Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Street Art

MaryLynne and I went to the BellSquare Art Fair this past weekend. Every year there is an artist who does incredible chalk drawings on the sidewalk in front of the art museum. This year he did Raphael's two cherubs from the Sistine Madonna. It was fascinating watching him work--with just a few strokes of chalk he created contour and depth.

The street/walkway that runs alongside the Art Museum was closed off, and budding artists were given chalk and free rein to express themselves. It was so much fun watching the kids draw and color. This guy was very intense, and had to have things just so.
These girls were very tactile about the whole experience. It was fun watching them apply the chalk, smear it carefully with their hands.....
and then show the results to each other. I think they had as much fun getting their hands "painted" as they did chalking the sidewalk.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Assignment: Pairs

This is the first thing that popped into my mind's eye when I read the assignment this week....
The only way this pair of feet hold still is when Em is asleep!! Crashed post-sprinkler run...
I fondly call Rick "Imeldo"...this is a small small sample of his vast collection of shoes--he has more than I do!
Sorry, just couldn't resist!!! :-D

Friday, July 27, 2007

waterdropped edges

I love the way waterdrops gather on the edges of Lady's Mantle. They look like individual jewels strung along the edge.

Monday, July 23, 2007

How does your garden grow?

My daylilies are in bloom. I love this time of year when my garden pops. I have many different varieties, and LOVE the double daylilies--they are almost baroque in their lushness.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Assignment: Weight

My first reaction/idea when I read the assignment was a photo of me on the scales, with a horrified expression on my face. No, too close to home... So, here's what I came up with instead.

After all, isn't THIS what leads to weight? As Homer Simpson would say, "MMMM...donuts!"

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Catch of the Day

While we were beaching, ML and I spied a gull out in the water, splashing and diving. It came up with something in its beak, and I managed to get these shots. Now THAT'S a fisherman! Nothing like a fresh crab for breakfast!

A Day at the Beach (Discovery Park)

ML and I went down to Discovery Park in Seattle this past weekend. It was one of those gloriously sunny warm days that make you so glad you live in Seattle. The tide was out, the beach was (relatively) free of people, and it was the best kind of day.

boys, driftwood, and imagination...what an irresistable combination!!!

discovering the wonders of the tide flats

Monday, July 16, 2007

Assignment: Favorites

This was tough, just because it is hard to choose. I've put in a few; please look at my blog; I try to post only my favorites. All my zoo photos I posted qualify...I was really happy with them.
water drop on a calla lily curl--love the captured color
water drop captured in the fold of a hosta leaf. This is almost abstract.
Ah, Rattlesnake Lake on a calm, still serene morning. Can't you hear the birds?
love the structure of these fern curls
And---this is not a great shot, but it is a favorite because Emmie NEVER smiles for the camera, and this is almost a smile!!!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Stone Barns

When I was in NY visiting Laura, we went one morning out to Pocantico Hills to see the Stone Barns. They are near the Hudson River, and we drove through Sleepy Hollow (Yes, THE Sleepy Hollow!) to get there. It is an old Rockefeller farm, and is now a working farm, with a farmer's market and a very prestigious gourmet restaurant. Great place for older kids to explore, and especially if the weather is NOT 90+ degrees and 90+ humidity! The stonework on the buildings is incredible.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Assignment: Fireworks

I must admit--I cheated. These were taken in DisneyWorld last year. I can't stay up late enough to do fireworks on the 4th... but they ARE fireworks!!

This is some of what I saw this morning on my stroll through the neighborhood. It sounded like a war zone last night. At least this family swept up their debris into a pile!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007