Monday, January 7, 2013

A Scrappy Weekend!

What a weekend!!  Yes, I scrapbooked!!  Just in my own scrap space, but it has just been awhile since I have had the time.  It was soooooo nice...getting caught up on DVR-ed shows, a cappuccino and a smile from the hubby, quiet was heavenly!  Here is a look at what I created...

@ Moody Gardens
This layout was created using a mixture of vintage Studio Calico...that's what you call it when it is sooooo old, but still lovely!

Times Like This
This is one of my most favorite pics!  My little fella...soggy diaper and lounging in lap while we watch the waves roll in.  Precious!  This layout was created using Basic Grey.

Once Upon a Time
This layout was created for the Jillibean Soup monthly sketch challenge.  The sketch was actually covered with circles, but I decided to use squares instead. 

This baby was created for the Studio Calico Weekly Sketch Challenge.  Love all of the pictures in this sketch...I may have to revisit this one a few times!

See, I told you I still scrapbook!!  Thanks for visiting and see ya soon!!


Friday, January 4, 2013

Project Life for the Busy Mom!

Hiya! I know, 2 posts in a week!!  It's a New Year's Resolution...what can I say.  As you probably know Project Life is EVERYWHERE!  There are so many new colors, layouts, and ways to embellish that the possibilities are just endless.  And the layouts designers are creating are just amazing!  Well as much as I LOVE the idea, it is just simply not for me.  I created a modified Project 12 album using the Project Life pocket pages  in 2012 and (I am proud to say) finished every month of it!  And as much as I love the ending result, it was a burden.  So for 2013 I was on a mission to find a new way to document my days, but without the hassle!  I immediately went to my I-PHONE and found the Photo365 App.  Basically it keeps your photos on this handy dandy calendar and keeps them organized!!  Here is a look at my January calendar so far...

What about it? Isn't that just the cutest?  One of the great features that I like about this sort of app is that you can actually save more than one photo per day.  The first photo you upload shows up on the calendar and the others are in a folder under that particular day. 

So, are you doing anything new this year to document or organize your photos?  I would love to know!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goodbye 2012! Hello 2013!

Happy New Year!!
Hello!!  Yes, it has been awhile...pretty close to being a year in fact.  Where to begin?  Two thousand and twelve proved to be a year of many changes for me and my family.  This hiatus from blogging, scrapbooking, and design teams allowed me the time to reflect on what is important to ME!  And let me tell you...I LEARNED LOTS!  Here are a few of things that I have learned along the way...

Seems easy, right? With regard to scrapbooking, I kinda did not love all...I loathed it.  It had become a job, instead of a hobby and I already have a job! I was stretched so thin with my family, my job, and the many design teams I had obligated myself to.  There is no doubt in my mind that I LOVE to scrapbook, but I learned that I do not LOVE to have to scrapbook.  That revelation has not only been a great thing for the soul, but my creativity!  What a nice gift, right?
" it is supposed to be."  This is a biggie for me.  Being raised by 2 perfectionists, has certainly proved to be burdensome for me at times.  And as dumb as it may seem, I do strive to be perfect everyday!  The problem comes when I forget about what is important to me.  Simply...I can't do everything...I MUST learn to say NO!  That brings me to...

And that I did!  Scrapbooking, blogging, and some I said, some things became an obligation.  
This is truly how I felt! At the time, many things were dropped like a hot potato!  What I came to realize is that I really needed to restructure things...prioritize, if you will.

As a result of "letting things go," I had more time on my hands to fully devote my time to my family.  They are the most important to me.  And I was tired of being tired when dealing with them.  I started going to bed at a regular bedtime, I began to read again...things were changing and I loved it!  In turn, because I was more at ease and rested, my family got my total attention.   

Thankful...what a word.  I was thankful and continue to be every waking day.  There are things that happen in our lives that shake us.  This year I encountered some things that really made me understand what it means to be thankful...for my husband, my kids, and my health.

Not only did I change my soul, but I have changed the physical me!  I am 15 pounds lighter and that is just a start.  My rigorous workout routine has already begun!!  My be in a bikini for the cruise my hubby and I will go on this year!
Speaking of hubby...I had more time for him!  We are so much more closer now that I am not so worn out.  It's almost like we are dating again.

So there you have it!  2012 has been quite a year, and I am super excited for 2013!!  I'm loving my job, I am healthy, I have happy kids, and a devoted and loving husband...what more could a girl ask for?  My motto this year...

Yep, that's it!  What makes ME happy!!  These days I am still scrapbooking, exercising, reading, organizing and re-decorating my home, cooking, brushing up on my photography skills, going on many dates with my handsome hubby, playing with my kiddos, spending time with my friends, and teaching.  In the past, this blog was a place for me to share my crafty pursuits, but now it will become a place for me to share ALL of the things I am doing that make me happy!

Thanks for stopping by, have a great week, and see you soon!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Giving It a Try...Project Life!

It seems like every time I want to begin a blog post these days, I feel the need to apologize for being so absent. And yes, this is one of those times. My last blog post was on the 1st of February, and boy it was hard to stop NOW to get this one in! LOL! We are super busy here and blogging is wwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy at the bottom of the list...know what I mean?

I am here today though to share a new adventure of mine...Project Life! Yes, it is everywhere and when I first heard of Project Life, I was like "no way!" Take a picture everyday...complete a layout every MORE scrapbook supplies to make an additional album...really? No thanks. But as I researched more and more, I realized that I could make it anything I wanted! I decided, quite quickly, that a pic a day or a layout a week was not going to happen. Hello? A full-time job, a busy hubby, 4 kiddos, homework, house work, ballgames...get the picture...NEVER! But I did know that the once a month bit, was certainly doable! These are the things I LOVE and that work for me...

1. It is a no fuss way to scrapbook! The sizes are already derived for you and all you do is crop your pics, crop your scraps for where you don't have pics, add journaling, and embellish...EASY!

2. The photo sleeve protectors. There are TONS of layouts! I am using We R Memory Keepers Protectors and there are so many different arrangements. Tammy a The ScrapRoom is a Project Life lover too, and she has most of the WRMK Photo Sleeve Protectors in the ScrapRoom Store!! No kidding!! You can check them out HERE.

3. Quick turn around for documenting your memories. I am behind in my regular scrapbooking and I find myself forgetting the details sometimes. But with Project Life, I can certainly remember the details on a month-by-month basis.

4. Stash buster!! Gotta LOVE this aspect! It makes me so happy to be able to kill a TSR kits or dig a bit in my stash after I have scrapbooked my regular layouts!

Here is a look at my title page using TSR's February's FOTM kit and a Style D WRMK Protector...

And here is my January layout using TSR's February's FOTM kit, a Style D WRMK Protector, and a Multi-Pack Protector...

Well, that's it for today! I'm off to get a kid from practice, make a meatless concoction for dinner since it is Ash Wednesday, church at 6:00, and then home for homework, baths, and a bit of snuggling!!

See ya soon!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Reveal at TSR

Well, today is February 1st! And that means a brand new totally yummy kit from the The ScrapRoom! Here is a look at my projects using February's kit...

Family Trail Ride

Boogie Shoes

Winter Tea

Needing a Bit of Lovin


Easter Visit
To take a look at the wonderful Design Team Gallery, go HERE. And if you think you may need to have one of these fabulous kits, go HERE.

Happy Wednesday!!
