Monday, October 8, 2007

Cohen's first day of school and fishing!

Cohen started school on Sept. 20th. He rides the bus to and from school, he LOVES the bus. He loves school. He has Mrs. Amy, same teacher as Dayton's afternoon class. He comes home and talks about school, and his friends. HE is too funny, they have a folder they bring home everyday, he won't let us see it until he is ready. He has 2 bus drivers, Mr Travis (Dayton's driver) in the mornings, and at lunch he has Mrs. Geeny. The picture of him on the bus in after school on his first day. He rides a BIG bus, and he looks so little on it. Mommy cried when he got home that day. Mommy wasn't sure what to do with such an empty house. Below are pictures of our first fishing trip in GA. It was windy and got no nibbles, it was a dud of a day, but we still had fun.

Dayton's first baseball game!

These are actually of a practice and after the first game. He totally freaks out when you take pics of him playing. So maybe we will get some later on. Cohen loves to be out there with his brother. He is so excited to play in the spring. Dayton is doing an awesome job with baseball. He is playing so well, and even when they lose he still has fun. We really like his coaches and the team, they are all very laid back and there for the fun and not the competition. Dayton's jersey number is 01 just like the General Lee. Cohen is the bay boy, as stated on his jersey, and he plays the part. Daddy usually helps as catcher and Cohen goes to get the bats from Daddy after the kids bat. He has also helped coach 3rd base with the assistant Coach, and plays in the field, depending on what team they are playing. Sometime I think he likes it more than Dayton!

Nana's visit!

These are a bunch of pictures that mom took while she was here. Some were at Zoo Atlanta, some at Heritage Park (it has an old train, and some old building from the area), and from this place called The Varsity.

Boys Birthdays and their party!

The boys had great birthdays! The biggest event was that Nana came to visit. She flew in on Dayton's birthday and left on Cohen's. The boys loved having her here. They had a joint birthday party with a few friends, a pinata, and a bounce house. They loved it. Below are just a bunch of pictures from the party, and the presents on their birthdays. Sorry if it is so jumbled, lots of pics, and trying to get them all in.

Dayton with his new T-ball set!
Cohen just running around!
Cohen opening his new bike!

Cohen with his new bike!

Cohen riding his new bike, Dayton in the bounce house taking a break, and their cake!

Pinata break, Presents, Boys with their cake.

Dayton opening presents, the boys in the bounce house, Cohen being shy!

The boys with their pinata.

Friday, August 31, 2007


Monday night was Dayton's first T-Ball/Baseball practice. He had so much fun. He loves it. He hit really well and they played chase the coaches to learn the bases. He has another practice on Saturday, and will practice M & Sat. until the season starts. Then he will have games on Saturday. His team is the Ola Bulldogs, like Mrs. Amy's dog he always says. Amy has a bulldog. He got to pick his number on Monday, he choose 01, like the General Lee from Dukes of Hazzard. It is so cute to watch the little kids play, they are all so tiny. But they are going to be a great team, they all play and work well together. Here are a few pictures from his first practice.

Waiting for his turn at bat. He is looking at the camera and has a yellow sleeve.

1st base.

Running the bases.
Using the T this time.

4-Wheel Parts Show

This last weekend we took the boys to the 4-Wheel Parts show at Cobb Galleria. We have gone to the one in Denver for the last few years. The boys LOVE it! They love seeing the big Monster trucks, and collecting all the stickers. This one had a bounce house with slide, that was the hit. Cohen really didn't want his picture taken that day, so most of them are of Dayton.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

New additions!!

Our newest additions!! Not the best pictures but the best I could get. Max and Ruby are Chihuahua/Dachshund mixes. We rescued them from the pound. They were taken there at about 6-7 weeks old. On Tuesday they will be 11 weeks. They are very playful, and the boys love it. They help feed them, and go out with me to take them potty. We are still working on housebreaking them, but they are doing pretty good with it. I think about 75% of the time they go to the door to let us know they need to go out. They were both 6lbs when we got them, tomorrow it will be 2 weeks. I really don't think they will get to much bigger since they are such small breed dogs. They fight like normal brothers and sisters, all the time!! You can give each of them the exact same thing and they will fight the other one for the one they have. Usually this is started by Max. They do love to sleep cuddled up to each other. I think it is funny that they each have a personality of one of the boys. But they sure are some funny puppies. The boys love them so much!! So do we!

This is MAX. He is the quiet instigator, kind of like Dayton. We thought he was gonna be the lover, he kind of is, but really likes his independence! He loves to give kisses, especially to Hillman!! Max is more doxie looking with his markings, his ears are just plain silly. They don't really go up or lay down, they are somewhere in the middle.

This is RUBY! She is the fighter and cuddler,just like Cohen! She loves to just pounce on Max for no apparent reason! She does not like when I hold him, she will try to get up in my lap and bark at him. She is very jealous too! She is really the lover, she wants to get in your lap most of the time! When she does she just wants to be rubbed, especially her belly! Ruby has more of the Chihuahua look and markings. Thank goodness she doesn't have the stick up ears!!