I have been enjoying my class of 15 boys and 6 girls. Wow, I never knew that boys could really talk more than girls. We have been having lots of fun learning!
We finally have decided on our Science Fair Project. Our class is going to determine which camouflage is the best for the woods near our school. Needless to say my kiddos were beyond excited! Hopefully we will be conducting tests, this week. That is if the weather and temperatures cooperate. I guess this makes it the perfect time to be completing a unit on weather. I am also excited about the storm unit we will begin in a couple weeks. I am going to read Thunder Cake and make the cake too.
Some other things we have to look forward to is Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day fun! I went to PF Chang's last weekend and got chopsticks and fortune cookies for all my students. I will make rice again and check out their skills. Below are some pics from last year. Also, checkout my Valentine's Day - Love Is Unit.
Leave a comment and you could be a winner of the Valentine's Dy-Love Is Unit! I will pick a winner on Friday!