Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thank you note

After running to a few stores I got home and checked the mail, if you know me I love checking the mail I get mad when the mailman doesn't get here on time haha. Today I received a letter addressed to me and no information on it as to where it came from. When I opened it, it was a Thank you card from Jake. It put a huge smile on my face and I have been giggling about it all day.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Man band-aid

Jessica came running thru the house freaking out and crying that she got hurt on the jumper and is bleeding. For those of you that know her she is not good with getting hurt and you will hear about it for days. She had a little nick on her foot and Jake came in asking if we had a band-aid and of course we didn't because Talia decided to make art with the ones I had. A few minutes latter Jessica came in my room with a dish towel wrapped around her foot and electrical tape to hold it on. I just looked at Jake and he said "she stopped crying it worked". My husband cracks me up and he was right she was not crying and now could run around with no pain.

The dish towel with electrical tape...nice Jake.
She has gone crazy, I think jake gave her some tylenol....j/k.
It's a miracle, she can fly now.....Look at Talia's face"my sister is a faker" haha

Award assembly

Last week I got a note home from Jessica's teacher saying that she was getting an award from school. I was so excited for her! Joe and Mary came to cheer for her and thank goodness they did because it was hard to control my other two monkey's. When they called Jessica's name she got a big grin on her face and went up there. She got an award for fairness :)I love how the award is upside down...I love being a mom of a kindergartner :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today my brother inlaw Joe called me to see if I would bring the girls to play with the dogs at his work and be on tv. He is working for a place that is a pitbull rescue and they have a tv show on the Discovery channel called Pitbull and Parolee's. While we waited for the film crew to get back from shooting somewhere else the producer played with the kids and they found entertainment in the pebble rocks that were on the floor. Kaelyn kept bringing the rocks up to the producer to see which one he liked.
Here is the girls rock pile...This was taken infront of the raccoon cage.

The girls were really good with the dog. I guess this dog was abused pretty bad.

This is were Joe is suppose to introduce the dog Trejo to the girls. I think the dog was more scared of them.
The girls love their uncle Joe, he has been such a great help and he shows that he loves my girls. Joe later told me that the producer said that Talia is good at saying welcome to my world

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Every Valentine's Day is different for me and Jake always does a great job spoiling me. This year I got terrible head cold and could barely get out of bed. I think from all the running around I did my body just crashed. For Valentine's day this year we stayed in and watched movies and had a nice dinner with our family. It's the simple things that make me happy and I am grateful for a great husband that knows the right things to say to cheer me up when I'm down and we enjoy being with eachother.
Jake went out to get me something from the store and came back with Sudafed tied to a heart balloon, a hand held balloon that said good luck (apparently Talia thought that I needed it) and red roses. Now I did ask him why red roses because he knows I love orange and he said "It's for Valentine's day it has to be red." Okay I will not argue and love them just the same. haha
Later that day Joe and Mary showed up with three big red bags of goodies for me from Jake and I have to say my husband always impresses me :)

New baby in the family

So Jennifer had her baby on Feb 6th 2010 and it is a healthy baby boy. He was 7lbs 10oz and they named him Clayton Speed Herrin. Unfortunatly Jen had to have a c-section and is still in a lot of pain.
Jessica was so excited to hold him. She said "mommy I've never held a baby before". She's right this is the first baby she has been allowed to hold, Jen has been really great about the girls around him and I can't lie I really love a baby around.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Talia

I can't believe she is 2 already! Why are my girls growing up so fast? I had a small birthday party for her and sorry if some didn't get an invitation I had clinicals all last week and yeah your invitation was probally in the car :( Talia had a blast she was just excited to see little people running around. Jake and I are so blessed to have her for a daughter, she makes our home complete

My little Talia is so big....she loves to talk so much now that it is kinda funny. Some times I will hear her in the the other room saying "we will we will wock en woll" love it
Blowing out the candles, it took her a few times but she got them and cheered right after.

Waxing the eyebrows

Jessica is such a girlie girl....she loves make-up and dressing up. We will go to a store and she will pick out the outfit with assesories to go with it. "Mommy, I just need that is so cute". What! she has better taste than me. Tonight she wants to wax Jake's eyebrow's...really? So Jake of course said no not gonna happen so Jessica did a pretend version with tapeMy daughter has got my devious look.... My husband is a great sport.

Can we work out mom

Jessica and Kaelyn thought they needed a work out so they asked me to put on one of my work out tapes. I got my camera out and got this perfect shot.

What great form girls...haha

Friday, February 12, 2010

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days where you have a horrible cold and your head is pounding and all you want to do is sleep. Well today is that day! I caught a cold from the girls and it hit me hard. To top it off Jessica has no school today and her, Kaelyn and Talia have decided that they want to fight over every toy in the house. I feel like crying but what good is that going to do, it will make my head hurt more:( NYQUIL oh nyquil how I will love thee when Jake gets home....