Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas get together at my brother's

Every year we try and get my family together either on Christmas Eve or a couple days before. We have not started a tradition at my brother's house. I get so scared to take the kids there because my brother doesn't have kids of his own and it is not kid proof. Thank goodness my brother and his wife like my kids and accommodate them.
Here is my mom and her kids.
Every year we have taken a picture here infront of the tree and it amazes me how we all have changed.

Talia of course has to be touching a nice ornament here....By the look of her face she knew that was not okay.

Visit from the tooth fairy

The tooth fairy was able to stop by and visit Jessica. In this case Jessica did not loose a tooth one was pulled out. Last year she had to have a baby root canal and it just recently went bad. The denist advised that it would be betther to pull it out and put a spacer in so we did. We told Jessica to put her tooth under her pillow and the tooth fairy would leave her something special.

She went to bed without fuss, she is such a doll.

In the morning we found this letter and two dollar bills....Jessica was so excited that she ran up to me in the morning and said "mommy look, the tooth fairy gave me money to buy candy." Yeah I don't think so, candy is what got the tooth pulled kiddo.


Every year a bunch of families get together to go caroling and spread the Christmas cheer. This was my first year going and it was a lot of fun. The kids had a blast and ran around like crazy. Sometimes I wonder where all their energy comes from.
Talia was so hyper, Jake taught her to say "Merry Christmas". She just kept screaming it out over and over again.

Jessica and Kaelyn absolutly love their friends Carly and Kalei...Everytime the Woodhouse girls are around they get so excited.
These are family and friends from CCII.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Jessica's Christmas program

Today we went to see Jessica's Christmas program at school and it was really cute. We went the night before to by her new shoes to go with her dress. The kids were really getting into the songs and it was so funny to watch.
My darling little girl. She was so excited to have Grandma and Aunt Jenny there....She kept mouthing "Were is Grandpa".
This is Jessica with her teacher Mrs. Evans. I heard her today at the performance say to the kids to not look at the parents to look at old and ugly. Sheesh as you can see she is definatly NOT old or ugly. She is a wonderful teacher!
The gang minus Talia who was throwing a fit at the moment and Kaelyn reminds me of the dog from the movie UP "squirel". Kaelyn never will look at the camera, she is always destracted.
This is the beautiful gift that Jessica made for me in class. I love these kinds of gifts, this will be something I will be able to cherish for years.

Kaelyn's Christmas program

Kaelyn had her Christmas program at school, she was so excited to sing her Christmas songs. This was a great program and everyone did so well.

She was one of Santa's reindeers here.

Disneyland at Christmas time

I love going to Disneyland during the holiday's. The decorations are just amazing and the atmosphere.
Natalia is the most beautiful little girl....I just love this picture of her.
Kaelyn loves her grandma...This was taken when we were waiting for the tram.
She loves her churro, and yet again she looks adorable here.
What perfect day. It was so much fun with the girls and the decorations were so nice.

Movie day

We took the girls to the movies to see Princess and the Frog. It was such a sweet movie! Russ and Cindy came along with the twins and we made day of it. We also went to take the girls to see Santa.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Homemade pizza

One thing I love that my dad can do is that he can make a killer pizza. A while back my dad had a bakery and it started where he sold bread then it turned to a pizza and sandwich shop. I think I ate pizza's and sandwiches everyday. Yesterday my mom called me and told me that they were making pizza's and to come over for dinner.
My dad helped the kids make their very own pizza. They did a great job!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Anniversary

On November 23,2009 Jake and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. I swear time has flown by but so many memories have been created. I can't even begin to tell you what a great husband and father Jake is. I'm just glad that Heavenly father has blessed me with this wonderful man.
Thanks to my inlaws Jake and I were able to go out and have a fabulous dinner at Salt Creek in Valencia.

Magic castle

So exciting! I got to go to the Magic Castle last night. I have never been there but always wanted to go. Jake's parents were not able to attend so theeave us their tickets. Jake knows how I am about holiday parties and that I would love to go. We rushed home and got changed and headed to Hollywood. When we got there we had to enter thru a bookshelf that slid open when you say "Open Sesame". SO COOL! Jake was laughing at me all night because I was so excited to be there. A bunch of Acher's employee's were there including Jake's aunt Vicki and uncle Ray.

We got to see a magician who was really good and shocked us all with a card trick, Jake goto participate. I would of took a picture but no camera's were allowed :( After a great dinner Jake and I wondered around a bit and then headed home.
Me and my honey...It was so cold outside.
Jake and I with his aunt Vicki and uncle Ray. Thank you Cindy and Russ for a fun night oxoxox