Friday, November 1, 2013

August, September and October all rolled into one!

Life continues to move forward, all with the good and the bad. August came and went with not to much going on, Sept brought another trip to SLC, with the passing of my brother in law (my sisters husband), that was Sept 3, he had been sick for so long with many things failing in his body. I was able to be there in the hospital when he passed, and again felt the sweet spirit that is there when the body and spirit are separated. Was a very nice funeral, he is missed by all, but I have the reassurance that I will see him again. And of coarse with funeral comes the opportunity to see family members that you haven't seen in awhile.
 This is a picture of my two brothers, sister and my mom, I treasure this picture.
Wish we could see each other more but there again life goes on and we do what we have to do to survive. 
This was the sunset as we were driving home from the funeral, it was beautiful.

The middle of Sept was another trip up North, this time for fun to see my cute Emma ice skate, and to make her hair piece, she took first place, she is such a good little skater, has been skating since she was 4, she will turn 12 on her next b-day.

I then brought my mom home with me to spend a couple of weeks here with us in Sunny St. George. We had fun, although she ended up getting bronchitis, but she was a trooper she had planned on doing and seeing a few things and that is what we did, drove up Cedar mountain to see the fall leaves.
 Mom is not in the picture because she did not want to make the hike back where we did she hung out in the car for a bit.
 It was a very pretty drive!!  She wanted to see the new boulder dam bridge so we drove to Vegas and there she did want to make it to the top and she did just that, with her walker in hand she walked her way to the top and about a 1/4 of the way across the bridge.

We did a few other things around St. George but she did take a few days to rest being that she was not feeling plum with the world (as my dad would say). We took her home when we went up to General Conference.
Also in October I grew a year older, it is funny how I don't feel any older until I get out of bed in the morning or after sitting for a while, I can't just stand up and start walking like before, I have to take a minute for my body to remember what it is suppose to do! My children (the ones that are here) took me to lunch, I enjoyed spending a few minutes with them. Spent the day with Sharise and that night when Ron returned from SLC, we went to a movie The Saratov Approach, this movie came out the day of my birthday, I had been wanting to see it. I also bought myself a present that day, I upgraded my phone from a Galaxy S2 to an S4, still learning all there is to learn with this phone.
                              Picture at lunch, with two of the cuties, not sure where Luke was at the time.

This brings us to UEA weekend we made a quick trip up North for a close family friend who lost her mother. On the way up we met the Ogdens in Orem at  the Shops at Riverwood and the Beach place there and had a fun time bowling and playing croquette.  We brought the Ogden children back home with us on Fri. we then had fun cousin time at Grandma and Grandpas. On Saturday we drove to Pine Valley to have lunch and let the kids play and hike. I had some picture on my phone but of coarse being a new phone and having the gallery different than my last I deleted a whole file instead of just one picture that I thought I was deleting.  :( so I have no picture of the fun on the mountain. That night Des and Mark made it and we celebrated mine, Craig and Raylies' birthdays.
Sunday Desirae and Josh played piano cello duet in Sacrament meeting, they did an awesome job.
Again it was great having them here and having family time!! The Ogdens left on Monday.

Then in a week we were back up North for another funeral, Rons' uncle past away. This is the brother to his mother whom in July just lost her husband, we have had quite the summer and fall for funerals and we are hoping that is it for awhile.

This brings us to the end of Oct which we all know what that is, I have some great picture of all of our cuties. ( except my oldest cutie he didn't stay dressed up long enough for pic)
 Above is a picture of Emma as Welch's Jelly and of course we can't have the jelly without the PB her friend.
 This is the cast of St. George characters
 This is Abbie O and Abbie C, Abbie O belongs to this clan the one with the colorful dress
 This is our little stick man Kaiden, it was a hoot watching him walk around glowing!!
 This is the TX cuties
And little miss Ellie the Red headed fairy!!

I love technology today, so that we can almost feel like we are with our family wherever they may be!!
Whhooo that's done, now we are into November and we have some fun adventures coming up the end of the month so stay tuned!!!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sweet and precious moments!!

At times like this, it is so hard to live away from our parents, and family members. I had the wonderful opportunity to spend the last few days (July 15-19) with my second set of parents, one being with Mom Fowlks, to support her in anyway that I could, and the tender last few days with Dad Fowlks. Ron was there from Sunday to Wednesday, came home wed and was back Thursday night.
The AML ( Acute Myeloid Leukemia) that Dad was diagnosed on May 2 giving him 2 months to live, was pretty spot on, we were blessed to have him with us for 2 months and 17 days. 
Four years ago (July) I lost my dad and had the opportunity to be with him as he left this mortal life, and as I sat with Dad Fowlks with other family members in his room in the ICU, and experienced this once again, I realized how thin the veil really is as the spirit leaves the physical body. The sweet feeling and spirit that is felt.
I experienced some sweet tender mercies, between mom and dad, dad not being able to open his eyes or talk much with us, but knowing that he truly loved his sweet bride of 58 years. Witnessing the pain that mom was feeling as she sat next to her sweet husband and stroked his hand or his head, and the love that she has for him.
He passed away at 3:45 am Friday July 19th surrounded by loved ones.
His funeral was July 27 we had family member needing to get here from TX and MS.
It was along week for mom.
His viewing was very well attended with people arriving 1/2 hour early, with a steady stream till 8, his viewing on Sat was the same, I think the funeral was about 1/2 hour late due to the many people that came to pay their respect. That truly tells you how many lives that Dad touched.
The funeral was wonderful with talks and beautiful musical numbers.
I am so grateful to know we will see our loved ones again as we pass from this earthly existence!!



Saturday, July 6, 2013


We had a great time in Florida with the Mclane family, there was 7 of us in the motor home. We stayed at Fort Wilderness in Disney World, had 3 days at 2 of the parks, Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. We went to Cape Canaveral, and Destin Florida which had the most beautiful beach.  Destin is defiantly on my bucket list of places to return to, the sand is so white and the finest sand I have ever seen. Give me some days there to lay on the beach and play in the waves and I would be a happy camper!
Here are some pictures of our fun!!!

This was Oscar's favorite place to ride
Annie's play area
 Henderson Marsh
One of the many bridges we went over
Water on both sides of the road
This is some ones back yard, by the church we attended

 Miss Annie in charge, (we were parked)
Fort Wilderness
Boat ride from RV Park to Magic Kingdom

 Carly and Mary Poppins

 I love the way Carly is looking at Ariel, she is Carly's favorite

 Annie would not leave the ears on so all we have is the pic with them on her
 Splash pool at Fort Wilderness
 RV Park at Cape Canaveral

 Lego's kept the kids busy on the long rides, they played for hours

On our way back to TX
We had an awesome time and A BIG THANK YOU to Chad and Danette for inviting us along with them, we made some great memories for sure!!!!!!!