count-up to 1000 miles

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Thursday, June 18, 2009


We just got back from Utah after a three week vacay! Holy smokes, am I tired. DB even asked me last night as we were getting into our own beds if we could just stay home today. I told him we would probably have to go grocery shopping, and he adamantly refused to come with me. I think we wore him out. JT has been a happy little camper this morning just wandering around, exploring all of his "new" surroundings, and Ben is just happy to have us home. (Ben was only able to stay with us on vacation for 1 of the 3 weeks.)

It rained the whole time we were in Utah, except for perhaps one day, and we were gone from TN long enough that the weather here has SIGNIFICANTLY changed. We are under a heat warning today because of high temps AND high humidity. Good times......long summer ahead of us, I think.

We were able to do so much and see pretty much all of our family except for my brother, Joshie.
We are so grateful to have such wonderful family that takes us in and really shows us a good time. From Becca's wedding weekend, planting flowers, movies with Grandma and Grandpa, miniature golfing, fishing, hiking, camping (in the rain....a double adventure.....) lots of Wii playing, swimming in the backyard, wrestling, feeding the fish at Cabella's, a couple visits to the hospital to visit MaryAnn, lots of hanging out, and shopping there was hardly a dull moment.

I am already planning our next family outing, hopefully to South Carolina to see the beach, but will be happy with a week or so of recovery at home.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bringing balance to the force......

I have gained some weight. There is something about TN that has really just changed my body and the way I carry my weight. At first I thought it was all the deep fried stuff and barbeque, but as it turns out.........IT IS A BABY GIRL!!!!!!
She will bring a bit of balance to the TN Shoff force, and has Ben and I speechless. We are not exactly sure what to do with a girl. It should be yet another great adventure. She is due in October, and we are thrilled.

It was so much fun to show up in Utah with a baby bump to announce to my family, and let me tell you, they were surprised! My dad just thought I needed to lay off the bbq, and was wise enough not to say anything until I came out and showed him the ultrasound. That has definitely been a benefit to living far away--you can easily pull of big surprises.

As I was a little near sighted, I suppose I am going to have to change my blog name and/or address. I will have to figure that out eventually.

Utah Summer Vacation 2009

Spring Break 2009

Our trip