"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."
-Elizabeth Stone

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Family Pictures

I can't believe I forgot to post these all those months ago.

My amazingly talented and self-taught friend Lindsey (who also does blog design if you are interested! :D) took these awesome family pictures for us back in [ahem] July. We exchanged babysitting while they went to a wedding at the Denver Temple for these pictures. I'm pretty sure we got the better deal...thanks Lindsey! :)

The kids were totally exhausted, but Lindsey still managed to get some great pictures - now I just need to get them hung on the wall! :)

Christmas 2012

Nate was able to take 2 full weeks off for Christmas (which was terrific considering we basically didn't see him the first 3 weeks of December because of work). So we enjoyed every minute we had with him home. We stayed in our pajamas several days, watched a lot of TV, took lots of naps, went swimming, ate really unhealthy food, looked at Christmas lights, played in our newly done playroom in the basement, built a gingerbread train, made cookies for Santa, etc. etc. I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did get a few cute ones.

Since I spent most of December painting our basement (more on that later), I never took the kids to see Santa (I know I am a bad mom), so when we went to look at Christmas lights, one of the houses had a Santa outside, so we rushed Karly over to get a picture and tell him what she wanted (a dog and a cat, in case you were wondering).

The Santa house - these people have like 100,000 Christmas lights on their house and they have it synchronized to music on a radio station. It's pretty cool, actually. They give you candy canes too when you stop to watch. 
 Frakes Family traditional gingerbread building extravaganza (I made 2 extra batches of royal icing that night, as the kits apparently don't include enough for Nate's crazy plans. :)

 Christmas morning, Karly came into our room and said "Dad. Mom. I saw a big thing downstairs!" This was the big thing. :)

I had pictures of them opening presents, but they aren't uploading - I'm sure you can imagine what it looked like. :) 

My mom and sister Mel came to visit for a couple of days after Christmas, which was so fun! I, of course, did not take a single picture. We went to see that cool house with all that lights and went to a yummy BBQ place for dinner and hung out and talked and laughed. We also made a quick run to the airport on Christmas Eve morning to hang out with my sister Shan and her family while they had a 3 hour layover there. It was so fun to get to see family over the holidays, even if it was just for a few hours! 

9 months, 10 months, 11 months....I'm a slacker.

Actually, I'm not a slacker. I painted our entire basement in about 3 weeks and now Nate and I are refinishing our dining room table, so cut me some slack will ya? I'll have pictures of those lovely little projects later, but I wanted to get these pictures up while I had a minute (let's be honest - I should be sleeping right now).

So here is this stinkin' cute little Turd Ferguson in all his glory.

Starting with 9 months: 
 And Karly joining in the fun.
 10 months:
 And this one.

11 months: 

Can you tell he was tired in these ones? 

Monday, October 22, 2012

8 Months

My brain hasn't been functioning very well lately, so all you get is a cute picture.

Or two.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Living Room/ Bookshelf Before and After

Nate's parents gave us these bookshelves when we moved into our house. We decided we wanted to try the   antiquing technique. 

Without further ado...

 Living Room BEFORE:

 Bookshelf and Living Room AFTER!
(That dining table in the back corner is still in the "BEFORE" stage, I know you're on the edge of your seat for that one!)



When we bought this house, we decided the deck was a little too big. It was 1,000 square feet. That's bigger than any one floor of our house. It had this weird privacy fence and was just big. PLUS it was ORANGE. AND add to all that, when the inspector came, he told us it was built incorrectly - there were no cement casons - no wood cemented into the ground. In fact, when he jumped on the deck is bounced...like a trampoline. So it had to go. 

Before I post all the pictures and description and stuff, just in case you don't make it through the whole post, I figured thanks and acknowledgement of all the help we got should go here where everyone will see it. 
First of all, NATE did so so so much of this. He used his paternity time and personal vacation for a lot of the work. That man could seriously work hours  without food or a break while I felt like I needed a break all the time (and got them since I was also dealing with the kiddos). 
Nate's parents DAN and KIPPY deserve a statue built in their honor in our backyard. They were over here nearly every weekend during the hardest parts of the process. Dan did so much of the heavy lifting and never stopped just like Nate. Kippy was out there helping all the time too, but more importantly, helped entertain Karly and held Tanner so I could help. We would probably still be working on it without them.  
I also need to thank TRAVIS for taking apart the deck (see below) and MY DAD for helping while he was here to visit his grandkids (see below). 

Now, there are like 40 pictures on this blog post. Just to save those of you who don't care about the process some time, here are the before and after shots (it worked to our benefit that we bought the house in January and finished in August - it's ugly outside in the before shot and beautiful outside in the after shot!) 



And another shot of mostly the patio: 

 So here we go from the beginning. Here is what the deck looked like when we bought the house:

 BIG. ORANGE. Notice the rotting wood on the retaining wall?
 You can't see it very well, but in the above picture, there is an area where they used to have a hot tub and covered it up with slats of wood that don't match up (more on the hot tub later).

While we were at Disneyland in May, our AWESOME (and apparently bored?) brother Travis as well as Nate's parents ripped out the entire deck. I think he did it in like 10 hours too. Pretty impressive! It saved us a ton of time, so we were VERY grateful for the help!

These are the pictures he sent us:

 Another view from above before we started working...
 Here are the piles of road base (rocks and concrete dust, basically - 4 inches to keep the patio from eroding) and sand (for leveling the pavers). It was 11 tons of road base and 3 tons of sand. Nate and Dan (and the missionaries for an hour) hauled that back - crazy heavy wheelbarrow loads.
 These are the pallets of pave stones we used. There are 3 you can't even see. 10 pallets of very heavy pavers that we had to move to the back. Nate really did most of it, but his parents and I helped as well.
 Okay, remember the hot tub? When we pulled up the deck and all the black tarp and rocks and crap underneath the deck, we found these tubes buried in a bunch of sand under where the hot tub would have been. We aren't 100% sure what they were for, but we think at least one of the (there were 3 separate tubes) was for draining the hot tub...straight into our neighbor's yard. Oh, and they ran under the sprinkler system, so I had to saw to get them out. These people were idiots.
 This was after we pulled, pried, dug and chainsawed the retaining wall out.
 See the lovely cement steps that were UNDER the deck? Nate and Dan had to sledgehammer those to pieces to get rid of them.

 Obviously this is a big jump with no pictures. Retaining wall completed and stairs built. Those retaining wall stones (that we also used for the stairs) weighed anywhere from 20 to I think 40 pounds EACH. And we had to cut some of them to do the curves in the stairs. NOT fun.

 A view of how the stairs went together.

 This is after all the road base has been laid and compacted - ready for sand and pavers! (Can I tell you right here how annoying it is trying to grade the ground 1/8 in every 8 feet? There was a lot of digging and raking and moving dirt back and forth before we could even lay the road base).

Edging in place (the black line)
We used 1 inch thick PVC pipe and a 2x4 to scrape the sand along to make the sand level for the pavers.

Our pretty pattern in process...(notice the stacks of pavers along the edge - we were pretty anal about making sure we had a good mix of colors in every area of the patio).

Upper patio with all pavers laid!
And lower (ignore the stairs...)

So then came the lovely task of cutting the pavers to fit the rounded edges and the stairs. I mentioned this in the post I did about my dad never coming to visit again because THAT is what he did for 8 hours on the hottest day on record in Colorado for the weekend he was here. He cut pavers with a big, loud brick saw. But with his amazing help (thank you!), we managed to get all the pavers cut and in place. YAY!

FINALLY, we finished up by putting the polymeric sand in the joints and allowing that time to cure, followed by sealing the pavers and last, but not least...

Nate and his parents did this while I was at my cousin's wedding. So I left home with a pretty patio and a dirt patch of a yard and came home to this beautiful green yard coming right up to our beautiful patio.

This past weekend, we also planted a couple of trees and a few bushes to get started on the border of our landscaped yard. Next year, we will be adding lots of bushes and flowers and a couple of fruit trees. I'll be sure to post again when it is even MORE beautiful!