
For me... it's what I feel with my grandkids... they run to me with open arms (used to be more frequently than now since most are taller than I and much more mobile... as inevitably happens right?)... But still... when I walk in or they walk in... I get wrapped in hugs and smiles.
I started wondering... Do you think God knows where He is wanted? welcomed? anticipated?...
like when those little ones in our lives wait at the window, watching.. waiting... waiting... watching...
THEN begin hollering through the house when they first see or hear the truck coming into the drive delivering me and/or Troy..... I tell you... I want to be there, I can't wait to be there!! It never gets old!!! to KNOW you are welcomed and wanted. THAT, my friends is what JOY is all about, and I believe there are places that I can feel God knows He is desired, anticipated and truly wanted.... those are places that His Spirit hovers and smiles...and will even "rest"... at least that's what I believe.
I want my home... even my truck... wherever I happen to be to resonate with that TRUTH.... God is coming... God is coming... GOD IS HERE!!!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Load Bearing Walls: Samson... my bday word 2011

my birthday word 2017... shift and balance... hope

Today is my birthday...
I have lived several decades now (more than half of what I will be allowed in skin I'm thinking)... and I can truly say... I LOVE THIS LIFE I"VE BEEN GIVEN....
Each year it seems that the LORD allows a spark to begin growing in me until on my birthday (or closely to it)... I understand the FLAME...
THE GIFT for the year that is coming.
2016 was such a year of uncertainty... looking for how to keep my head above water and know what to do in extreme circumstances... I think perhaps I was fearful of the road ahead, and of course the media (social and news, and even sometimes those who lived in that stuff) all set the course for things that were not who I am. How many times did I say... "I'm afraid IF...."?
WELL, this year... 2017.... there is a NEWNESS settling into my soul....
The "preparation" mode is now being replace with an anticipation of purpose and destiny...
I am not naive enough to think that the world is changed... the enemy of our souls will always be out there trying to rock our "boats"... and keep us from sure footing... but there is something NEW.
I believe America has been given a second chance.
I believe in this gift of more "time"... there is a new mandate for us as believers... for ME as a child of the KING.
One might say... how can a new purpose be given to one your age?
Let me tell you friends... new purpose is what God does all the time for His own... doesn't the Word say that His mercies are NEW EVERY morning?  EVERY day... I believe that This year will hold some unanticipated wonderment!!!
People are thinking that "prosperity"... "wealth".... "lower taxes"... "more freedom"... "more safety"..."more jobs:)  "jobs jobs jobs don't ya know?"... "more!!!"... the land of "plenty" will indeed be reborn as a new leadership takes charge.....
I'll tell you this.... I'm glad this was our choice, but I think that the reason, for me, is much deeper than the personal soulish benefits that I truly believe will be this year.
For me, I've been given this "time" for treasure greater than gold or wealth... for business more than a 9-5 job, and for plenty beyond just my pleasure or needs.... I believe that I've been given this time for more.... As we quit feeling the need to "prepare" for physical worldly attacks... as we become "safer" in our country... I think we need to be aware that this does not mean we are "safe"... we will always have an enemy! I believe that my focus (AND his) has shifted!!!
like the evil eye of Sauron in the LOTR... that EYE... was always searching for the ones with the ability to "come against the gates.. of his kingdom and destroy it".... THIS is what I believe this time is all about.... Just as that eye honed in on the target... Frodo and Sam honed in on their purpose... their goal.
THIS is what I think we have been given time to do... hone in on the targets of the ones the LORD has put into our paths for His purposes through us, His children, His living letters.... IT is people He cares about... and we will be shown more and more how to reach and teach, and touch and speak and BE WHO WE ARE MEANT TO BE!!! YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!!!
This year we will be released to things that we have no idea about yet... or maybe just inklings! I believe it!!!
so... my word for this year... 2017???
"As the shifts come, you will have the flexibility in your stance and the tightness in your core to find your balance quickly so that you are effective and efficient in the purposes I have given you for each day."
"Don't get your plans ahead of Mine, and stay open to My interruptions of your schedules.... remain flexible so that if a shifting comes to throw you off balance, you recognize it and are able to regain your stand on solid ground quickly. Understand that you have purpose even if it is being still and knowing.... Being still is a "doing in MY book.... have you not read that? Be still and KNOW that I am God... I make the plans... I know the plans.... I made you and I know what each day holds for you. Hear My voice (you are my precious lamb)... and Know that I will tell you BEFORE it happens because I am the Good Father and I love you..... You are mine! I will tell you... the shifts will come, but you will stand... Know that your balance is found in your trust in Me and believing that I do what I say.... I am the LORD and I NEVER CHANGE.... on that you can be sure."
my response:  LORD help me believe and know.... I love you Father... thank you.
***This is what my heart speaks for me... BUT those of you who read this.... could it speak to you as well?  I gladly share it!! I believe it is a word of hope!***