Friday, February 28, 2014

Oh man!

Yup, this photo sums up my day! Today I was gable to do my insertion of IV needle in a mannequin arm and my partner Mehgan. It was a long day but I have to say, this semester has exposed me to so much so far. Today I had to do a Vag exam on a mannequin and watch it give birth while putting an IV in and doing a Leopolds maneuver on her! Fun times! Again I am grateful for all I have learned so far!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Short and sweet

Needed a mental break from studying so I am blogging really quick. The other day was Russ's birthday so we went to Buca for dinner. It was louder than usual and Cindy tried to talk on the phone and I think block the sound from the restaurant with a menu, don't think it went well haha. The whole restaurant was clapping along when the servers sang to Russ, it was actually pretty cool.
A girl from my school sent me a cook text the other night that was appreciated. I know I go out of my way for people but never think twice about it. She is a great friend that has come really far in her life, she will be a great nurse.
Today I got to pick up the cute Anderson boys and Miss Talia loved sitting next to Ryan!!!!!! lol

Saturday, February 22, 2014

What's going on!

I'm not going to lie, life has been busy since I started back to school. I miss my kids, husband, family, friends etc. I try so hard to keep it together but at times I fall apart. Today I had to go to school to study and take a test and all I wanted to do is hold my son and rock. I know in my heart I am doing the right thing and I have prayed about it and God keeps guiding me thru this journey. I love being a nurse, I have met so many people and learned so much. I'm addicted! Jake has been such a supportive husband, I still take my frustrations out on him but he hasn't killed me yet so, so far so good. My friends, are my family. I have just such amazing women in my life that have made this so much more easier. I cannot thank them enough. My mother inlaw has such a great heart and goes out of her way to love and support us, I couldn't imagine her not in my life. My parents are still helping me on wednesdays and its nice to have baby jake get papa time :)
Im still pushing thru and I hope to continue and finish this journey. So far this semester I have been able to watch a C-section. I was praying to the Lord above that I would not pass out and thank goodness I did make it. What an amazing experience that I will never forget.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

cougar take 2

The cougar is now stripped waiting for the next step. Jake is super duper happy and I have to say I am too. Jake really loves this car and he chose to buy my wedding ring and put this project aside for me. I want him to have this so bad, if I knew or had time I would work on this for him!

Balckhawks vs. LA Kings

I was really skeptical about going out last night, I have so much to do and I've been dealing with getting ready for school. Now looking back, it was such a fun night. I love contact sports, I'm not a baseball fan because of the lack of contact. I didn't know if I would like Hockey buttttttt I LOVE it! I will defiantly go again. Jake and I took my parents and it was funny to watch my mom freaking out because she is afraid of heights. We sat pretty high but thats because I wanted to see the whole rink. There was a lot of Hawk fans to my surprise. I told my dad to calm down the gear because we might get jumped. I ordered a Blackhawks shirt but I think someone stole it from my front yard :( 
Anyways, fun night and can't wait to go to another Blackhawk game!