Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beauty Rest

Boy, I sleep an awful lot, don't I?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Laundry Day

Dad always makes sure to bring clothes up from the laundry room straight out of the dryer. He dumps them all on the daybed for me and I burrow into the fresh, hot laundry. It's one of my favorite things.

I know what you're probably thinking: how could they let a dirty little dog romp all over their clean clothes? But I'm an inside dog (especially in winter), remember? My paws are pristine!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Once again, Longhaired Dachshunds totally got jacked at the 2011 Westminster dog show. You can watch my brethren here...aren't they beautiful and regal? (And spunky!) I can't believe one didn't win.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Yesterday's Birthday Shenanigans

Yesterday was my fourth birthday, and to celebrate I ate the entire sweet potato "bone" Mom and Dad gave me. Then I promptly took a nap. Dad captured the eventful day on film:
It was a good day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Some things never change - after every kitchen-sink bath, Dad towels me off and then I run from rug to bed and back, trying to rub and shimmy myself dry.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


There are piles and piles of pillows on our day bed. It's like resting on clouds!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My favorite morning treat

I love licking the foam out of empty Starbucks cups. Mom and Dad say that caffeine is really dangerous for dogs, so I have to be sneaky about it. Usually I wait for dad to hop in the shower. My long snout comes in handy when I knock his cup off the coffee table, and it also helps when I'm trying to get every last bit out of the bottom:

Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm Famous!

Dad noticed an increase in visitors to his Flickr page because of one photo...he followed the referral link to this!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Scenes from summer: the dog park

I apologize for my lack of posts! I've had a very busy life of eating, sleeping, and lounging that has gotten in the way of blogging. There are a backlog of posts for me to share now; here's an outing my mom and dad took me on this summer. When they pass this dog park, there are usually two long-haired dachshunds frolicking, but alas, I didn't get to meet them on this trip:

Actually, i was the only dog for a while!

Dad ran me around...
But we were both a bit out of shape at the time, so we got winded quickly:
I'd rather hang out with my parents than meet other dogs. Is that weird?

Time to go home now!