Jeremiah 29:11


Wednesday, August 1

DIY Martha Stewart Embellishment Barrettes

This is possibly the worst tutorial in history, but I was in a hurry.

I found these felt and silk flower embellishments by the Martha Stewart line at my local Michael's crafts store. The back of the card read that they could be used as part of your gift wrap, but I thought they'd make cute barrettes.

$4.99 per card

1 inch french barrettes 6 for $1.99

I attached the barrette to the embellishment by wrapping the wire provided around the top part of the barrette and then using a glue gun to secure it.


It took me all of 5 minutes to complete--I was a bit sloppy because I was in a hurry to gift them to Lola's dance classmates--but I think they turned out nicely. 

Sunday, July 22

What's in my bag {Make-up}

Hi friends! 
I've had a few folks ask me about my make up regimen and I thought it'd be fun to empty my beauty bag, share a few tips and reveal my favorite hush-hush tip. I left out eye wear, because it varies so much from day to day and there are way too many products to list!


::Night Out::

These 2 products are my most loyal friends.
Maybelline Cover Stick in pure white and Bobbi Brown Correcter in Peach
Bobbi Brown's quality is unmatched.

Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation in Ecru
Estee Lauder will never fail you! 

Everything is applied and later blended with a Beauty Blender.

{Blush and Contouring}
Bobbi Brown's Shimmer Brick in Beige for a beautiful candle light glow.

Cover Girl Cheekers blush #105

May through August I contour with Benefit's Hoola. September through April, Bobbi Brown's Plum. 


"If you want to look like Coco Chanel, you'll wear Coco Chanel"
Chanel Eyebrow pencil in Soft Brown


Estee Lauder long-lasting moisture rich lipstick in Blushing and lip pencil in Fig

And, my #1 beauty secret. False eyelashes. I wear them every day. 
I've been wearing them since last August, and daily since last November.
Ardell's 110's everyday and 120's or Shu Umera for special occasions or nights out.

Monday, June 25

Hot Mom Syndrome

I loved this article on the obnoxious "Hot Mom" syndrome. 

Wednesday, May 30

{We're Staying in Our House}

{The really short version}
A couple of months ago our Realtor sent a delightful interior designer to our home to prep it for staging. (Remember we were thinking of moving?) I knew in the very back of my mind that there was a possibility that I'd love her suggestions and want to stay in the house longer. And that my friends is exactly what happened. She helped us fall in love with a space we already loved.

 {Much longer version}
Our eyes were opened anew to what our place looked like. And it looked like a lot of busy people lived here. One of which may have a schizophrenic decorating disorder. 
(My words, not the designer's)
Have you ever heard the saying,"Love every piece you decorate with, but don't decorate with every piece you love." Well, I'm the latter. If you know me, you know I've always got A LOT to say, and I'm not always sure how to say it. Well, that annoying charming characteristic correlates with my decorating style: I have a lot of styles I love, but I'm never sure how to decorate with them. Prior to the designer's visit, my "style" was a fun house mirror of sorts. I can't wait for you to see it now. All of our landscape was overgrown and parts were empty because whatever was there originally died. We were so accustomed to it that we didn't notice. She suggested an exercise for us: Get in your car and drive away and then come back pretending that it's not your house and that you are a guest arriving at a party or wedding.
What do you see first?
Where do your eyes land?
What does your house smell like?
What do you hear?
Our home is a reflection of who we are as a family. The good, the bad, the ugly. 4 people currently live in our home. Add family and friends during the week/weekends and it’s full. The common life for us is full of good times, singing songs, Netflix, food, games, laughter and cookie baking. As we've been unpacking all the boxes we packed up last Winter, our goal is to give thought on what we want on the walls, the floors, the ceilings and the land. What says faith and family, hope, love and life? 

In Deuteronomy 6 God instructs the Israelites:

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."

God gives them several instructions on what to do with these words and says this in verse 9:

"You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."

At the very least, when a person comes to our home, I think they should be able to immediately sense that followers of the LORD live here, that they love Him, they love each other, and they love others.
We plan to do this in outward signs with the pieces that we put on our walls. Create photo displays of family and friends and the love we share. Views from our windows can direct the eye to the beauty of God’s world outdoors. Then change that view with our landscape design using God’s trees, bushes, and flowers.
Each choice I make has an impact on me and my home. My choices are a message to my children and to all who enter our home. The common things of the home that represent our family and who we are fall to the home decorator and the home keeper.

{::Back to the point::}

We're staying!
If God wants us to move someday, we'll move--but for now we're not getting His green light. As we enter into a new season in the same residence, we're re-styling His light, that shines through our home.

Why the blog hiatus?
We've been living and loving in the real. Raising our adorable girls and spending free time sprucing the place up. I want our home to be a reflection of who I am right now in life and that life is full of experiences and events with my loved ones, while taking care of my stuff treasures--albeit material treasures, but hey. It's fun working together towards a fun and beautiful new season. We are tackling the interior first and I can't wait to show you our small, but mighty changes.

Monday, February 13


How am I just now learning about this?

Saturday, February 11

{Bluebird's Wedding}

A fellow blogger that I follow religiously got married in November and recently blogged about it. 
I was drooling. 
I could just eat her. I love her style. I would've passed out if I was an attendee. 

Please check it out.

Thursday, February 9

Happy 2ND Birthday Lola Zoe!

Our darling Lola is 2!
She loves reading, drawing, coloring, telling long stories and the Finley Family Favorite past time, DANCING! 

She is becoming quite the ham--when no one is looking of course. Nearly everyone thinks she's super shy, but we know better at home. At home, she is a serious clown. She loves manners and responsibility. "Thank you Yo Ya.", and "Change Josie diaper? You're welcome." are becoming phrases we hear often if she hears her little sister crying.
She is immensely kind and overwhelming adorable.
Just lovely.
I decided not to have a big blowout because I knew we'd be prepping the house to stage for selling, but that didn't stop us from filling our day with fun and new traditions. Her celebration lasted nearly a week-- each day we enjoyed a festive experience, starting with a Chik-fil-a chocolate milkshake and an afternoon at a downtown park, a family dinner at Phil's Ice House in Austin, a special birthday breakfast, a membership and trip to the Austin Children's museum (Thank you Nana!) and finally, her first trip to Mi Tierra's and the San Antonio Zoo.

Happy 2nd Birthday Lola Zoe!

May God continue to bless us with you.

Monday, January 30


I love music. 
Specifically folk music.

::Check out a sampling from my favorite albums of 2011::

Head & The Heart
Fleet Foxes
David Wax Museum
Brown Bird

What was your favorite album of 2011?

Wednesday, January 18

Does Jesus Hate Religion? Kinda, Sorta, Not Really

Wonderful article.

Tuesday, January 17

{The Great Chop of 2012}

21 inches of hair gone!