Saturday, August 19, 2006

What's the point of Closures?

A number of people have asked me: What's the point of closures? Can't you accomplish pretty much the same thing with the existing language constructs? What does it really buy you?

If you haven't programmed using closures, and you've gotten used to the Java idioms for the past ten years, it might be hard to see what closures really buy you. This is my attempt to give you a glimpse of that, by way of an extended example.

The problem

Suppose you are working with an application that maintains a list of documents, and for each individual in some set a list of document annotations. For the sake of this example, suppose the two lists are parallel. That is, if you take the list of annotations from an individual, the values correspond elementwise with the elements of the document list. To make this more concrete:

class Document { ... }
class DocAnnotation { ... }
class Person { ... }
class Documents {
    static List<Document> allDocuments();
class Persons {
    static Set<Person> allPersons();
    static Person GEORGE_W_BUSH = ...;
class DocAnnotations {
    static Map<Person,List<DocAnnotation>> allAnnotations = ...;

Now, you might ask a question such as: Has George Bush annotated any documents mentioning Iraq as secret. In this hypothetical application, you might code that up something like this:

boolean bushMarkedAnyIraqDocsSecret() {
    Iterator<Document> docI = Documents.allDocuments().iterator();
    Iterator<DocAnnotation> annI =
    while (docI.hasNext() && annI.hasNext()) {
        Document doc =;
        DocAnnotation docAnn =;
        if (doc.mentions("Iraq") && docAnn.marked("secret")) {
            return true;
    return false;

We could abstract this over what we're looking for in the document, who'se annotations we're looking for, and what kind of annotation we're looking for:

boolean personAnnotatedOnKeyword(Person person, String ann, String key) {
    Iterator<Document> docI = Documents.allDocuments().iterator();
    Iterator<DocAnnotation> annI =
    while (docI.hasNext() && annI.hasNext()) {
        Document doc =;
        DocAnnotation docAnn =;
        if (doc.mentions(key) && docAnn.marked(ann)) {
            return true;
    return false;

It is possible that abstracting in this way allowes us to avoid repeating this loop throughout the code, if the code frequently needs to ask this kind of question. Abstracting common code is good because, among other things, it allows us to reduce the number of things we need to change when we refactor code. For example, if we were to change the representation of a person's annotations to be a Map<Document,DocAnnotation> instead of List<DocAnnotation>, or make a DocAnnotation contain a reference to the Document, we would have to change this kind of loop everywhere it appears. So having a single place where the loop is written is a good thing, as there are fewer places in the code that depend on the exact representation of the data.

Abstracting the loop in JDK5

The next step is to try to abstract the loop itself. Java provides some convenient looping constructs, including the recently introduced for-each loop with its Iterable interface. We can use that, but we need to introduce a type over which we're iterating:

class DocAndAnnotation {
    final Document doc;
    final DocAnnotation docAnn;
    DocAndAnnotation(Document doc, DocAnnotation docAnn) {
        this.doc = doc;
        this.docAnn = docAnn;

Now we can provide looping support by writing the loop only once in the code like this

Collection<DocAndAnnotation> docsWithAnnotations(Person person) {
    Iterator<Document> docI = Documents.allDocuments().iterator();
    Iterator<DocAnnotation> annI =
    List<DocAndAnnotation> result =
        new ArrayList<DocAndAnnotation>();
    while (docI.hasNext() && annI.hasNext()) {
        Document doc =;
        DocAnnotation docAnn =;
        result.add(new DocAndAnnotation(doc, docAnn));
    return result;

This allows us to write the original loop like this:

boolean personAnnotatedOnKeyword(Person person, String ann, String key) {
    for (DocAndAnnotation docAndAnn : docsWithAnnotations(person)) {
        if (docWithAnn.doc.mentions(key) && docWithAnn.docAnn.marked(ann)) {
            return true;
    return false;

So far so good, but this solution has an unfortunate feature: it constructs the entire list even if the answer can be found by looking at only the first annotated document. We can do slightly better by constructing a lazy iterator instead of an eager list. We do that by rewriting docsWithAnnotations as follows:

Iterable<DocAndAnnotation> docsWithAnnotations(Person person) {
    final Iterator<Document> docI =
    final Iterator<DocAnnotation> annI =
    return new Iterable<DocAndAnnotation>() {
        public Iterator<DocAndAnnotation> iterator() {
            return new Iterator<DocAndAnnotation>() {
                public boolean hasNext() {
                    return docI.hasNext() && annI.hasNext();
                public DocAndAnnotation next() {
                    return new DocAndAnnotation(,;
                public void remove() {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

Now, without changing personAnnotatedOnKeyword, the same loop works without the overhead of building the entire List<DocAndAnnotation>.

This program does, however, produce a large number of small, transient garbage objects. The Iterator, Iterable, and DocAndAnnotation objects are all short-lived and simply exist to convey data from one part of the program to another. This is not necessarily a problem; HotSpot has a number of garbage-collection algorithms that are good at allocating and reclaiming short-lived objects. But in some applications it could contribute toward a performance bottleneck.

Can the looping code be refactored to avoid all these small allocations? The answer is yes, and there is a standard idiom for doing that in Java. The idea is to turn the control structure of the loop inside-out. Rather than having the personAnnotatedOnKeyword perform the iteration, we have a library method perform the iteration and pass the values to a snippet of code provided by personAnnotatedOnKeyword. That would look something like this:

interface WithDocumentAndAnnotation {
    void doIt(Document doc, DocAnnotation docAnn);
void docsWithAnnotations(
        Person person, WithDocumentAndAnnotation body) {
    Iterator<Document> docI = Documents.allDocuments().iterator();
    Iterator<DocAnnotation> annI =
    while (docI.hasNext() && annI.hasNext()) {
        Document doc =;
        DocAnnotation docAnn =;
        body.doIt(doc, docAnn);

A client can now iterate through a person's annotations by providing a snippet of code in the form of a class that implements the interface:

boolean personAnnotatedOnKeyword(
        Person person, final String ann, final String key) {
    class MyBody implements WithDocumentAndAnnotation {
        boolean result = false;
        public void doIt(Document doc, DocAnnotation docAnn) {
            if (doc.mentions(key) && docAnn.marked(ann)) {
                result = true;
    MyBody body = new MyBody();
    docsWithAnnotations(person, body);
    return body.result;

This solves the transient memory allocation problem (if it even was a problem), but this version of the program again unnnecessarily iterates through all of the documents even if it needs to iterate through only a few to compute its result. We can fix that by modifying the WithDocumentAndAnnotation interface's method to return a boolean, which indicates whether or not iteration should continue or whether the loop should abort. This may enable many of the old clients of the docsWithAnnotations method to migrate to the new API, but it may not satisfy the needs of all of them. Presumably we could modify the interface further as we discovered different patterns of control-flow used by clients that iterate through documents and their annotations. We leave the details as an exercise to the reader.

Abstracting the loop with Closures

Closures provide a somewhat more convenient way to abstract the loop:

void docsWithAnnotations(Person person, void(Document,DocAnnotation) block) {
    Iterator<Document> docI = Documents.allDocuments().iterator();
    Iterator<DocAnnotation> annI =
    while (docI.hasNext() && annI.hasNext()) {
        Document doc =;
        DocAnnotation docAnn =;
        block(doc, docAnn);

This looks almost the same as our last version using JDK5, except that it does not require the introduction of the WithDocumentAndAnnotation interface. Let's see what the client looks like:

boolean personAnnotatedOnKeyword(
        Person person, final String ann, final String key) {
    docsWithAnnotations(person, (Document doc, DocAnnotation docAnn) {
        if (doc.mentions(key) && docAnn.marked(ann)) {
            return personAnnotatedOnKeyword: true;
    return false;

That's it. If we adopt the modifications to the proposal suggested in the Further Ideas section, the client would look something like this:

boolean personAnnotatedOnKeyword(
        Person person, final String ann, final String key) {
    docsWithAnnotations(person) (Document doc, DocAnnotation docAnn) {
        if (doc.mentions(key) && docAnn.marked(ann)) {
            return true;
    return false;

The only transient objects created in this version are the closure object itself and the two iterators used in the implementation of docsWithAnnotations. As you can see, the caller of docsWithAnnotations can use control-flow operations like return without the implementation of docsWithAnnotations having to anticipate what kinds of control-flow will be required.

Now, in the interest of full disclosure I should mention that the return statement within the closure is likely to be implemented under the covers using exceptions. That's one more transient object we should count. As for the performance of using an exception in this way, I'm told by HotSpot engineers that an exception used this way is largely optimized away by the VM if found in performance-critical code. The most expensive part of exception handling by far is capturing the stack trace when creating the exception, and we would want to create exceptions for this purpose without stack traces.

That really is it. All of the design iterations we went through to handle variations on this problem in JDK5 simply don't arise as issues. That's the beauty of closures: they allow you to easily abstract away aspects of code that would otherwise require complex contortions.

A slight update on my current feelings about the draft spec. I think we are likely to drop the special syntax for a nonlocal return, and have a different syntax for returning from a closure. This is hinted at in the Further Ideas section. "return" would mean return from the enclosing method or function, and if you're inside a closure you would write a statement something like "^ expression;" to return a value from the closure. Most value-returning closures are unlikely to need this syntax, since they can often be expressed using the "(args) : expression" form.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Closures for Java

I'm co-author of a draft proposal for adding support for closures to the Java programming language for the Dolphin (JDK 7) release. It was carefully designed to interoperate with the current idiom of one-method interfaces. An abbreviated version of the original proposal is reproduced below. The latest version of the proposal and a prototype can be found at

Gilad Bracha, Neal Gafter, James Gosling, Peter von der Ahé

Modern programming languages provide a mixture of primitives for composing programs. C#, Javascript, Ruby, Scala, and Smalltalk (to name just a few) have direct language support for function types and inline function-valued expression, called closures. A proposal for closures is working its way through the C++ standards committees as well. Function types provide a natural way to express some kinds of abstraction that are currently quite awkward to express in Java. For programming in the small, closures allow one to abstract an algorithm over a piece of code; that is, they allow one to more easily extract the common parts of two almost-identical pieces of code. For programming in the large, closures support APIs that express an algorithm abstracted over some computational aspect of the algorithm. We propose to add function types and closures to Java. We anticipate that the additional expressiveness of the language will simplify the use of existing APIs and enable new kinds of APIs that are currently too awkward to express using the best current idiom: interfaces and anonymous classes.

Function Types

We introduce a new syntactic form:

Type ( TypeList ) { throws ThrowsTypeList }
ThrowsTypeList VBAR Type

These syntactic forms designate function types. A function type is a kind of reference type. A function type consists of a return type, a list of argument types, and a set of thrown exception types.

Note: the existing syntax for the throws clause in a method declaration uses a comma to separate elements of the ThrowsTypeList. For backward compatibility we continue to allow commas to separate these elements in method and function declarations, but in function types we require the use of the '|' (vertical-bar) character as aseparator to resolve a true ambiguity that would arise when a function type is used in a type list. For uniformity of syntax, we also allow the vertical-bar as a separator in the throws clause of method and function definitions, and as a matter of style we recommend that new code prefer the vertical-bar.

Local Functions

In addition to function types, we introduce local functions, which are one way to introduce a name with function type:

Type Identifier FormalParameters { throws ThrowsTypeList } Block

A local function declaration has the effect of declaring a final variable of function type. Local functions may not be declared with a variable argument list. Local functions may invoke themselves recursively.

Note: this syntax omits annotations, which should be allowed on local functions.


Combining these forms, we can write a simple function and assign it to a local function variable:

 public static void main(String[] args) {
     int plus2(int x) { return x+2; }
     int(int) plus2b = plus2;

Namespaces and name lookup

The Java programming language currently maintains a strict separation between expression names and method names. These two separate namespaces allow a programmer to use the same name for a variable and for methods. Local functions and closure variables necessarily blur the distinction between these two namespaces: local functions may be used as expression values; contrariwise, variables of function type may be invoked.

A local function declaration introduces the declared name as a variable name. When searching a scope for a method name, if no methods exist with the given name then local functions and variables of the given name that are of function type are considered candidates. If more than one exists (for example, function-typed variable declarations are inherited from separate supertypes), the reference is considered ambiguous; local functions do not overload.

When searching a scope for an expression name, local functions are treated as variables. Function names and values can therefore be used like other values in a program, and can be applied using the existing invocation syntax. In addition, we allow a function to be invoked from an arbitrary (for example, parenthesized) expression:

Primary Arguments

Anonymous Functions (Closures)

We also introduce a syntactic form for constructing a function value without declaring a local function (precedence is tentative):

FormalParameters Block
FormalParameters : Expression3


We can rewrite the assignment to plus2b in the previous example using an anonymous function:

    int(int) plus2b = (int x) {return x+2; };

Or, using the short form,

    int(int) plus2b = (int x) : x+2;

The type of a closure

The type of a closure is inferred from its form as follows:

The argument types of a closure are the types of the declared arguments.

For the short form of a closure, the return type is the type of the expression following the colon. For a long form of a closure, if the body contains no return statement and the body cannot complete normally, the return type is the type of null. Otherwise if the body contains no return statement or the form of return statements are without a value, the return type is void

Otherwise, consider the set of types appearing in the return statements within the body. These types are combined from left to right using the rules of the conditional operator (JLS3 15.25) to compute a single unique type, which is the return type of the closure.

The set of thrown types of a closure are those checked exception types thrown by the body.


The following illustrates a closure being assigned to a variable with precisely the type of the closure.

    void(int) throws InterruptedException closure =
  (int t) { Thread.sleep(t); }


A function type T is a subtype of function type U iff all of the following hold:

  • Either
    • The return type of T is either the same as the return type of U or
    • Both return types are reference types and the return type of T is a subtype of the return type of U, or
    • the return type of U is void.
  • T and U have the same number of declared arguments.
  • For each corresponding argument position in the argument list of T and U, either both argument types are the same or both are reference types and the type of the argument to U is a subtype of the corresponding argument to T.
  • Every exception type in the throws of T is a subtype of some exception type in the throws of U.

Exception handling

The invocation of a function throws every checked exception type in the function's type.

It is a compile-time error if the body of a function can throw a checked exception type that is not a subtype of some member of the throws clause of the function.


A function type inherits all the non-private methods from Object. The following methods are added to java.lang.Class to support function types:

    public final class java.lang.Class<T> ... {
        public boolean isFunction();
        public java.lang.reflect.FunctionType functionType();
        public Object invokeFunction(Object function, Object ... args)
           throws IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException;
    public interface java.lang.reflect.FunctionType {
        public Type returnType();
        public Type[] argumentTypes();
        public Type[] throwsTypes();

Note: unlike java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke, Class.invokeFunction cannot throw IllegalAccessException, because there is no access control to enforce; the function value designates either an anonymous or local function, neither of which allows access modifiers in its declaration. Access to function values is controlled at compile-time by their scope, and at runtime by controlling the function value.

The type of null

We add support for null and the type of null in function types. We introduce a meaning for the keyword null as a type name; it designates the type of the expression null. A class literal for the type of null is null.class. These are necessary to allow reflection, type inference, and closure literals to work for functions that do not return normally. We also add the non-instantiable class java.lang.Null as a placeholder, and its static member field TYPE as a synonym for null.class.

Referencing names from the enclosing scope

Names that are in scope where a function or closure is defined may be referenced within the closure. We do not propose a rule that requires referenced variables be final, as is currently required for anonymous class instances. The constraint on anonymous class instances is also relaxed to allow them to reference any local variable in scope.

Note: Some who see concurrency constructs being the closure construct's primary use prefer to either require such referenced variables be final, or that such variables be explicitly declared for sharing, perhaps by requiring them be declared volatile. We reject this proposal for a few reasons. First, concurrency has no special role in the need for closures in the Java programming language; the proposal punishes other users of the feature for the convenience of these few. Second, the proposal is non-parallel with the closest existing parallel structure: classes. There is no constraint that a method may only access, for example, volatile fields of itself or other objects or enclosing classes. If compatibility allowed us to add such a rule to Java at this time, such a rule would obviously inconvenience most programmers for very little benefit. Third, marking such variables volatile, with all the semantic meaning implied by volatile, is neither necessary nor sufficient to ensure (and hardly assists!) appropriate use in a multithreaded environment.

Non-local transfer

One purpose for closures is to allow a programmer to refactor common code into a shared utility, with the difference between the use sites being abstracted into a local function or closure. The code to be abstracted sometimes contains a break, continue, or return statement. This need not be an obstacle to the transformation. A break or continue statement appearing within a closure or local function may transfer to any matching enclosing statement provided the target of the transfer is in the same innermost ClassBody.

Because the return statement within a block of code is given new meaning when transformed by being surrounded by a closure, a different syntactic construct is required to return from an enclosing function or method. The following new form of the return statement may be used within a closure or local function to return from any enclosing (named) local function or method, provided the target of the transfer is in the same innermost ClassBody:

return Identifier : ;
return Identifier : Expression ;

No syntax is provided to return from a lexically enclosing closure. If such non-local return is required, the code should be rewritten using a local function (i.e. introducing a name) in place of the closure.

If a break statement is executed that would transfer control out of a statement that is no longer executing, or is executing in another thread, the VM throws a new unchecked exception, UnmatchedNonlocalTransfer. (I suspect we can come up with a better name). Similarly, an UnmatchedNonlocalTransfer is thrown when a continue statement attempts to complete a loop iteration that is not executing in the current thread. Finally, an UnmatchedNonlocalTransfer is thrown when a NamedReturnStatement attempts to return from a function or method invocation that is not pending in the current thread.

Closure conversion

We propose the following closure conversion, to be applied only in those contexts where boxing currently occurs:

There is a closure conversion from every closure of type T to every interface type that has a single method with signature U such that T is a subtype of the function type corresponding to U.

We will want to generalize this rule slightly to allow the conversion when boxing or unboxing of the return type is required, e.g. to allow assigning a closure that returns int to an interface whose method returns Integer or vice versa.

Note: The current Java idiom for capturing a snippet of code requires the use of a one-method interface to represent the function type and an anonymous class instance to represent the closure:

        public interface Runnable {
           void run();
        public interface API {
           void doRun(Runnable runnable);
        public class Client {
            void doit(API api) {
                api.doRun(new Runnable(){
                   public void run() {

Had function types been available when this API was written, it might have been written like this:

        public interface API {
            void doRun(void() func);

And the client like this:

        public class Client {
            void doit(API api) {
                api.doRun(() {snippetOfCode(); });

Unfortunately, compatibility prevents us from changing existing APIs. One possibility is to introduce a boxing utility method somewhere in the libraries:

        Runnable runnable(final void() func) {
            return new Runnable() {
                public void run() { func(); }

Allowing the client to write this:

        public class Client {
            void doit(API api) {
                api.doRun(runnable(() {snippetOfCode(); }));

This may be nearly good enough from the point of view of how concise the usage is, but it has one more serious drawback: every creation of a Runnable this way requires that two objects be allocated instead of one (one for the closure and one for the Runnable), and every invocation of a method constructed this way requires an extra invocation. For some applications -- for example, micro-concurrency -- this overhead may be too high to allow the use of the closure syntax with existing APIs. Moreover, the VM-level optimizations required to generate adequate code for this kind of construct are difficult and unlikely to be widely implemented soon.

The closure conversion is applied only to closures (i.e. function literals), not to arbitrary expressions of function type. This enables javac to allocate only one object, rather than both a closure and an anonymous class instance. The conversion avoids any hidden overhead at runtime. As a practical matter, javac will automatically generate code equivalent to our original client, creating an anonymous class instance in which the body of the lone method corresponds to the body of the closure.


We can use the existing Executor framework to run a closure in the background:

 void sayHello(java.util.concurrent.Executor ex) {
     ex.execute((){ System.out.println("hello"); });

Further ideas

We are considering allowing omission of the argument list in a closure when there are no arguments. Further, we could support a sugar for calls to functions whose last argument is a zero argument closure:

 void foo(T1 p1, ..., Tn pn, R() pn+1) {...}

could be called as

 T1 a1; ... Tn an;
 foo(a1, ..., an){...};

where the call is translated to

 foo(a1, ..., an, {...});

In the special case where there is only one argument to foo, we also would allow


for example

 void sayHello(java.util.concurrent.Executor ex) {
     ex.execute { System.out.println("hello"); }

We are also experimenting with generalizing this to support an invocation syntax that interleaves parts of the method name and its arguments, which would allow more general user-defined control structures that look like if, if-else, do-while, and so on.

This doesn't play well with the return statement being given a new meaning within a closure; it returns from the closure instead of the enclosing method/function. Perhaps the return from a closure should be given a different syntax:

 ^ expression;

With this, we probably no longer need the nonlocal return statement.


The authors would like to thank the following people whose discussions and insight have helped us craft, refine, and improve this proposal:

Lars Bak, Cédric Beust, Joshua Bloch, Martin Buchholz, Danny Coward, Erik Ernst, Christian Plesner Hansen, Doug Lea, "crazy" Bob Lee, Martin Odersky, Tim Peierls, John Rose, Ken Russell, Mads Torgersen, Jan Vitek, and Dave Yost.