Wednesday, January 28, 2009


We've lived here for almost 23 years and I never tire of this amazing view which we see from our back yard.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fun and Sun in San Diego

Pete and I flew in San Diego on a Sunday so we stopped to see the beautiful San Diego Temple


Here we are in our Condo ready to have some fun!!!

This is Nancy, Lane, Linda & Gail - friends from high school. It is 40 years this year since we graduated. Where has the time gone???

We had so much fun ourselves!!!

At the Beach
Jaden finds a friend

Wild Animal Kingdom was cool

There was a sign warning people not to make eye contact with this guy or he might get hostile. The face says it all....

Well, if you can't pet the real one, this will do

Can't help myself - I love flowers!

The birds were so colorful. This guy wanted to give me something

This giraffe was coming to eat. The park people had brought this branch in and hoisted it up that pole just like a flag.

Mission Bay
Up and down and round and round we go....

Say CHEESE! Tanner loves being in the driver's seat

Dad, don't you dare.....

Christmas 2008

Matt and Marci were going to come to Heber but the weather was bad so we went down there for a couple of days.

Grandma Gail and Papa Pete

I could be wrong but this looks like one COOL dude

Mitch and Jaden goofing around

Fun with family

On our way to St. George...
In October, we were able to have Michael and his family come from Texas for a visit. He and Pete had meetings in Vegas (Pete has had this meeting for YEARS and has never been home for Halloween!) So he came in to Salt Lake with Emmie and Baylee and we drove down to St. George for some Halloween fun while the guys went to Vegas. Angela and Kenna couldn't come for that long because of school. They joined us later in Heber for a few more fun packed days.

Here's all our little Super Heroes Jaden, Emmie, Baylee, Tanner

Eating at the Cheesecake Factory - yummmmmmy!

Back in Heber. Everyone wants to help Grandma make the waffles

And pizza....

Princesses Kenna, Emmie, and Baylee had fun making their own crowns and jewelry

Grandpa tries his hand at jewelry making, and so does Jaden

Tanner's gone topsy turvy - thanks to Uncle Michael

Can't beat Mickey Mouse pancakes with chocolate chips. All Super Girls love them....

The tallest and the shortest of our family...adults, that is.

A really big, bad gorilla came and scared everyone - poor Emmie!