
Showing posts with label Healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy. Show all posts

Know Causes of Stroke, and How to Prevent Stroke

What is stroke? Did someone get the attack of stroke? How do I prevent stroke? Many people crave information about stroke. Because the information, now stroke disease can attack anyone without the ages. What antiquity stroke disease suffered by many of those who have tread the five 'old' stroke now have started the young attack.

My neighbor a new age of 33 years have experienced attacks and stroke akahirnya he should lose their jobs. The story here, he got a sudden attack of stroke, there may still be in it please. The disease is stroke some body organs do not function well, until now only to walk he had to use a stick. The period of recovery after stroke attacks get takes a long time. He has no hope to recover quickly so he should receive PHK from BOS.

Well, the information you want to share through my blog I hope this can be useful for visitors who are seeking information about stroke. This article I got from some persons who can be trusted.

According to the Surgical Hospital Mayapada Saraf, Dr Roslan Yusni Hasan, Sp.BS, stroke is a permanent hysteria. Stroke was divided into two types, namely bleeding and stoppage. Stoppage caused by the cumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall or coagulation of the blood stream of stuff to the brain. Moderate bleeding occurred because of broken blood vessel so that obstruct the normal flow of blood to the area and infiltrate the brain and merusaknya. "Both types of stroke is not the same, but the symptoms are the same.

Stroke can also be caused by the high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes or diabetes melitus. even people with diabetes must be extra careful because he is only waiting for the time it is exposed to stroke. For, the blood vessel is terkontaminasi. "This is a risk factor that goes," Roslan explained. The problem is, if one is exposed to stroke, the risk of someone fell ill again akan greater. "That's because the quality of the blood vessel is ugly."

Stroke does not recognize age, and what the affected vulnerable young stroke? A number of cases of stroke in young age, according to Syafrizal, caused a high level of depression and poor eating patterns. Stress can also trigger a stroke causes. Stress will trigger this increase in blood pressure and raised cholesterol in the blood. These conditions make the blood vessel to be stopped. Not in practice young people consume fast food meals.

Stroke can be prevented with early conduct regular inspections to check the blood on a regular basis, and regular pattern of healthy eating, emotional control and a good lifestyle.

How To Choosing Healthy Foods

You may think that the favorite food in addition to having a delicious taste also have more energy, and can always keep your body healthy. Be careful that your favorite food is food that can damage the body.

We should select the type of food that can improve health and avoid the type of food that can increase the risk of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. In addition, I also hope you can expand the perspective on life as a healthy choice.

I realize that living healthy is very important so through this blog I will also share experiences and tips on how to live healthy. By understanding how different types of healthy food and learn to use guides and tips obtained from various sources that I can trust.

Here are some tips on how to choose foods that can improve health and avoid foods that increase the risk of disease:

1. Eat enough calories, but not too much. Maintaining a balance between calories and calories Feed-expenditure does not eat more food your body's needs. The average recommended daily allowance is 2000 calories, but this depends on age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity.

2. Eating healthy food variety. Make healthy eating as an opportunity to expand your choices to try different types of food, especially vegetables, grains, or fruits-that you rarely eat.

3. Keep portions, especially high-calorie foods. The last few years, many restaurants, restaurants serve food with big portions. Many bid to enjoy a large meal portions. We should avoid eating the meal exceeds the share operation.

4. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, grains, beans and high-berkarbohidrat food, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low fat, and cholesterol free. Try to get a fresh

5. Drink more water. Because our body around 75% is water. This is an important part of a healthy eating pattern. Drinking lots of water can help the system work the body, especially the kidneys and bladder, and to reduce waste and toxin.