Thursday, April 30, 2015

Scattered Thoughts

1.  Guard must be eating Oreos again - only the cream.
2.  Our bees swarmed again.  This time they hunkered down in the apple tree.  Greg is always so good to gently take care of them.  Guard thinks it is a show.  He gets out his chair and snacks and watches Greg get the bees back to their hive.

3.  When I got out of the shower today, Guard told me he had made a sandwich.  With a lid.  Huh?  Sure enough, he had made a strawberry cream cheese sandwich, with two slices of bread (not open-faced).  His sandwich had a lid.

4.  It must be spring!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Eye Balls

I love toddler's views of their bodies.  They are figuring out how their bodies work, identifying body parts and trying to make sense of it all.  Guard is hilarious in describing his body:

1.  "My eye balls can see those deer in the field."
2.  "My eye balls!!  My eye balls!!"  (Screaming this is after he rubbed shampoo in his eyes during his bath.)
3.  "I have blood in my body.  See my blood."  He opens his mouth as wide as he can.
4.  "Mom, can I sit on your lap?  I'm bony, but its okay because you're squishy."  (This is my favorite!)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Kite Flying

 This is such a great time of year.  The  sun comes out.  It's warm - or somewhat warmer than is has been.  The spring and summer toys come out.  We can't wait to get outside.
Today, we flew Enoch's Easter kite.  And had an incredible time.  And got sunburned.  Got to get back into that habit!
 Guard got out his Easter present and had the most wonderful time.  He loves to be so free and independent.  And big - boys don't feel any bigger than when they get their first bike.  He always remembers to wear his helmet, which makes his mom very happy.  He is so cute!
 Awww - we love spring!  So much fun!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Tulip Festival

Isn't spring amazing!  Isn't spring fabulous!  We are loving the warmth and beauty of spring this year.
We were able to enjoy the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival today as a family.  So stunning!
The flowers were stunning, but the best part was being with our entire family.  Gavin was able to join us and that meant so much to us.  We haven't seen him a lot lately.  We had a wonderful time with him and our family.

We had smiles all around.
We loved exploring.  The kids always gravitate toward the water - the Monet pond, the Secret Garden fountains and the waterfall.  The weather was warm enough that the water felt great.
We ended our outing with ice cream.  How could we not?

It was one of those perfectly lovely afternoons with our family.  Times like this don't always happen in families.  When it does happen, you thank your Heavenly Father for all you have.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Scattered Thoughts

1.  Greg, Guard and I were able to attend the fourth grade Utah program today.  The kids did great!    They sang songs, told stories and shared with their parents what they have learned.  Enoch did his state report on Duschesne county and he loved learning new facts about Utah and it's history.  Performing in the program wasn't his favorite thing, but I did catch him singing a few words here and there!

2.  All of us wearing blue for our cousin, McKay, on rare genetic syndrome day.

3.  We love spring flowers at Thanksgiving Point Farm!  We are ready for summer!

4.  And just when we thought it was spring - snow!  Why am I always surprised?  It always snows in April and May as well.  It's just such a shock after a glorious weekend of sun and warm.