Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Things I know...

I know that my little girl has turned 2 and that she has barely barely made the blog. So, that tells me it's been a loooooong time since I was posting! And, that another little one is joining us very very shortly and being pregnant with her was not mentioned one little bit. So, here is the first announcement... TODAY is HER DUE date! Come on little one, didn't you get the memo? Looks like I will have had one that came on his due date (Cole), one that made her appearance 3 days early (Hallie), and since I don't think I will go into labor and deliver her within the next 3 hours and 15 minutes (never say never though, right!), one that will be late.

I also know that most of my friends who used to blog, well...my reading list to the right says they were update 1, 2 even 3 years ago. Woah! Where has the time gone?
But, I really have missed blogging. Talking to no one and maybe someone at the same time. But mainly, as I look back at these few that I did manage to post I smile as I see how little Cole was and the things I did with him. In the "I just had a baby" mommy fog brain that I think comes and stays for quite some time, I didn't remember these sweet moments with my little guy and I am so thankful that I recorded them. Now, right on the brink of entering that fog again I'd like to start recording them again. Mainly so when I emerge on the other side, I'll be able to look about again and see the wonderful normal of my days that I loved spending with them.

I know that major life changes are coming to our family.
-Welcoming baby number 3.
-Selling a house we love and have only lived in for a year.
-Moving to West Texas.
-Leaving the best friends we could have asked for in Austin.
-Moving farther away from our families.
Brad and I have decided to take these steps together. Our family will be stronger because of it. I know that none of this is a surprise to our great God who already knew this crazy plan would be in motion.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Am I still a blogger?

Hmmm, I don't think so. I'm not sure what happened. Actually, now that I think about it I DO know what happened. Life. Loving living our sweet and crazy family full life. See it all started with not posting about Cole's FIRST birthday. Yes, reader (if you are still out there) that was almost TWO years ago. He is turning 3 in a few short months. I think I got so behind and thought, hey I should post about that BEFORE I continue posting. But, as you can see. That plan did not work so well.

So here's the recap of a couple of months. Maybe I'll eventually get a few more things documented. He loved (still does) dogs so we threw him a dog themed first birthday paw-ty. With hot dogs for lunch and a dog food cake. Don't worry, I don't give my kids dog food. Buuuut, Hallie may or may not have found a piece of Mabel's food last week. Hypothetically, I would be VERY relieved to fish that out of her mouth. It was a chocolate cake in a (new) dog food bowl with coco puffs on top. It was so sweet of family and friends to celebrate our little Cole man.
Then, we hopped on a plane with our almost one year old and flew to Alaska. Crazy, I know. He was such a good cruiser until the last day. Then, he decided enough of this big ship and he wanted to go home. His actual birthday was on the ship and we got to go up and see the captain. That was pretty cool. Alaska was beautiful, breath-takingly beautiful. We had a wonderful trip with family. 
See he was ready to GO.
August 2011- Found out I was pregnant with Hallie. Took the test on Brad's birthday. Happy Birthday, you'll be a fabulous Daddy to two. We left for Hawaii the next day. We saved and planned for an amazing 1 month trip to Kauai. The flight there with our now 14 month old was less than pleasant. He wailed the entire flight from LA to Kauai. The sun was up most of the time, it was WAY past his bedtime, and he was on a plane. We touched down in Hawaii. I think the pilot was still applying the breaks, and Cole leaned into my shoulder and fell COMPLETELY asleep. Like, walk through the airport getting luggage still asleep. Sorry people I'll never see again. But hey, the bright side is YOU'RE IN HAWAII!  Brad's parents, aunt, and brother came out for a week. We did a lot of the touristy things then with them and had a wonderful amazing time! It was so beautiful. You do realize how much you miss the "normalcy" of your day and how much you miss friends and community. It must be so hard to move all the time.

September 2011- Ran the 10K leg of the Marathon Relay with friends

Ok, that seems enough for now. I don't want to overdo it! Maybe I'll ease back into this blogging thing. ;)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Confessions of a Good Girl

I got a speeding ticket today. (I actually wrote this last month, but forgot about it and forgot to publish it....so here you go. I didn't get ANOTHER one Mom & Dad.) Normally, I would never tell anyone this. I don't really like to admit my faults. It's something I'm working on. I mean, I don't break the rules often and I really try not to speed. Today I had about 30 minutes to run some errands while my mother in law stayed at home with the kids. Kid free errand running makes me super woman. I can accomplish about 5 things in the time it usually takes me 1 with the kids. I was just enjoying driving- not really thinking about anything in particular and obviously was not thinking about the speed either. Maybe I was thinking about what a mistake it was to just get bangs cut, and how LONG will it take me to grow it back out? I think I was around other cars and not speeding on purpose. I didn't even know why he had pulled me over when the lights started flashing.No butterlies in my stomach like I did something wrong or anything. Really, I was thinking he was just going to tell me that my brake light was out or something. I was hoping for a warning but he gave me the full out citation. I think I was more upset that he had just wasted 10 of my precious kid free minutes and that I'll have to use the little free time that I do have to complete the stinkin' defensive driving.

But then I started thinking about it.

How I didn't like that I did something wrong. And I didn't like that I had a consequence for it. But I did think it was fair. I mean, IF I was speeding (this is not a confession of guilt) I really do deserve a ticket. Here's where this is all going... I've been reading this book- Grace for a Good Girl. It has been one of the best books that I have read in a long time. It's challening me to not hide behind perfection or the fact that I am good- but to rely solely on Jesus. It's been showing me that what I thought was my "boring" testimony is powerful and HE is still powerful. And, that even though I may not have had a rebellious time to warrant a party like the father throws for the prodigal son, He still pursues me in the same way and invites me to be in His prescence...I am just too stubborn sometimes to accept that. It's also made me really confront that even though I may do a lot of things "right" I do a lot of things "wrong." I have a lot of heart issues that I may not even realize that are not aligned with God. And that's pretty ugly.

So I was thinking today- I was speeding... I got a ticket.
In the same way- I sin... I deserve some type of consequence. I do.
The Bible says that "ALL have fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23) all have sinned and all have made mistakes. And, that "the wages of sin is death."(Romans 6:23) But instead, Jesus paid that.(Romans 5:8) Even if I followed ALL of the rules perfectly to my abiliity and knowledge, one day I may mess up. I could slip up and not even know it. The Bible says there is "no one that is righteous, not even one." (Romans 3:10) Jesus paid the price for all of the things I know I have done and have sinned against a holy God AND for all of the many many things that I don't consciously realize I am doing...but I am. How awful would it be if I tried to become righteous on my own, thinking I'm doing a good job, only to get to judgement and God pointing out, "Well.... you tried hard. You did. And you had a lot of people fooled. But, there were these times......"

Today even though the ticket STUNK. I am thankful that God showed me a new and fresh way to look at the Gospel...the GOOD NEWS of Jesus. That I am not able to do it on my own. That there are things that I need forgiveness for that I don't even know that I am doing and that He, being fair and just, would need to punish that.
BUT! The great news of today is that Jesus took that on. No defensive driving for my sin there. He'll do it for me. He did more than a little defensive driving course to clear my record, he died for me, and for you, so that His blood would cover a multitude, a million times a million times infinity, amount of sins.
And that my friends....is GOOD NEWS for this good girl.

Romans 10:9 & 10...that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

I've added #4

(If you read our updates through a blog reader, you probably don't see the header anyway)
 It's been almost 5 months since little Hallie made her appearance and even though I haven't added much to the blog since then, it's been bothering me that she's been left out of the header family photo. Well, on our trip to Breckenridge last week I finally took a family photo. So, little Miss has been added to the picture above. I know you were all wondering when I would get around to doing that. ;) I'll have to post pictures later about Colorado. (Or will I? I think I've been saying I'll post pictures from Cole's FIRST birthday which was now over a year ago. My blogging has gone seriously downhill.) Anyways, if I don't post about Colorado, and let's face it, my record is not good....it was a great time. Hallie did great on her first plane ride and we had a wonderful little family vacation. I just love the mountains in the summer. Winter..ehhh. Those you that know me know that I am not much of a skier. I am a good hot chocolate drinker though, I could do that at the base of the mountain all winter long. I wish I could pack up everyone and everything here and just place it in the middle of the mountains in Colorado. That would be perfect. Or maybe I could just move all of that down to us. But, then we'd still be as close to the equator and still be just as hot. Ok, move to the mountains it is. All that to say. I'm glad Hallie is in our blog header. It didn't seem complete without her. She is an absolute joy. My mother in law called her Smiley Jane instead of Hallie Jane because that sweet girl just smiles ALL.THE.TIME. Love her and are so blessed to have her in our lives.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Buddy Bucks

He loves the buddy bucks at HEB and I love how excited he gets!

Round 2...

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Monday, July 23, 2012

If you give...

Have you read any of the If You Give a _______ a ______ books? It started with If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and now there are all sorts of other ADD animals that bounce from one train of thought to another causing a whole book of activities and a mess actually. I decided last night, while reading

that these MUST be based on 2 year olds. I especially like the last page of If You Give a Pig a Pancake... It shows the little girl after a day (or maybe it's only an hour all these events take place!)
Oh girl, I can totally relate.

Can I get an AMEN?!

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Good good day

Today was a good day...

Nature walk... Collecting flowers & leaves

King of the playground

Happy girl

Just an ordinary day filled with good times & sweet smiles.

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