Friday, March 11, 2016

Guard's Arky

Guard is almost four.  And he still has a binky.  What is wrong with his parents??!!
It was so beyond time to get rid of the binky!
When we mentioned it to Guard, he was quite upset and hesitant.  But, we had Kate talk to him about putting his binky in a stuffed animal (like we did with her binky).  Guard was a bit more on board after that. 
We tried to find a time to go to Build-A-Bear, but was just so busy.  And Guard kept his binky every night.  Finally, one day at JoAnn's Guard spotted a cute little arctic seal and asked for it.  After examining it, I was pretty sure I could open the seam, put the binky in and sew it up.  So, Guard went home with his seal and named him Arky.
Luckily for me, putting in the bink was a piece of cake.  It took five minutes and Arky was stitched up without a problem.
Guard loves him!
Not sure what we were so worried and nervous about.  Guard hasn't had a problem at all sleeping at night without his binky.  If he has Arky, he's good.  It was definitely time for the binky to go!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Enoch's Talk

Today, Enoch gave a talk in Primary.  He spoke about the topic of God creating man.  This may sound like an unusual topic, but there is a story behind it.
A few weeks ago, Enoch was watching NOVA after school.  He watched an episode on Darwin and evolution.  I asked him what he had learned.  He told me that humans evolved from fish.  I told him that humans did not evolve from fish, but we were created by Jesus under the direction of Heavenly Father.  He started arguing all his 'scientific evidence' and was quite insistent.  I told him what I believed, what the scriptures say and I invited him to pray about it.
A few days later, Enoch came to me and told me he had prayed about where we come from.  He received an answer that we were created in the image of God by Jesus Christ.  When it was time to give his talk, he wanted to talk about
In Genesis 1:26-27 it says,

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

I know these words are true because I prayed about them. I know that Heavenly Father created our bodies and sent us to earth to learn and grow, to become more like Him. This is part of His plan. I am thankful for this because we can have a body in heaven after we are resurrected and be more like our Father in Heaven and Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
So proud of him!