Welcome to the world
Avery Marie Galovan
Alrighty folks, here's our story of how our sweet little Avery came into the world....
It all starts with Jeffs parents coming into town on Wed night. They arrived right after I went on a long walk/jog with lydia. I started feeling crampy but wasnt sure if it was because I was hungry or in labor. Thursday morning I had an apt. with my doctor and he informed me that I had made a lot of progression but didn't tell me any exact numbers of where I was at, which was kind of frustrating. He said that I was about ready but that he wouldn't induce over the weekend so I would have to wait until monday morning. I was so bummed out because Jeffs parents would be leaving on monday so they would even be able to see
the baby if we stuck to that plan.
So thursday and Friday I had contractions and cramping all day but not enough to really think I was in true labor but I felt like the baby was ready to come soon. So I did the desperate move and took some Castor Oil in orange juice and we all felt certain that the baby would come sometime the next day. I went to bed not feeling any different, then woke up and had to go to the bathroom. Then Lydia woke up not feeling good
and cried forever! Jeff was going to have her sleep in bed with us but I thought that wouldn't be a good idea because I was certain we would be getting up to go have a baby. So he got her to go back to bed and sure enough at about 4:45 I felt something a little funny so I jumped out of bed and water gushed down my legs! I ran out of the room and called for Jeff and then realized he had been laying in bed with me all along. I told him my water was breaking and that we needed to get going! He showered and I changed, we got some things ready around the house and had a snack and we were off! My contractions were already 4 min apart when we left the house and by the time we got to the hospital and I was monitored they were 2 min apart!
When they asked if I would
be getting an epidural I declined and decided I was
going to tough this one out on my own. I did fine breathing and concentrating through all the contractions and thoroughly enjoying the break in between. The nurses decided they wanted to speed things up a little bit for me even though I felt like they were moving plenty fast enough so they have me some pitocin. Once I got that the contractions got a lot less managable and I had nobreak in between. Once I started to feel the need to push I thought I could NOT possibly do this anymore! I told the nurse and she made lay on the bed
so she could check me and sure enough I was a 9 and the babys head was right there. At this point I was asking for an epidural because I thought without it I might possible die! But, it was too late of course! She ran to call the doctor and cameback to inform me he was at Home Depot but he would try to wrap in up and be there
soon. I tried working through the contractions and trying different positions to mke me comfortable so that I could concentrate but the nurse kept insisting I lay on the bed and kept wanting to check me! I think she was nervous about having to deliver the baby on her own! I got to a point that I could not wait a second longer and begged for anything to stop the pain! So they had someone come in and give me a shot in my spine to help numb me and just as he was finishing the doctor came in and I was ready to push.
5 minutes later our little baby was out and cute as can be!!
(Born at 12:22 pm)
I'm a little sad that I wasn't able to go the whole way without any drugs, especially because I only had about 5 minutes left! I had heard that as soon
as you think you might possible die thats right when the baby is about to come out and then your done and I was there! Oh well! I think if I had someone to coach me and let me do it my way instead of trying to make me lay on the bed I could have gone all the way!
Avery came out weighing 6Lbs 14Oz! Almost a whole pound lighter than Lydia! She was 19 in long, the exact same as Lydia was!
We stayed at the hospital for a short 24 hrs and after we all checked out fine and feeling good we got to come home to our sweet Lydia! We missed her so much while we were at the hospital and I think she was a little confused as to
what was going on in her life!
Lydia has been a bit of a handful but I think she's starting to get used to the idea of having a baby in the house and she's forgetting the fact that we left her for a couple of days.
Avery has just been perfect! She is sleeping basically all the time and eating like a champ!
We love our two sweet girls more than words can say and I know they will grow to be the best of friends!
This is definitely a very special Christmas that we will never forget!