Showing posts with label cosmic joke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmic joke. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Astonishing Artifacts Reportedly Discovered Beyond Aurora!


A fantastic and amazing Arkeographical discovery ocurred recently beyond the borders of Chicago, Aurora, and El-gin - arkifacts extraordinary - protopaean blueprints of arketypical creation.  Outerspaceways Incorporated equational diagrams of transportelepathy-vibration research, isotope teleportation, transmolecularization, astro-financial periodicals and intergalactic marketing ephemera were saved from demolition when they were recently found within a recovered time capsule hidden in the catacombs below an abandoned scientific research complex.  

The images below were found with envelopes and fragments of correspondence between unknown persons.  It has not yet been determined who dispatched the time capsule and how they obtained these artifacts but the images comes to us via a third party with a text file of a letter apparently referencing the find.  Here is the transcription of the legible portions of the letter followed by the images and business memo fragments found inside the capsule.

Hello Mark,

As I had mentioned in an earlier email, my friend Terry has finally relented and agreed to let me send you these photos that he has taken at that 'place'.  He is a little hesitant, as he should not have been taking photos there.  He likes to do a bit of urban archeology, and had originally showed me these some time after he took them.  At first, they just looked like any other stuff you might at a 'place like that' - old documents, reports, etc.  It was only later that something struck me as familiar - the name!  As you know, Outer Spaceways Incorporated is associated with Sun Ra and the Arkestra.  You can imagine my excitement at seeing the photos - finally, confirmation of the rumors!  I quickly got back to him, explained what these most probably were, and asked him if it was possible to go back there and either take more pictures or, even better, to get some of the actual papers.  He did, finally, and told me that the building had been demolished and all that was there was bare ground.  What a loss!  He did not know what he had found when he first saw it.  In the meantime, 'that place' continued with the demolition of the old buildings, including the one where he took these photos.

As you can guess from the captions in some of the photos, the now demolished building somewhere was on the grounds of the huge facility whose name begins with a letter that is between 'E' and 'G'.  It seems that Outer Spaceways had contracts with them (or someone there) to develop all sorts of innovative transportation methods using new materials that they had come up with.  Some of those saw actual development!  Can you imagine just how amazing it would be if those became commonplace today?

I am forwarding the images to Marshall for him to take a look at them and to confirm (or deny) the truth, although I am not sure whether he would be able to do so, as I imagine that he had limited exposure to that science and engineering side of Sun Ra.

I am so thrilled that we do have these photos to see for ourselves.

Take care for now,

Bill K.

…finally, confirmation of the intergala...
Outer Spaceways Incorporated is associated with Sun Ra and the Arkestra.  You can...

…limited exposure to that science


…was possible to go back … bare ground. 

…ramids had been demolished and a…

  ...facility whose n…

…of innovative transportation methods using new materials that they …

…the truth,  ...explained what these most...



...evidence of ESP total energy-transition changes… with the Black Saints.  …every impulse while El Saturn's blue thum…
 ...transparent force to blast first beyond the Thoth intergalactic.