Hi there!
How has your week/weekend been?
Its SO hard to blog during the week for me, I'm drained from work.
I'm hoping this week gets better since our babies and moms start back to school, then we will get into our routines. Last week was spent cleaning the 3 classrooms and dividing up toys, furniture, etc. amongst the classrooms... pretty boring!
I'm really limited on the amount of colorful things I can use in my room because I have mostly infants under 9 months.
Its because we don't want to overstimulate them even more than they already are...
kinda strange never really thought of that.
I have to admit so far this job is not quite what I expected:(
I'm having a hard time adjusting being away from home so much, I still have no idea if I can get back to college this semester yet... sigh!
I'm a creature of habit, not much of a fan of change so I imagine this will take me waaay longer to adjust to.
The NICE thing... having a steady paycheck and full benefits.
It feels good to get the bills paid and then have a little bit of "FUN" money left over.
After September I can use a couple vacation days I have so that will be NICE!
I've been getting some grief from people that
"I haven't worked full time long enough to (complain)!"
Having kids is a FULL Time job itself!
I didn't plan on having to return to work full time till my youngest started Kindergarten in a couple years, so SUE me for being upset that I'm not adjusting well:(
SOME people REALLY don't have a DARN clue!!
Onto other things...
The weekends have been filled with relaxing, some chores and back to school shopping...
Gage picked out some Toy Story tennis shoes for preschool, so cute!
Gavin never wants to pose for pics anymore:(
Back to school haircuts...
Hehe, he's such a hammie! ♥
I treated myself to a MUCH needed pedi...
I noticed last night that mums are in bloom on my yard...
Fall is ON ITS WAY :)
Here are some shots of things around the yard right now...
Little seating area I created on the side of the house...
my chairs need a SERIOUS paint job!!
I found this planter at Meijer a few weeks ago for $1.79... filled it with Impatients.
I got my Back to School Snoopy flag out, so cute!!
My September door hanger... love it ♥
Love apples!!
Planning on taking the boys apple picking some time this next month... cannot wait!!
Yea, I know I'm a little early for this but I had to put out this fall door mat on the porch...
I'm WISHING for Fall to arrive so fast!!
Got some GREAT news yesterday, I won
Mammarazzi's blog!
Can't wait to see what it is!
I'm finishing up my 1st swap of Fall...
My partner LOOOVES coffee so I'm having a hay-day with her theme:)
Can't wait to show it off to you!
Tomorrow night, hubby and I have a dinner date!
We still have a gift certificate to use for one of our Fave restaurants, The Vine!
I'm SO looking forward to it, I'm missing time with him since I've been working- we really barely see each other now :(
Alright gals, thats all I got for now!
Chat soon...
Noelle ♥