Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Charles' Family Birthday Party

On April 3, we invited all of the family for a birthday party. Charles wanted to make sure that everyone was involved in helping him celebrate. We visited and the kids played with Aunt Sherri and Dinah. It was so much fun. The party got cut a little short due to snow and everyone having to drive home. It was great to have them here to help celebrate. The gift that seemed to be the favorite was the art set from Aunt Sherri and Dinah. Even today this set is out and being used. Thanks!

Charles' 7th Birthday Party

I cannot believe that my baby boy is 7!! It seems like yesterday when we brought him home from the hospital. He has grown into a very wonderful boy. He loves Legos and playing video games on the Wii or Nintendo DS. Charles really loves school, especially PE and art and math. He is a good student. Charles is our quiet child. Most of the time he is happy to do quiet activities or read. He has a very sweet spirit and seems very wise in spiritual matters. He has a soft heart for others and enjoys making others happy. For his birthday we did a "Hot Wheels" theme. He really wanted Harry Potter, but we had trouble finding stuff that fit. Maybe next year. On his birthday we had some of his friends over for pizza, games, and cake. We played several car related relay games and a couple of inside quieter car games. This game seemed to be the hardest, but made mom laugh the most. We gave each of the boys a hot wheels car and a drinking straw. They had to blow through the straw to make their cars go. It was hilarious. Charles was bound and determined that his cake be shaped like a car. This is my poor attempt. It was a fun evening with all the kids. We had a great time and enjoyed it thoroughly.

A Dragon

Our home teacher came over on the last Sunday of March. He brought in a box wrapped in a towel. This happens occasionally and we never know what he is bringing over for the kids to look at. After his message he asked the kids if they had seen "How to Train Your Dragon". It just so happened that we had watched that movie the night before. He then asked them if they had ever seen a real dragon. When they said no, he uncovered the box and pulled out a bearded dragon. Charles was timid as usual and Michelle was so excited she wanted to hold it right away. Here are a few pictures of the adventure.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bennett's First Haircut!

Well, this morning before church I did a very hard thing: I cut Bennett's hair. I have never had to cut my kids' hair this early before, but he had such a bad comb over. He sat in the chair like the biggest boy and never cried or anything while I used the clippers to cut his hair. Bennett was actually trying to watch the clippers. When it was time to clean things up with the scissors, Bennett was not happy. He cried and Gabe had to hold him down. Needless to say, his first hair cut is not perfect, but it is done. The sad part is he looks like a whole different kid. See what you think!