I have heard over and over that building a house is stressful.
I myself can say that having our house built was a "piece of cake"
It was the remodeling and selling of our old house that has been a nightmare.....Here is a glimpse of how our last 10 months have been.
Back in March, Gary and I decided it was probably time to start looking
to buy a different house.
After watching the market and seeing the homes for sale, we decided that it would cost us about the same to build a new house as it would to buy a house and have to fix it up.
So, our journey began to find property.
While looking for the builders "Bishop Homes," We ran across Justin Angus Construction. (Thanks to Pat Harrell) He had a floor plan similar to the one I liked with Bishop Homes AND it cost less. We were also able to find a piece of property in a good neighborhood at a good price. Everything seemed to be falling into place.
We put our earnest money down, started making plans to remodel and started the craziness that has been our lives ever since.
In May while going through the house seeing what needed to be done. We found some MOLD in the downstairs bathroom. We called our insurance company, who sent out an engineer, who sent out the mold guy, who tore apart our house and found mold in 2 other rooms. (upstairs and downstairs bathroom and Laundry room) We spent some time with one toilet downstairs, shower and sink upstairs. We also had to stay in a hotel while both bathrooms were torn apart. (NOT FUN)
July- All permits had been approved and they broke ground on our New house.
August we started tearing our house apart. We needed to replace the kitchen floor, finish the bathrooms paint and get new carpet. (All this while the two of us are working full time jobs) In the mean time, I started getting sick and didn't know what the cause was(pretty sure stress had a lot to do with it).....We kept plugging along!
My time line gets a little distorted about now, All I know is I was living in a house with NO carpet (cause we had pulled it all up) I had a huge dumpster in my driveway, I didn't feel well. Gary was working AND doing Cross Country. I was working lots of hours. The projects seemed to never end!
Gary and my Dad finally got the kitchen floor in. I painted the entire inside of the house and we finally got our new carpet in so we could get the house on the market. (It wasn't fun dealing with the crazy carpet lady at Lowes)
Shae told me she didn't think she had ever seen me cry so much. I was a wreck and always on the verge of a meltdown!
We had a few people here and there look at the house but no offers and the market started to slow down.
The new house was getting closer to being finished and we started to worry more!
Then we found out that our finance company would let us get a second home loan ONLY if we had 6 months reserve on BOTH houses plus our down payment. (HELLO, My husband is a school teacher and I am a CNA) We don't have that kind of money.
We started looking for another lender. Same story, over and over UNTIL....Pat Harrell gave us the name of a lender that could possibly help .....and GUESS WHAT!?! He can!!!
We are just waiting on the appraisal to come in and then the final approval.
YES! If all goes well, We could be in our beautiful new house in a few short weeks.
AND to make the whole horrible story better.......We were given a "verbal" offer on our house tonight, with a written offer being signed tomorrow.
I hope someday we can look back on this horrid experience and say "It wasn't that bad!" but it will have to be WAY down the road