count-up to 1000 miles

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our bikes

So much of our day is spent on our bikes. Okay, not MINE per se, but JT and Baby girl definitely are on their bikes a large part of the day (I allow them inside) and DB finally has realized the joy of bike riding and can't wait to get out and ride after school. Because of his sudden interest, I finally got my bike put together after the move and hitched on the trailer so Baby Girl can come with us on longer rides. We have had so much fun the last couple of weeks on our bikes! We love to ride over to Publix (see previous Publix post) and get our cookie and ride home. We take the long route around the pond and look for gators, ducks, cranes, and fish. And SOMETIMES that wears JT out. Which makes me even more grateful for our bikes.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My snack size Snicker stash

Today was one of THOSE days. Yes, you know what I am talking about. Sleep deprived, not feeling good, doctor's appts, But you know what? It turned out to not be so bad because of my secret stash. Ben, don't you even worry about it--you are never going to find them! I just took out three of those bad boys and all my troubles melted away. I am grateful that some genius made a snickers bar in the first place, but then to make them travel size/calorie wise, really needs a medal. I am grateful that they made me feel better. That little shot of chocolate just made everything a little less blah and I was able to have a better attitude. I am grateful that with all the inventions that has made life a little easier, we have been blessed to have some things that make life a little sweeter also.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Oh how I love naptime. As awful as it sounds, it is pretty much my favorite time of day. It is like our family's Siesta! Everything shuts down and there is just silence. Today JT AND Baby Girl are down for a nap, which is unusual because JT thinks he is too old, but the three of us are sick, so they needed a nap badly. I am grateful for this time to do whatever I want! I have watched TV, done laundry, took a shower, blogged, and had lunch. I know that once the minions wake up I am going to wish I just napped too, but what do you do. I am grateful for a little bit of peace and quiet during the day to rejuvinate and prepare for the tornado we call 4-8pm. I love naptime!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Calling(s)

I have the best calling in the church right now. I am the Primary teacher for the 10/11 year old girls. There are 3 of them, and one currently investigating. It is the most awesome primary class I have ever taught. They are good girls--smart, funny, teachable, humble....everything I wasn't. They are wonderful! I have had a primary calling for about 8 years now, and I love it! I am grateful for the Primary program in the church and all that it does for the chilren. I also recently got called to be the ward Girls' Camp Director, and I am looking forward to that. I am grateful for the chance the church give us to serve in different capacities throughout our lives that help us to grow and stretch and learn and love all at the same time. What an inspired thing, to CALL us to serve instead of letting us pick and choose what we THINK we want. So many opportunities would be missed if we chose our service from our narrow point of view. I am grateful to have been called.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Internet

I am grateful for the internet. That and cell phones. After depending on these things for so long, I look back at my life and wonder how we ever survived without them? How did anyone ever get the answer to a question? How did you call someone for help when you were stranded with a broken down car? How did you keep the kids entertained while you took a shower? How did you keep your schedule straight? How on earth did I ever get my research papers done on time? I realize that there has been so much negative that has come wtih the advances in the internet...for me it is mostly the TIME I lose in my life from mindless browsing....but the positives are so worth it! I am able to keep in touch with friends all over the country much more easily, I am able to talk/text my mom whenever I want, I can get quick answers to questions on anything, and I am so grateful!

Friday, November 25, 2011


I am grateful for nature. We had Thankgiving in Gainesville, FL where Ben's sister lives. They have a cute little house surrounded by so many trees! When I was loading up the car this morning, I could smell the nature. Okay, it was probably all the pine needles on the ground surrounding me, but what is more indicative of the smell of nature than the smell of pine! I am so grateful to be surrounded by so many beautiful things innature. From trees (from pine to palm, I love them all....except for Russian Olive) to flowers, to the mountains (on vacation in Utah) and the beach. We have been so blessed to live in a country with so much diversity in nature. I am grateful for beautiful sunny days at the park, crisp evenings snuggled in watching a movie, stormy days spent building forts with chairs and blankets, starry nights spent searching the sky for planets and ufo's, and although I could do without the extremes of any of these, I really wouldn't appreciate the perfect-ness of it all without those extremes. I am grateful to have been able to live in different parts of this diverse country and witness for myself some pretty amazing thigs in nature. The wide and powerful Mississippi, the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean, the grandeur of Zion's Canyon, sprawling cotton fields, gigantic trees in California, mysterious gyesers in Yellowstone, the wide open spaces and barren expanses of Texas, so much to see and appreciate! I can't wait for a time in my life that I can explore even more! I am grateful for the beauty that Heavenly Father has surrounded me with.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bing Crosby....well, Music, really

We pulled out the big guns this morning. Bing Crosby is our Christmas big gun. There is nothing that gets you in the Christmas spirit faster than Bing Crosby's White Christmas. I wait all year long until Thanksgiving so that we can start listening to the Christmas music. I am so grateful for talented people that share their gift of music. It can be hard for me to feel the Spirit much in Church sometimes, surrounded by my munchkins, but whenever there is a musical performance, I ALWAYS can feel it. I am grateful that people are blessed with the gift of music. I wish I had that gift. Put me next to a good singer in the choir and I am good to go, but let's just say I have never been invited to give a solo performance. (or even duet/quartet for that matter!) I am grateful that my kids love to sing, and that they all still learn better when there is a song involved. DB is learning his Articles of Faith and is depending on the songs to help with the harder ones. Kids learn their ABC's first through a song. I am grateful for music.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I am so grateful to live so near a GOOD grocery store. It is so clean, neat, and the employees there are always so happy! I have never had an experience with an unhappy employee. They are so friendly and helpful. They give my kids free cookies and balloons every time we go there (which, during DB's breaks from school is every day!!) and they have BOGO sales that can be pretty awesome. It is so nice to have such a great place to go shopping and not be totally annoyed by the end of my shopping trip. That usually happens for me at Walmart. The employees there bug me just because they are not happy people at ALL. Anwyay, back to being positive.....I am grateful for my Publix.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I am thankful for Grandparents. My kids have the most amazing grandparents who love them and support them from so far away. They will call to encourage DB with homework, provide some much needed incentives for better grades, listen to stories that I am sick of hearing, send love notes in the mail (they check EVERY day to see if there is some mail for them) and come out to see them as much as they can to spoil them while they are here. (see previous "My Parents" post) I also have been so lucky to have the most amazing grandparents. I am grateful to come from an amazing line of strong, faithful, loving people. I am the oldest grandchild on my mother's side and I was blessed to know my Grandpa a bit more than some of my very young cousins and I am so grateful for that. I remember arguing with him about Robert Redford once. Such a funny memory. I am grateful to have so many wonderful memories of my grandparents, and to be able to continue making memories with my Grandma P. I am grateful for the capacity that grandparents are able to fill in a child's life. Grandparents get away with stuff that a parent never can, but that a child needs to witness for themselves. I am grateful for grandparents!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dearest JT

Hello my son, You are my big 4 year old now! You truly are growing right before my eyes, although it is often to get a really good look at you because you really don't hold still for very long. Most pictures of you are blurry. You are so full of energy and life, that it can be exhausting for me and your dad. We are learning so much from you every day. You are teaching us about joy, patience, excitement, exhaustion, energy, and laughter. You go strong all day long, putting all your effort into anything you do. If we had half your energy, I can't even imagine what we could accomplish in a day! I have endeavored to do some new things in my life that don't scare me so much anymore because of what you have show me to be possible! You are a light in our family. You bring so much joy and laughter to our family and prove to us each day that if we want something badly enough, we have only to apply ourselves and anything is possible. You are able to make us want to wring your neck and kiss your sweet little dimple all at the same tim. Your smile is absolutely dangerously infectious and it is so hard to be mad at you when you flash those ivories at us. We love you so so much and are so blessed to have you in our life. We love our JT! Love, Mom

New Toys

I am grateful for new toys. JT's birthday is today, and the new toys he got today kept all three of the minions entertained pretty much all day with NO fighting. The best part was that the main toy he liked was an Imaginext castle that we scored at the local Goodwill for $3.50! Those babies usually go for 30-40 at the stores. We have all fall birthdays at our house, so we wait all year long for new toys....and yes, I say WE because even I need the kiddos to have new toys by the end of the year. We are all bored by the end of the year! We have had a blast with Baby Girl's new toys from her birthday too. I am grateful for the creative people who manage to create a toy that keeps JT's attention for longer than 5 minutes. I am grateful for toys that spark my kid's own creativity and ingenuity and imagination. I am grateful for new toys!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Muffin Sundays

As much as I don't like 1pm church for our family, I am grateful that it provides us with time in the morning to relax and eat muffins! I am grateful that we can have a calm, relatively peaceful morning with a relaxed breakfast, nice music or Veggie Tales in the background and there is no rush to get DB out the door. I am grateful that Ben let me sleep in on this Muffin Sunday since I stayed out late with my girlfriends last night at a very corny movie. I am grateful that Sundays give me a chance to recharge and prepare for the week. I am grateful for muffins. I mean, seriously. Who doesn't love a good muffin.....and we really only have them on Sundays, so I've gotta give them props in this post too! Little bites of wonderfulness, if you ask me! Anyway, I am grateful for my warm, cozy, easy going, delicious Muffin Sundays.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Today I am grateful for basketball. Since moving away from UT, there really hasn't been ANY opportunity for me to play b-ball for myself, but now I find myself in the middle of b-ball season with my boys. I am the coach for JT's 3-4 year old team and DB is on a 3rd grade team. I love to see them learning how to play. I love to get a ball in my hands and just dribble. Ben and I got on the court at the YMCA after our workout the other day, and I had such a good time shooting free throws and shooting from my sweet spot from 15 years ago. I really hope that at least one of my kids ends up loving b-ball as much as I did. It is such a good game to play. One funny story....I told DB's coach that if he needed any help during the season that I would be happy to help, and he had the nerve to look me in the eye and say, "yah, if your husband is ever around, I might be able to use his help on a couple of the games on Saturdays." UMMM. EXCUSE ME??? It took all the control I had to CALMLY tell him that I was the baller in our family, and I would be able to have the TIME to help, and that is why I was offering to help. Dude. Seriously? Like a girl can't teach a 7-9 year old kid how to dribble/defend/shoot? Whatever. I am over it. Okay, not really, but I am working on it. Meanwhile, back at the ranch......I am grateful for the greatest game ever--basketball.

Friday, November 18, 2011

My Parents

I really have been posting every day....I just was having technical difficulties and couldn't figure out how to publish the posts!! I am back. I am so grateful for my wonderful parents (both sets!!) Most people think that they have the greatest parents in the world, and I am no different. I have been so blessed to have 4 people who love me for who I am, 2 of which are responsible for who I am! It is so interesting to be a parent now and look back on my life and truly appreciate what my parents were thinking/feeling when I made the choices I did or said the things I did. I think that is probably the main reason that children grow up to have their own kids. Redemption for the parents. To finally have your kid realize what they did you to as a person!! I love my parents and am so grateful to have been blessed to have them in my life.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I read a whole book today. I still feel like I had a relatively productive day so I don't feel guilty about it at all either. I love that you can open up a book and be swept away to a different time, place and/or event. I love that I can sit with my kiddos and read silly stories or learn about something new. I am grateful that there are books about anything you can possibly think of, written in a way that can be understood and appreciated. I am even grateful for Captain Underpants books and Pokemon books. I feel like a better person when my children and I have all read something good for the day. I am grateful for the gift of books.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The monkey

We have a monkey backpack (leash) that we use for JT, and I truly am grateful to whoever invented that thing! That backpack has saved the boy's life too many times to count, and it sure comes in handy at all the parks that we have visited while living here! It was a $15 investment, completely and absolutely paid for itself in a day. He has learned to hate the thing, but he still can't get it off and it keeeps him safe and with us whenever necessary. When he has it on, people either look at me with complete disgust that I would leash my kid, or they ask me where they can get one. Judge all you want, but I am grateful for the monkey!

Modern Medicine

Where would my family be without modern medicine? One of us would have died this year alone. Two of us would have died in 2002, and yet another of us would have completely lost an arm this year. I am so grateful to have been blessed to live when medicine is so advanced. I am grateful for competent people that put themselves through school so they are able to save lives. I am grateful for the technology that has allowed those same people to learn how to best care for my family. Not to mention the technology that is in place to help me make more informed decisions regarding my family's health. I am grateful for antibiotics, breathing treatments, pain name it...I am grateful for it!

Monday, November 14, 2011

To Live In FL

Ben's parents are here this week and today we went to Sea World. I truly am grateful to live in FL. TN was an amazing experience where we met some amazing people, but I am grateful to live in FL where there is so much to do! DB learned a lot today at Sea World and it was so great to have some good times with Gramma and Grampa. I am grateful that FL has such wonderful weather, we couldn't have planned it better if we tried. I am grateful to live in FL.

Ragnar Friends

This post is going to be for Sunday. I had a Ragnar meeting last night with my running buddies, and I just love them all! I am so grateful to have made such good friends here who have inspired this new part of me. They have pushed me to do something I never thought possible, and I will be forever grateful for all those "Luna Chicks" or "Girls Gone Ragnar." Team name is still being voted on....

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I am so grateful for Saturdays, especially in the fall. I love going to basketball and soccer games in the morning. I love just hanging out with the family all day. I love that there is no stress over a schedule. I am grateful to have Ben and DB home on Saturdays. Saturdays are the reason that I do laundry on Fridays! Saturdays feel like our one really FREE day during the whole week! We can do all we want, or nothing at all and it is usually okay. Even our meals are laid back on Saturdays. I am grateful for Saturdays!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Washing Machine

Fridays are laundry day. Usually at the end of each Friday, I start to think that maybe nudists aren't so crazy after all! As much as I detest the chore of laundry, I am grateful that I don't have to do it all by hand or sit around waiting for the laundry to dry in the wind. I am grateful for nice smelling detergent and bleach. I am grateful to even HAVE clothes to clean. I know that there are parts of the world, even our own country where people would LOVE to have more laundry to do--that would mean they have more than one pair of pants to wear! I am grateful for the opportunity I have to do laundry. It means that my children are clothed each day, I have running water in my house, and I have the money to buy detergent. How blessed am I!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Holiday season

I am grateful for the holiday season. I have started to have so many daydreams of the holidays already! Last night I wrapped my first presents of the season and I have started planning all the delicious things I want to make/eat this season. I have been remembering holidays past and getting so excited to see the look on my kiddos faces on Christmas morning. I love the creativity that is blossoming as I come up with new homemade gifts or projects for the season. I am grateful for the holiday season already, but no...I haven't started listening to the Christmas music yet, out of respect for the Turkey.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

my iPod

I have become serious pals with my ipod as of late. Last night I stayed up syncing some Glee soundtracks rented from the library onto that bad boy. More specifically, I was adding new songs to my running soundtrack. I needed some new mojo during my run today, and there is nothing better than some new music to keep you going! I really don't know how/why people would ever run without music. Now, my ipod is a huge one that they don't even make anymore, so I don't even have a carrying case for it. I have a suspicion that Santa may bring me a shuffle this year in preparation for the race in January.....

I also love my ipod for the extra hour of quiet time he has given me in these early mornings after the time switch. Right now I have two movies on it: Curious George and G-Force. Those two movies got us through our traveling this summer and this week.

I am grateful for my ipod that keeps me going and slows my kids down for just an hour or so!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Baby Girl

I am so grateful for my beautiful baby girl! She is the perfect little pink caboose for our family! She has started in a bit on her 2-year-oldness, which is getting a little frustrating for both of us, but I wouldn't want her any other way. She is a little mama's girl, but she is usually the first one to scream out for joy when daddy is home and has the cutest little voice when she says, "Hi Daddy!!" I am grateful for my daughter who loves all things pink, but loves to jump in on the pile when Dad and the boys are wrestling. She is so dramatic over a tiny little owie, but doesn't bat an eye when she gets punched during said wrestling match. She hates to be dirty, but won't let me change her shirt for days at a time! I am grateful for my girlie that helps me keep things in perspective!

Can it still be November 7th?

I am going to dedicate this post to my darling 3 year old, JT. Yesterday just flew right by me all because of this little ball of energy in our house. Ben told him yesterday that whatever he lacks in obedience he makes up for in charm. He truly is a little stinker, but manages to get out of trouble so often because of his charm. He has the most amazing smile, and an infectious laugh. Woke up yesterday at about 5:00am and went strong all day until he literally just dropped on the couch and fell asleep at 7:20. Yes, the clock change has thrown us for a loop at our house. This morning he was up at 4:45!! He is undergoing a forced nap right now to try to stop that early morning madness. Anyway, we love our JT and our lives would absolutely be so boring without his energy around! I am grateful for this little boy that reminds me of what is important in life. Snack when you want to, play when you feel like it, sleep when you are tired and don't stop moving until you are done!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

my bed

Today I am so grateful for my bed. I haven't been feeling that great yesterday and today. I have felt so tired and everything has the flu was coming on or something but without the nausea. It has been so nice to snuggle into my soft warm bed and just rest. I know there are plenty of people in this world that don't have a safe warm place to snuggle in to for a little reprieve. I am so blessed to have a place to look forward to at the end of the day, a place that helps me recover. I can't even tell you how many times I lay on my bed at the end of a long day and say, "Oh, I love our bed!" It is almost part of my bedtime routine--and tonight will be no different. I love my bed!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


We have done a lot of food shopping in the last couple of days. Our cupboards were looking pretty sad and it was starting to take a bit of creativity on my part to put a decent meal in front of us, so we broke down and went shopping. Food, especially this time of year, means so much more than just filling a belly. I bought my first can of pumpkin for the year today and I am already planning out how best to honor that first can with the perfect recipie. So many memories are attached to so much of the food that you buy this time of year, so it is like when you buy it, you are investing in a revisit to a memory! There is some justification for you! (I know these are bad for me, but come on, I am revisiting an IMPORTANT memory!!) I have really been tutored lately on the importance of food as fuel, not just as food. As I have been running, it absolutely makes a difference in my run with what I ate the day before. There is definitely a balance to be learned over the holidays, making sure that the memories don't overwhelm the health, but I am going to give it a mighty try this year!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Garbage Men

This is a strange one, I know. Especially only 4 days in. And before REALLY important things. But today was garbage day, and I realized that our garbage man is really nice to my kids. He waves to them EVERY garbage day, even crunches up the garbage before driving away so that JT can stand there, wide mouthed, absolutely amazed by the awesomeness of the garbage truck. When I have spoken to him, he is respectful, doesn't dress like a giant slob (which you kind of expect, you know?) and is HAPPY. Like he is grateful to have a job, and is proud to be providing for his family. And he takes my trash away.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


First, I should point out that these gratitude posts are coming in no particular order. I obviously don't think of my car before I think of my children. It was late last night and I just wanted/needed to put something on there quick before I forgot and missed a day. It was only day 2! I had to be quick.

Now, down to business. I am so grateful for my DB. This morning he got Baby Girl out of bed, into the bathroom, helped her go potty and helped her get into some underwear. Then he guided both little ones downstairs to wake me up. He also cleaned up his room before coming downstairs. My DB rocks. He pushes me to limits that I didn't know were possible (good and bad limits, of course) but that is the whole point, right? For me to help him grow and learn, and for him to teach me what I haven't learned yet.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Car

Today I really am grateful for my car. For a while there we went without a car and just used Ben's work vehicle for getting around when necessary. That got to be quite rough and I really started to feel a bit like a prisoner in my own home! Our "new" little Honda Civic is just perfect for me and the kiddos to run around town in and gets the most awesome gas mileage that I don't have to feel guilty when I want to go somewhere.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Gratitude Goal

Inspired by my friend's FB post, I am going to attempt to post on my blog every day in November something that I am graeful for. That is 30 days of gratitude, baby!

Day 1--I am grateful for my husband. He works hard to support us while I stay at home and raise our little munchkins. He has completely supported this new running hobby of mine, even waking up early to feed the monsters their breakfast when I haven't gotten back from my long runs. He is a good daddy that has a knack for getting the kids out of my way when I am making dinner, and they can all usually be found wrestling on our bed when said dinner is ready. I am grateful for my Benny Boo.

Utah Summer Vacation 2009

Spring Break 2009

Our trip