count-up to 1000 miles

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dream Interpretation

I dreamt last night that I had acutally been cut from the basketball team in my senior year because I couldn't run fast enough. The veiwpoint of my dream was wierd, though. It was as if that had happened and I was just remembering it happen years ago. I was at my Grandma P's house with my brothers and sisters hanging out, and I couldn't get it out of my head how AWFUL it was that I didn't make the team in my senior year. So, I decided to go for a horse ride. I borrowed Mr. Miller's horse, "Old Jack" and went around the block. Just when I got out of view of Gram's house, that horse bucked me off and I grabbed on to the rain gutter of the nearby house. Old Jack wasn't content with that, though. He turned around and started to kick me with his rear legs. I was scooting along the rain gutter, screaming for help when someone came around the corner, but it didn't sound like they would be able to help me much because they couldn't stop coughing and crying about the scene before their eyes.......when I realized that it was Sarah coughing and crying and actually needed me for real. End of dream, beginning of long day.....although before getting her, I had to sit there and remember if I really did play ball in my senior year!

I have my own interpretation of this dream......I would like a DIFFERENT interpretation, though because I don't like mine. Anyone?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

On my way to bed

Well, I was just about ready to wrap it up for the night, but as tomorrow is Sunday and I know my brother will be looking for a blog post from me, here I sit at my computer. So here is your update my dear Brandon!

Ben has been in Utah since Wednesday. He went to celebrate the sealing of his brother James and now sister McCall. He said it was really wonderful and is so grateful that he was able to be there. I have been a little bummed that I have missed out on all the Shoff Family festivities this weekend, but what do you do.

DB has had a tough week, spending the whole weekend grounded. It really stinks to have a kid grounded though, because the parent is therefore grounded also. Especially when said parent is flying solo for the weekend!

I am currently beating Ben in the March Madness Bracket competition. 26 to 20. We both had BYU down for a win tonight, so I wasn't able to pull even more ahead. The winner of our competition gets to pick the next date we go on. Although, when I say "next" it makes it sound like there has been a previous date.....and there hasn't, unless you count his work Christmas party. Any family up for a vacation? We will give you a bed for one night of babysitting?? Any takers?

We are all working on our tan lines as it is consistently in the 80's here. I have so far held out with turning on the A/C though. Fortunately I sleep on the main floor and the kids sleep upstairs where it is hot. They haven't complained so far and they are all still sleeping through the night, so I hope to hold out on that A/C a little longer.

Utah Summer Vacation 2009

Spring Break 2009

Our trip