Sunday, July 27, 2008

Neighborhood BBQ

The neighborhood decided to do a BBQ on the 24th to celebrate Pioneer Day. We had good food, illegal fireworks, and a nice night. It doesn't hurt that half of our neighbors are also relatives, which meant there was no awkward small talk. Corb was especially greatful for that! I didn't take my camera, so thanks Teresa--I copied the pic from you.

Kristen, Emily, Nickie and I

Spending time with Dylin

Our latest adventure with Dylin. We have tried to do something about every week with Dylin while she is here. She leaves to go back to Mass. the first week in August. These pictures are from the Steel Days carnival. She and Tay think it is a great place. I personally have a different opinion, but we take them every year. We love Dyl dearly and hate it when we don't get to see her very often!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A gReaT dAy FisHIng wITh tHe FAm!

After being away from home for 8 days, we needed a day for just our family. We had missed the man that we live with! Jayce had to work, but the three of us loaded up and drove to Silver Lake. We had a nice time, caught four fish and just enjoyed being together.

Tay learned how to cast and spent most of the afternoon practicing. She got pretty good at it too!

Another week in Idaho

Tay and I stayed in Idaho the week following the 4th. We had a great time hanging with the family. Shelley and Micah left on Monday, but Galen and his family stayed for the week too.

One of Tay and Dyl's favorite pastimes is making banana bread with Grandma. They had been talking about it for weeks, and she obliged. What a good Grandma!

The best 2 year old share-er I know. Soph spent the week getting in Grandma's pantry snagging chocolate and marshmallows, but bless her heart she always got three of each. One for her, one for Dyl and one for Tay. She is kind and a smartie too!

Relaxing in the hot tub

Another day at the lake

My brother and his family camped by the lake for a couple of days, so we went back up one evening to go boating. It was lovely! Very relaxing, great company and awesome scenery.

Marji and Sophia at the dock--after "The Super Glue Incident". Mom, Kenze and I were watching Soph, but she managed to find a tube of super glue. My mom freaked out, she thought we had caused her to have to suffer with blindness for the remainder of her life. Alas, according to poison control super glue is not toxic! Who knew? So, after my mom recovered from a meltdown and Sophia put a "sticker" on her eye brow--all was well. Sophia just had an angry eyebrow for a few days!

Tay and Grandpa

Tay and Grandma, who finally felt brave enough to get on the boat. Did I mention she is not a swimmer?

Dad (he actually let someone else drive him in the boat) and Kenze

My water lovin' girls!

Sophie helping her daddy cruise around the lake

Dad and his boat! One of his true loves!

Tay at the dock--fully clothed because she was being eaten alive by mosquitoes.

We had a great week, thanks mom, dad and Kenze for putting up with us!

4th of July

Yes, I realize that I have been a slacker. We have been out of town and playing a lot. So let me catch you up. We went to Idaho for the 4th of July. It is tradition. My sister Shelley and her husband Micah come in from Seattle, and the rest of us trek up from Utah. We usually only get to all be together a couple of times a year, so it is always great to go home for the 4th.

We watched some rather lame fireworks, the ones we bought were about as good.
Sophia is a firebug! It is a little scary.

Dylin and Tay--this is about as exciting of a firework as Tay enjoys. She is a bit of a wimp.

Kenze and Jayce--a little dressed up for just watching fireworks, wouldn't you say?

We raft the river every year, but this year the river was too high. We decided it would be a more enjoyable weekend if there were no drowning fatalities. So we spent a day at the lake on my dad's boat--dad couldn't go, mom was scared to get on the boat with us (we are apparently not as safe on the water as my dad) and Galen and Marji didn't get much fishing done, unless you count retrieving the cooler lid and Sophia's shoe. But we did have fun!

My brother, Galen

My sisters and I
One of the premier social events of the year in my hometown!
The demo derby--we never miss!

Family Pictures
Okay, it had been a few years since the last family photo. So we had them taken by the river and at my great-grandparents old ranch. These are just some snapshots my sister took during our session.

The ones that the photographer took didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, but they will work. Isn't the scenery great? I love to go home.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Where The Green Grass Grows (Really)

Okay, so maybe some of you have wondered why my blog is called Where the Green Grass Grows, allow me to explain. I am a huge Tim McGraw fan. My husband and I listen to his music a lot and many of his songs remind me of great times being with him and our girls. "Where the Green Grass Grows" is one of those songs. It is us. We love where we live and we are blessed to have a good life.
The songs says:
"I'm gonna live where the green grass grows
watch my corn pop up in rows
every night be tucked in close to you
raise our kids where the good Lord's blessed
point our rockin' chairs towards the west
And plant our dreams where the peaceful river cools
Where the green grass grows"

Last Friday, Tim sang that song to us and it was also the day that we actually laid sod at our house. We finally really do have green grass! (Those of you who have been to our new house have probably wondered why I named my blog this when all I had was DIRT for a lawn!)
So, it was a great day! I got to see Tim in concert with the loves of my life--and go home to where the green grass really does grow--truly and metaphorically!
Tay and Dyl were great help!

My husband is one of the hardest working people that I have ever met! He is an amazing guy!

My mother-in-law came over to help as well as a couple of our neighbors. Notice my red rocking chairs--I love them! And they really do point to the west!

Finishing up! The front lawn is done after many nights of building a rock wall, putting in a sprinkler system and preparing for sod. And this great guy did it all!

Dyl's first concert! And Tay's first time at Tim McGraw! She has been so sad the last few times that we have gone to see him without her!

Jason Aldean opened for Tim. I must say, he was pretty good. We had great seats!

Here we all are! It was a really nice night, but I was fried! I forgot to put on sunscreen (but I did get it on the girls) while we were laying sod. I got a pretty bad burn.

McGraw '08 necklaces as souveniers!

Not the greatest video, Tim was much better in person! (By the way, it is NOT me who you can hear singing. The incredibly drunken girls sitting in front of us sang horribly LOUD)