Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fun in December

We had a great time making Gingerbread houses this year, we were just missing the Ogden family, that would have made it a perfect night had they been here with us but it was near perfect. Everyone had fun decorating their houses with their own ideas. There are more fun pic of this on my facebook.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Park, Snow and Santa

We have been having fun with Danette and the kids, we have been to the park a couple of different times and different parks. We met Joan, Shelli and her two cuties at the Hidden valley park. Then we GOT SNOW (yuck) but Carly and Sam had fun playing in the snow on Monday. Then Tues night we went to see Santa at Brittany's club house, Carly was not into getting to know Santa at all! I was so surprised because she is the friendliest little girl I know, but she was not going to talk, look or sit on Santa. Santa was handing her a candy cane and I had to drag her up to his hand so she could take it and that was a chore she didn't even want the candy from him. Oh well maybe next year. Sam wasn't to sure either but Danette sat him down on Santa's lap before he knew what was going on. Brittany's two went to him pretty easy Raylie hesitated for a minute but went forward with the task of sitting on the big guys lap. And you can see Lucas, that's what he thought of Santa he fell asleep, was not interested in the least.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

more pics of Thanksgiving

Continue to look through the pictures I posted wrong again. But Hope you Thanksgiving was great.


We had a great Thanksgiving, I am grateful that we could spend this Thanksgiving at home and have most of the family with us. We were missing Des and her family and the newly weds. There are many things that I am grateful for. To name a few, Family most of all. For a warm and comfortable home and the gospel in my life. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and that the Chirstmas season will be just as good.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Wedding

Here are pictures from Daniel and Chantelle's wedding. It was a great day to be able to have so many family members together to celebrate! The wonderful event started Thurs. with Chantelle going through the Temple and a dinner after, then to Fri the big day. It all truned out great. The marriage and the Reception and they were off on their honeymoon. We are anticipating their return today to hear about their fun cruise. We wish you guys the best and love ya both.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Just a little b-day wish to my dad. It is four months as of yesterday that Dad left us. And today is his 82nd birthday. I am going to miss talking to him today and hearing his voice. I know that he is in a better place and out of all the pain that he was in but he is certainly missed here. It is hard to watch the grandkids walk into moms house and head right up stairs to go see grandpa and see the looks on their faces when he is not in his normal spot in his bed. All the many memories that flood back into your mind on days like today.
I love you Dad and miss you so much!!!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Three cute little punkins

All of the picutures are below but I just had to put this one on he was kicked back and takin all the credit for these pumpkins. He slept through most of the carving time.

Pumpkin Carving 2009

Here we getting started with our pumpkin carving.

Garfield (G2) decieded that he would join us

Diligently working on the pumpkin projects.

Logan and Raylie lovin the carving

Chantelle hard at work with her Bride and Groom carving. :)

Daniel working hard on the Bride and Groom as well

A tribute to Craig he loves the Patriots, this is a patriot sign

Mom and Dads finished product we have tradition every year I cut the top off clean it out then Dad carves the pumpkin.

All the finished pumpkins and the carvers. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More fun with the Grandkids

We went to SLC for Conference Weekend and arrived on Fri. I have been wanting to see all the baby animals that have been born this fall so we went Fri afternoon. We had a good time and I love seeing those cute little babies. There was a baby elephant, three tiger cubs, baby Giraffe, and a baby monkey you can see the little white head between the moms arms. There was a baby snow leopard as well but didn't get a good picture of him/her. All in all it was fun and I had my fix of seeing the baby animals.

The first part of Sept. we went to SLC for Logans eye appointment and Ellie decided she wanted to come home with me so I had her for a week. She did very well being away from mom I was surprised. It was great having her here and getting to know here cute little personality.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Garfield #2

This is Garfield #2, Monday Laurel (my friend) called and wanted me to come to her house for a minute. So when I got to her house, she said I have an early birthday present for you, and at that time her cat (Tigger) walked by or at least that is who I thought it was. And I said oh your going to give me Tigger for my birthday and she said no that is not Tigger it is your birthday present. So we now have a new kitty he is a sweet kitty he is between 1-2 years old it has been fun to have a kitty in the house again I was missing having a kitty in the house. So thank you Laurel for the great B-Day present.

The very top picture is a picture of Garfield #1 just so you can see the similarities (garfield #1 is alittle bit on the fatter side)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fun with Grandkids

Brittany and Josh's schedules overlaped so the kids came to play at grandma's house we made some cookies they had fun but it wasn't a real goode idea because then all I did was eat them of coarse I had alot of help but I ate way to many. But we had fun making them anyway. Looking and cute Lucas and his chubby cheeks it looks like he joined in on eating to many cookies. :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Monday Aug. 31 I received a phone call from my brother in CA. he told me that mom was on her way to the hospital, when he called her she was very confused and he was very worried about her he kept her on the phone as he called my sister in SLC and anyway long story short Kathy called 911 and off to the hospital mom went with a blood pressure of 50/20 not so good. They found a hematoma by her right kidney, which they figured she got when she feel on July 22nd. A UTI (urinary tract infection) which turned into sepsis so at the time Kim called she was in septic shock not good considering that only 25 percent of the people make it after getting it. THANK YOU KIM for calling when you did. They drained as much off of the hematoma as they could and the body will take care of the rest. She is home now on antibiotics and doing pretty good she is weak but doing a little better everyday. We love you mom and remember when you come to visit I am going to take you on a Rhino ride in the red hills of Southern UT.
On Tues when I went to water the flowers at moms I saw this cute little lonely petunia in the driveway. As I was thinking and remembered the picture I took of the ambulance that brought Dad home the day he past away, it is sitting pretty much right where they brought Dad out of the ambulance. I am thinkin it is just a nice little memorial from his beloved flowers that he cared so much about. We love you Dad, keep those gardens beautiful. :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Craigs Mission Call

Most of you know but for those who don't Craig is Sharise's boyfriend and he just received his call. He actually received it on Thurs Aug. 20 but his Dad was out of Town so he keep that white envelope sealed until this morning when his Dad could be here when he read where he will be serving for the next two years. He is way excited to get going and I will let him tell you where he will be going.

If you didn't catch it, it is the Jackson Mississippi Spanish speaking mission. He is way excited to serve there. He will be leaving Oct. 14th. So just enough time to get ready to leave. Good luck Craig you will be awesome!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Some fun short videos

Some more of our little get away. These are video clips that I told Danette I would put on. I will practice on taking better video with my camara for the future.

Des and Ellie enjoying a ride on the on the zipline

Daniel taking a ride he was going a little slow, grandpa needed to grease it up

Ron's turn, notice Daniel forgot to take the box away, made it difficult for Ron's landing. :)

Logan, Raylie, Ellie and Abbie flying. They all had a great time at Lagoon.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Summer Fun in the Mountains

Saturday we went and visited Grandma and Grandpa Great (Fowlks) who are up at Oak Crest Girls camp helping out for the summer. We went on the zip line and road 4 wheelers and the kids did some archery. It was a fun day, we all had a great time Thanks for inviting us Grandma and Grandpa
This is a Diner that we stopped at for dinner on the way home from Oak Crest. The Diner traveled all the way from Rhode Island and was planted here in Oakley. It was a fun place to eat and had great food.
The building you see is the the condo we were in it was a nice one. The other pictures are different views of beautiful scenery around the condo and on the way home from Oak Crest Camp.
Tues. was the day we spent at Lagoon, it was a perfect day. It was not croweded the kids did not have to wait in line at all they went from ride to ride. We had to drag them away around 8:00 they all were troopers they could have stayed till it closed but the adults were tired. :)
We had fun at the pool
We had a day at Pine View Reservoir. We had fun on the wave runners and playing in the sand and Raylie and Ellie had a great time feed the Seagulls, they went through a bag of tortilla's and a loaf of bread I think that the birds where pretty full at the end of our stay.
The last of our days at the condo and on the way home. The sunsets were beautiful there. The scenery was gorgeous and the kids loved playing with uncle Daniel.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Some random picture of my grandkids I love them all.

Just some random pictures of my cute grandkids. It has been a crazy summer this far but can't wait till next week when I can spend some time with most of them . Going to Eden UT with the family, will be going to Lagoon for one and many other fun things. Picture's of that to come. Then in Aug. Danette will be coming and spending some time with us. It will be a great ending to a rough beginning of summer. Love all you guys.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dad's journey from this life to the next

This is the moment that my dad was waiting for, to come home and be in his own home, out of the hospital. He had been in the hospital from June 10th -Jul 3rd, that was way to long for my dad. He did not like being away from my mom overnight so this was really hard on him in so many ways. He knew he was home and then he went peacefully 1 hr. after his homecoming.

This is the program the picture on the front is his amazing greenhouse and all his beautiful flowers. The picture on the back dad planting his garden just this past May (thank you Danette for this picture that I will always cherish) and the poem we found to go along with the picture. "Our fathers toil with hands and heart"

The viewing and funeral service's were really nice, we saw family and friends we had not seen in years. It is to bad sometimes it takes a funeral to see people we have not seen in years. But it all went really well. My Dad looked very peaceful. The football trophy that you see in the middle is the trophy that they won in 1944 when they took All State. My dad was an amazing football player. He played varsity all three years his Senior year when playing against East for the championship, East had a pot for anyone that could take Frank Holt out of the game. Well someone did and Jordan lost the game and that was the beginning of my Dad's knee problems. I thank Jordan High for loaning the trophy to us to display at the viewing.

This is his final resting place on this earthly existence. I know that now he is pain free and that he is having a wonderful reunion with his loved ones that past on before him. I know that I will see him again, he will have the gardens in Heaven looking as good as he had his garden here looking. I love you Dad.