Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So guilty...

Ohhhh yeaaaa... I'm in on this fun and unique swap by the fabulous MAMMARAZZI!

For this swap, we create a package for our partner full of some of our guilty pleasures... don't worry NOTHING RISK-ay! 
Just some of the things we may splurge on for ourselves and not want to share with anyone else:)

Here's a couple of my guilty pleasures...

I  love Sangria, and this ones pretty cheap ♥

A GOOD nailpolish is always a must...

And when PMS calls... these come to the rescue...

Sighhhhhh... I'm in need of one of these guilty pleasures after the day I've had... lol!!
Guess which one?

I can't wait to share with you all what I SEND to my partner and what she GIVES me!!


Sunday, August 29, 2010


The reasons I have to go on...
Its been tough going back to work, especially to a job that I am NOT liking for many reasons:(
But I do it to provide for these baby dolls ♥
They are my world; oh yea and my hubby too :)

Me and my Gagie doll ♥

Me and my Gav-a-roo ♥

I had the BEST weekend with these handsome hunks, I DON'T want it to end!!

How was your weekend?

Noelle ♥

Friday, August 27, 2010

Free 'N Frugal Friday

Welcome to Free N Frugal Friday!!

 Here's an AWESOME deal from SHUTTERFLY...

You can make a FREE hardcover 8x8 photo book FREE! A $29.99 value... you do have to pay shipping but HECK a free photo book!!
Click HERE to head to the site to get started!!
What a GREAT way to preserve the memories of a special summer vacation, or even give this book as a gift... Christmas will be here SOON!!

Also Bath and Body Works has some yummy FALL scented Hand Soaps right now 4 for $10...



Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This turned my Frown UPSIDE down!

What a POOPY day!!
Till I read my email and saw that I won one of these ADORABLE candles from Mammalicious Finds!!
This is the one I picked and the scent is: Pumpkin Roll, yum!!
Just in time for fall!!

Tomorrow is going to be a long hard day for me... my lil students begin!
And I am BACK to SCHOOL this semester and have History from 7-9:50 pm... whew!

Chat soon,
Noelle ♥

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up

Hi there!
How has your week/weekend been?
Its SO hard to blog during the week for me, I'm drained from work.
I'm hoping this week gets better since our babies and moms start back to school, then we will get into our routines. Last week was spent cleaning the 3 classrooms and dividing up toys, furniture, etc. amongst the classrooms... pretty boring!
I'm really limited on the amount of colorful things I can use in my room because I have mostly infants under 9 months. 
Its because we don't want to overstimulate them even more than they already are...
kinda strange never really thought of that.

I have to admit so far this job is not quite what I expected:(
I'm having a hard time adjusting being away from home so much, I still have no idea if I can get back to college this semester yet... sigh!
I'm a creature of habit, not much of a fan of change so I imagine this will take me waaay longer to adjust to.
The NICE thing... having a steady paycheck and full benefits.
It feels good to get the bills paid and then have a little bit of "FUN" money left over.
After September I can use a couple vacation days I have so that will be NICE!
I've been getting some grief from people that
"I haven't worked full time long enough to (complain)!"
Having kids is a FULL Time job itself!
I didn't plan on having to return to work full time till my youngest started Kindergarten in a couple years, so SUE me for being upset that I'm not adjusting well:(
SOME people REALLY don't have a DARN clue!!

Onto other things...
The weekends have been filled with relaxing, some chores and back to school shopping...
 Gage picked out some Toy Story tennis shoes for preschool, so cute!
Gavin never wants to pose for pics anymore:(

Back to school haircuts...
Hehe, he's such a hammie! ♥

I treated myself to a MUCH needed pedi...

I noticed last night that mums are in bloom on my yard...
Fall is ON ITS WAY :)

Here are some shots of things around the yard right now...
Little seating area I created on the side of the house...
my chairs need a SERIOUS paint job!!

I found this planter at Meijer a few weeks ago for $1.79... filled it with Impatients.

I got my Back to School Snoopy flag out, so cute!!

My September door hanger... love it ♥
Love apples!!
Planning on taking the boys apple picking some time this next month... cannot wait!!

Yea, I know I'm a little early for this but I had to put out this fall door mat on the porch...
I'm WISHING for Fall to arrive so fast!!

Got some GREAT news yesterday, I won SOMETHING PINK from Mammarazzi's blog!
Can't wait to see what it is!

I'm finishing up my 1st swap of Fall...
My partner LOOOVES coffee so I'm having a hay-day with her theme:)
Can't wait to show it off to you!

Tomorrow night, hubby and I have a dinner date!
We still have a gift certificate to use for one of our Fave restaurants, The Vine!
I'm SO looking forward to it, I'm missing time with him since I've been working- we really barely see each other now :(

Alright gals, thats all I got for now!
Chat soon...
Noelle ♥

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Quick HELLO!!

Hey dolls!
Just wanted to pop in and say Hope YOU had a GREAT weekend!!
Mine was very busy and tomorrow will be too but...
I get to get into my classroom starting tomorrow to set it up:)
I can't wait to share pics with ya!!

I work 8 hrs tomorrow then I get to run home for a bit then travel an HOUR to a Dove Chocolate party I have to do... wish ME luck!
My host has at least 20 to be in attendance!!!
Tomorrow will be a LOOOONG day!

I'm getting excited about announcing my FALL BAKING giveaway here soon...
Think flavors of Fall recipes with some cuteness to bake with:)

THANKS so much for visiting lately and leaving me sweet comments!!
Sorry I haven't replied all the time or visited, still trying to figure out my crazy schedule...
But I LOVE ♥ you all!!!

Noelle ♥

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy HUMP day!

I guess now that I am a working mom with a full time job I can be happy that today is HUMP day!
Halfway through the work week... AMEN!

Last weekend was such a nice one, I took the boys to my in-laws lake cottage on Saturday then just plain hung out with them on Sunday, laughing and being silly. I have to say that working during the week makes me appreciate my home and "down" time on the weekend so much more!
I'm still working on getting my hubby to handle more housework during the day when I'm gone, I'm working more hours than him right now with his goofy job situation:(
Here's some things I'm looking forward too...

 The crisp-ness of Fall.... cooler air, crunchy leaves, caramel apples, scarecrows, fall decor, picking pumpkins...

I looove this time of the year!!

I have some EXCITING news to share...
After much debate my mom and I are taking a short weekend trip to Ohio in September to attend this...
Fun country shopping for crafts, antiques, eating yummy food and sight seeing... a GIRLS only TRIP!
Its gonna be so fun!!!

I think we also will be planning a day trip to Chicago soon with the boys (hubby and I too) to take them to LegoLand...
The boys will LOVE it!
They both have a HUGE interest in building with Lego's!
We were gonna go this summer but without the extra money, we had to put it off.
I have to keep reminding myself that no matter how hard going back to work full time is, we will be able to do fun things like this again!!!

What are your plans for this weekend?
Remember that song... "Everybody's working for the weekend..."
Heck yea, I do!! LOL

Noelle ♥

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Happy List :)

Another segment of MY Happy List with Mamarazzi...

I have SO much to be happy for lately:)

Having another wonderful month selling Dove Chocolate Discoveries...
Since May I've sold $4000 in products and have earned almost $1,000!!
So I've had a lil extra play money to do fun things with the boys this summer and to buy myself some new "Back to School" stuff for me...

I love, love, love this TOP I got from Fashion Bug... with a $10 off coupon, it cost me $15!!
Probably will have to wear it with a shrug to work, or save it for a HOT date night with the hubs ♥

Got this one at Old Navy for $15; cute with khacki's or jeans...

A NEW lunch tote for me from Thirty One gifts (home purse/bag party company), isn't it cute!!??
I think it was $14...?

Whats a teacher to do without a CUTE calendar?
Got this at Target for $2.50!

Gotta get those lesson plans in order too...
Looove it, $1 at Target:)

On my last day of my old daycare job, they gave me a sweet card thanking me for "taking care of them and for all the fun projects" and gave me this gift...
A cookie cookbook and this cute coffee mug:)
There was a note in the card that said "So you will always think of us when you bake and sip coffee"
Sooo sweet!!

Last Friday during training my boss came in with a cart full of gift baskets...
each of us Early Head Start teachers got one... I was teary eyed because at any other job I've had we (teachers) rarely got any appreciation for the hard work we did and here in TRAINING, they already give us goodies to thank us!
Here's what I got...
Shortbread cookies, Mocha Latte mix, a glass plate, mug and spoon and a little cloth napkin... so sweet and thoughful:)

Knowing the past couple weeks that I may be returning to work full time after 9 years, my hubby and I spent each Monday at the beach with our boys... wonderful family time ♥
Gage was happy to scoop sand with my empty Pepsi cup, cause momma forgot the sand toys, oops!

Gavin snacking on his fave treat.... Airheads!
I love the beach... the sun, the waves and togetherness time:)
I'm supposed to work a half day this Tuesday, so I'm hoping for no rain so we can have another afternoon at the beach!!

Another thing that made me super Happy last week was that our friend/Gage's Godmother called and took the boys to Chuck E Cheese and to get some pics taken with them.
It was a nice break to run errands by myself while they had some fun time with her.
Here's a couple of the pics she had taken...
Here she is with them!
She's a STICK and these 2 beasts were so heavy on her, lol!

My lil Stinkers ♥
Love this pic, its SO them!!
 I also got some HAPPY MAIL from my sweet doll Jennie from Larsen Loves!!
 She made these vinyl toes decals using her CRICUT!!
 Fleur de Lis... love it!!

~Thanks for reading my Happy List today~

Noelle ♥

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I think I can, I think I can....

Hey gals!
Well I started training for my new job this past Thursday, more training next week as well!
We will be able to get into our classrooms on the 17th I believe, then our babies will arrive on the 25th.

I have to admit, I am feeling VERY overwhelmed!
Training consisted of how to assess babies and toddlers, learning the 2 assessment tools we will use on them as well.
Because Head Start is funded by the state and government we have all sorts of paperwork to do and report on, in addition to our daily observation notes, lesson planning, taking care of the babies, mentoring the moms, etc. WHEW... I'm tired already!

I don't know if its nerves but I have been feeling sick to my stomach the past 2 days:(
On my break, I'd run the truck home to Brian then they'd drop me back off to work- my lil Gage would make the saddest face and cry which made me get all teary eyed and ponder if I REALLY made the right choice by taking this job?!
I know financially I HAVE to do it for my family, we aren't sure whats in the works for my husbands job but he hasn't been paid in 2 months!! RIDICULOUS!
Soon he will be collecting unemployment, even though he is STILL working!
I pray that a rewarding job will fall into his hands by the end of this year.

I'm sad that I won't have the time to blog as much as I used to, craft and scrapbook, etc.
But I have to remember that these things are the priority in my life right now, providing for my family is.

All I know is that when my first BIG paycheck arrives on the 27th, I'm going to get one of these...
A Massage!!!

If I'm working hard, I deserve a lil pampering right?!

I hope you will all still keep in touch:(

Gonna miss chatting everyday!!

Noelle ♥

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Kids Swap Part 2

Earlier this summer I held a KIDS ONLY summer swap...
I've posted my Part 1 already and need to show what my sweet doll friend Jennie sent to my boys:)
She even jazzed up the outside of the box... FUN!

Gavin was SO hoping, praying, crossing his fingers and TOES that the Larsen Kids would add a Bakugan or two to his swap package CUZ he LOOOVEs them soooooo much, and they DID!
Gavin was THRILLED to say the least:)

We got YUMMY Jelly Beans, water squirters, fun summer foamies for crafting...

water balloons and silly string...

gummy candy, a new beach ball, cotton candy...


Sweet Jennie even sent me some goodies too...
Lotsa cute scrapbook goodies... isn't that ladybug adorable?!

They even sent Gage some goodies too...
Gage got silly string, gummies, ABC magnets and a glow stick (they loved these on the 4th of July)!!

Gavin with another Bakugan:)

(You know this pic reminds me that I NEVER showed our bedroom makeover, ooops!)

Thanks for swapping with us Jennie:)
And somehow, my pics of what we sent the Larsen's are NO where to be found on my computer:(
Maybe Jennie can get some posted this week...? (hehehe)

We are off to the BEACH today, woo hoo!!!

Noelle ♥