jambaloney here!!
as always, a great sky pic for helga ;-)
and a picture of my third hand @ framboise manor..
back to the cold storage/bathroom support chore - need boards and a jack...
first off - jack up the bathroom floor a bit..
lay in abeam on a concrete tile and repeat...
make sure they are level of course ;-)
next step a cross beam - this is for cold storage AND support.. actually, all of this is
i am using pretty crappy/used boards for the next part
an angle grinder gets rid of old nails faster than prying them out:
i used 3 old 2x4s to make studs/beams from the front to the dirt
and then covered those with old tongue and groove... some came from cleaning out the foundation (see previous post)
the end result supports the bathroom floor AND provides a nice cold store shelf into the dirt. The basement is usually 3-5 degrees C from october to april which is great - right now we are eating 4 month old potatoes (note the cardboard boxes with old towels on them) and they are firm as can be... the bins i use on the ground to keep the moisture from seeping in... i'll make wood boxes one day.
after sliding the boxes in place, i put the water bottles with berkey-filtered water in place...
and staple a sheet up to keep the light out! rough, but functional..down tools!
it was winter when i did this....so here is an appropriate pic..
and for all our american friends, the grand river bald eagle!!!
cheers all - spring is FINALLY here!!!