Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween is one of my favorite holiday's! The kids were excited to get out and do some serious Trick or Treating. The family came over for some dinner and last minute pumpkin carving then we were off to hit up some houses. Talia gave up after the second house and wanted to sit in the wagon but I made her do a few blocks before I let her call it quits. Jessica and Kaelyn did great, running from house to house. And then there was baby Jake, he was growling and saying oooohhhhh to everything. Every time I asked him what he had he would quickly say "CANDY" then in a growling voice say candy again. I was fun watching him go to the doors, when he was unsure of the house he would squat a little and creepy slowly towards they house as if ready to make a run for it if danger was present. So much fun watching the kids run from house to house, I treasure these moments.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

So much has been happening lately and there has not been a dull moment. Some of the past weeks events have included Bunco, Target, Taylor and Sierra's birthday party's, TPing Rachels house, watching Melanie dominate the soccer field and make a goal and last but not least Paola's baby shower. I really do like busy but the non drama have fun times with friends type of busy. I'm so grateful to be able to do so much with friends and make memories.


This year I was voted room mom for Jessica's class and I thought "This will be easy!" HAHA yeah right I had to plan a booth, get donations for a basket, and get volunteers. I didn't have a clue that I was going to be doing all of this. On top of it, it fell on a Sunday. It took weeks to put it together and I received guidance from another PTA mom on how to get people to volunteer so I would not have to do it on my own. The parents that helped did a great job showing up for their times and it went smooth. We did a bean bag toss and Cory gave me a sheet of wood so I made a frankenstein. Jake drilled the holes in it and Cindy helped me get the bean bags done. During the Harvest Festival I realized that I had not got my families annual Lombardi Ranch photo. So Jake and I took the kids there to get a few pictures. Jake was a bit flustered because he didn't understand why I needed the picture so bad...BECAUSE IT'S FREAKIN HAPPY MEMORIES! haha When we got home the kids carved the insides out of their pumpkins, baby Jake kept eating the seeds which grossed us out. It was in his hair and face. We never buy our pumpkins at the pumpkin patch, these beauties that we got were at VONS last week. Jake and I agree we don't need to spend a ton of money on pumpkins and these were only 5 bucks. It's important to me that we continue with making fun memories, life gets hectic and lately we have been so busy but today we took a step back and made some fun memories

Trunk or Treat

This year the girls are the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus and I couldn't of done it without my mother inlaw. I know she has been super busy but like always she is so willing to do this for her grand daughters. The girls look so perfect in their costumes and the smile on my face and the excitement they had to wear it was all so great. Tonight was the wards Trunk or Treat party and now that Jake is in YM we had to be there early. Getting the girls ready was interesting to say the least. Talia's hair took a while to do but with alot of bobby pins, foam, black spray and patience she looked great. Jessica's was a bit hard too but we got it done. Baby Jake this year is super man, now when I brought the costume home Jake was mad that there was no red underwear with costume so I had to get some Haines underwear from the store to make him happy. We got our kick out of him running around in them. Such a fun night out with the family and can I add I really loved having my in-laws there too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's always fun to go to the dentist....NOT

A dentist visit that should of took 45mins turned to 2 hours of stress. Jessica was traumatized due to a bad dentist visit a long time ago that has left going to the dentist very stressful. Jessica got 3 cavities and I decided to have them done all at once. I waited in the waiting room with the baby because they had a play area. After a while of waiting I went next door to order pizza for the kids because I figured it wasn't going to be much longer, boy I was wrong. Jessica was not cooperating at all. I had to go back there with her and hold her hand, while the doctor kept trying to baby her. Seriously, Jessica takes advantage of the babying and will not cooperate. I had to tell her to stop and let the doctor finish, unfortunalty the procedure took longer than I wanted it to but we got it done. In the time we were there baby Jake went into cabinets, decided to kiss magazines that millions of people have touched, get his head stuck in a slinky and leave food particles all over the floor. Kaelyn walked out the winner with 4 cavities and we will be back next week for her round of fillings. I think dad needs to go because this was not fun for me at all.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Busy is not the work for our family right now, I don't even know how it is possible but we are constantly on the go. The girls and baby Jake are getting so big and they have such different personalities. Jessica is very independent and likes to have things in order, she's not a fan of reading but wants to please people. Kaelyn goes with the flow and very outgoing, she doesnt let much bother her. Natalia is STUBBORN, and loves going in Jessica's room when Jess is at school. Baby Jake is very much a momma's boy and Jessica reminds me daily that I wanted a boy. Haha Thanks!
I recently was told by another family member that they had a favorite child of mine and it got me a bit upset. I don't feel that my kids have a number in my heart and I can't tell you I have a favorite. I feel that I treat them fairly accordingly and try to make sure I do things for them equally. They do have different personalities and I continue to remind them that they are each others best friends wether they like it or not. The other day when I dropped the girls off at school, Jessica got out of the car and then Kaelyn and I see Jess grab Kaelyn's hand willingly and they walk to class. I started to tear up, it made my heart full. I'm not close to my siblings and my parents did have favorites which was rough growing up so you learn from experience and I want to make sure my kids know I love them all the same. Now if you want to know which I like take shopping that is a whole other Opera! lol

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Birthday surprise

Its that time again, time to get a friend on her birthday. They got me on my birthday and it was time to repay the favor. Instead of getting her late the night before her birthday I decided to wait till later in the day when she didn't expect it. Thanks to Rachel and her smooth moves I was able to find out when Jen was leaving for her birthday dinner with her husband. Recruiting her kids to help with the fun was great. Noah her son made a comment during our TP adventure: "Why are we TPing our own house?" lol I couldn't stop laughing! Then I was just informed by my loving husband that on the candy bar bouquet that I made he ate one of the Baby Ruth bar and made it look like a candy bar was still in there. Yes, I beat him up for that, sorry Jen. Happy Birthday!

Monday, October 8, 2012

October fun

So much goes on during the holidays and I love every minute of it. I've already taken the kids to the pumpkin patch and plan to go a few more times before the months over. My sister invited Jake and I to go to Fright Fest at Magic. Thank goodness for a friend with an extra ticket because the mazes where horrible and not worth the money. I did get to meet to new people who where great company. Jake thought it was funny to get the pictures where I look like a fool.
Today after soccer I found some goodies on the counter with a cute note. So much fun!!!!!