Thursday, February 23, 2012



Me and baby girl checking out dad’s future home.

It’s probably because I spent 24 hours on various airplanes, but today I felt REALLY pregnant. All of that traveling left me swollen and stiff, walking with a definite waddle, giving me a nice (miserable) taste of what I’ve got ahead of me in the coming weeks and months. My belly is also big enough and the baby is high and active enough that not only can I feel her kick and roll and punch, but I can see her do it from the outside. Pregnancy is wacky/fascinating.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

field of dreams

Today Mister and I drove an hour outside the big city to check out his new very own piece of land.


aah paradise

In a gated community. Mere minutes away from the private boat launch into the lake. As well as a swimming pool. And a clubhouse.

He’s one step closer to realizing his dream living next to a lake…

wait for it…

…in a pop-up tent trailer.


His very own slice of heaven


“Look Anne, they’re the perfect width for a hammock!”

Now all he needs is the aforementioned pop-up tent trailer. Oh, and for me to die*, as I refuse to live in a pop-up tent trailer.

On our way back, we stopped at his neighborhood Wal-mart and upon seeing his future neighbors, he assured me that he will not be remarrying.


*Don’t worry, I don’t plan on dying anytime soon.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012



Me and baby girl at the Korean War Memorial.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012



(photo taken 1/30/09, just a few days after we met)

A few days ago, Mister asked me if I knew what day it was. Not having a clue, I asked him to enlighten me. It was three years to the day that we met. He had set a reminder on his phone.

On that day three years ago, I had no clue that the guy who thrilled Rachel, Corey and I with war stories as we ate gourmet sandwiches at Lost Dog would turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.