Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Courtesy of baby jake playing with my phone when he walked in. lol
Songs do stir up memories for me and a book I'm reading made me google some of the suggested songs. The melody of the song just made me think about my brother. I haven't seen or talked to him in over a year now. After all that I've heard and actions he has done you would think it would be easy to forget him, but it's not easy. There is songs, pictures and a familiar resemblance when I look at my parents. It hurts, I'm not going to lie. I never in a million years would think he would change and have a cold heart towards this. Again this is my view, I'm sure he has his outlook on what has happened but I know and many others know I can be stubborn but I had to draw a line. Tonight I've been going thru photos and these where some of my favorites. I wish things were different not only for me but my parents, I can't always fix everything and I'm frankly sick of being to one to do so. Will we ever talk again? I'm not seeing that light at the end of the tunnel.

Monday, July 29, 2013

My parents are back!

My parents took a trip to the Dominican Republic and is was a long 7 days. It felt weird not being able to get ahold of them and I was a bit worried. My mom and dad rarely take any kind of vacations. They got home on Sunday and we stopped by to visit. My dad showed us his homemade videos that my sister and I laughed over, the picture of my sister planking the couch is her acting out my mom swimming. My dad had the GoPro and I guess he didn't realize he was videoing my moms rear the whole time, my sister and I were in tears from just laughing. I wish I could put it up for everyone to see, my moms facial expressions were just priceless. I snuck the one where they went on a go cart excursion because she looks mortified in it. hahaha The things that amuse me! Anyways, they had a great time and are now planning another vacation but want all of us to go.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Busy as usual

Trying to keep up with a blog can have it's challenges, I figure that I have some time now and I'm sure it will back up soon but I will do the best with the extra time I have. This past week was a bit crazy with Jake's work and some extra things going on. We needed cuddles from our sister, tie pillows with our auntie Crystal, cool fortunes from Panda Express, a visit with the sweet Ball family, babysitting Gizzy, mud run extravaganza at mutual, a visit with the ducks at Bridgeport and practicing our mad art skills on daddy.
Never a dull moment in this family! Diana needed help with Gizzy so I agreed to take care of her. Can I tell you that I never want a dog again, I think kids are way easier to take care of. Kids don't sniff around the house trying to mark their territories all day and need 45min walks because they need to sniff every poll in the park. I love helping out but stinkin Gizzy! Jake worked a hard shift and I had to run a quick errand, when I came back the kids got to him. I have no idea where they got the idea to do such a thing. The Ball family was in town for Shelby's surgery and we stopped by their hotel to give her some hugs and kisses. Aunt Crystal promised the girls a craft day and she definitely came thru, it was really nice of her to take the time to spend with them. And last but not least I didn't want to stay home on Wednesday while Jake went to mutual so I went along to check out what they were doing. The leaders planned a mud run and by last minute Jake got volunteered to run it with the Bishop. He was not prepared for that one and had ate ribs prior to this, bet he regrets that dinner choice.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Kaelyn is 7

Interview with a 7 year old:

What is your favorite color? Pink
Who's your favorite sister? Jessica
Who's your boyfriend? nobody
Who's your bestfriend? Kenna
What is your favorite food? Talapia from costco
What's your favorite thing to do? play with my friends

So a last minute party was on the list to do. I didn't want a big party but it all changed. Jake felt that I needed to get this huge event together. I wanted to invite a few close friends and do something easy where I didn't have to clean or shop. Honestly I think after this party Jake now agrees with me on this one and we probably will not do a party again.
Kaelyn was happy and that is what matters to me! I'm so grateful that my inlaws let me use there home and my close friends were able to be there. Nicole and Eric were in town so it made this so much sweeter, Shelby was having eye surgery the next day so they were in town for that. I miss them so much, she is more than just a friend to me. The kids played on the jumper, got to swing at the pinatas and had as much sugar as they wanted. Kaelyn was very happy, she was spoiled no doubt.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Woodhouse family visits

I've known this family for over 11 years and love seeing them when they come to town. Gina and Keith moved to Dubai for work about 5 years ago and they come to town every summer to visit with every one. They have such great attitudes towards life, they are just a blessing to be around. They all came over for dinner and we were able to catch up on what has been going on in their lives. Joe was able to visit, we don't get to see him as much so it was nice. Kyle came too, and it was really great hearing him talk about his life and how things are going great for him. I have so many fun memories with these people.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

More Randomness

I was able to hang with the Anderson kids, my kids were so excited to hear the knock at the door. The kids got to go outside and jump on the trampoline with the water on, but Jake and Cole stayed inside (smart boys.) They instead wanted to eat, they started off with cheerios then went to cheetos.We next went to peanut butter sandwiches and grapes. To top off the day grandma came by to drop off Ryan and she brought In-N-Out, and the boys went at that too. HaHa They are growing little ones~
Chipotle sounded so good so yesterday we headed there, baby Jake is a little ball of fire, he can't sit still. He kept running back and forth between Jake and I laughing. Jake ended up taking the little guy outside when Baby Jake decided to run up full speed to his dad grabbing Jakes nose screaming HOOOONK. I was laughing, Jake not so much~
Stubborn in the dictionary has the words VITO, yes I'm like him in some ways but man does he like to argue and not listen. I love him of course but sheesh he gets me rawled up!
The kids made cootie catchers at my moms, they are very much into it and love running up to people saying "Pick a color." Cracks me up, especially because Talia can't spell the colors yet.
Baby Jake you can't sleep in mama's bed. Smart guy, he figured that I mom didn't say anything about sleeping on her floor.