[ hours pass. really. we pass through them. cross them.
i don` t believe in feeding nostalgia.
we live, we win and lose.
and again.
in the meantime we feed new winds - new wings. slowly.
may be it´s The way: The way of being and bringing the wings into flight and smile in true and happiness within the soul of our love forever: love-bird, the one - l´ unique ~
soul is always right.
she needs fruits and bread.
she knows better.
and i say every time with no sound in my lips: my desert wolf, my love-tree, my life-seed, my love of love, my stonehenge, my running river, my star of the mountains, my very me - i say this is the choice: i m in you and me, we`re in-us, we`re singing, smiling and dancing water, forever -