There's a song from the musical "The Roar of the Greasepaint, The Smell of the Crowd" called "Look at That Face". Every time I see this guy, I can hear Barbra Streisand singing these words:
Look at that face, just look at it.
Look at that fabulous face of yours.
I knew first look I took at it,
This was the face that the world adores.
Come on, isn't this just the sweetest, cutest face imaginable? Don't you just feel happier seeing this guy? He's my favorite at the zoo. Quite often he's snuggled up with his "Woobie" (Mr. Mom reference), a large chunk of burlap that they give the orangs. In the wild they use large leaves for protection; in the zoo they get burlap. This day, I caught him at snack time. Nothing like a stick full of peanut butter and honey to make the day go right!!
Don't you think that if Dr. Suess drew monkeys they would look like this guy? I can't look at these monkeys without laughing. He reminds me of an old British explorer--red hair, but mustache and muttonchops gone white. I can almost hear him saying "Pip pip, cheerio, old chum."
And this guy just had to ham it up for the camera...reminds me of my grands' smiles. :-D